I'm kind of ticked off. Last Wednesday, the scores for the 6th grade end exams were supposed to come online, and teachers could print them off and give them to the students, and then the official score letter would be sent a week later (today). Some friends of mine already got their kids' scores last week, and we were still waiting. So, they should have come today, but instead, we were told they will get them NEXT week. Apparently they didn't print them off because 20,000 kids' scores were messed up.
There's an unbiased company that scores the tests, and you get a point value based on how many answers you got correct. That point value falls in a range, which tells you which level of school you should be doing. Apparently, this company messed up the ranges, so some kids got a higher range listed than the one in which they scored. Like...87-92 is Havo, 93-100 is VWO. But some kids who scored say....90 points, it said that a score of 90 is VWO. It was discovered when teachers were shocked to see that some kids got much higher advice than what they expected, and then some kids would have the exact same score and for one kid it might say MAVO and for another it would say Havo. So they have known about this for a week and didn't tell us. So we've been waiting for DS's score, and then he hears TODAY that it's not coming until at least next week. They HOPE to have them sent out Tuesday or Wednesday, but Thursday and Friday the kids are free and it's a holiday so there won't be mail. So if they don't send the results on Tuesday, we won't get them until the following week! So we could have to wait another 2 weeks for the results. What I don't understand is that the teacher said the points assigned are correct...it just places them in the wrong categorie. So why not just look up what his point score is and tell us and we can look up the range? And why didn't they tell us about this last week?
We planned a nice dinner out to celebrate getting his score, and now we don't get the score, so we're celebrating getting the score that we didn't actually get. And he's in tears because he's already waited a month and it was supposed to come today. They could have at least let us know there was a problem and that the scores MIGHT be late so we could have prepared him for it.