Trip Report Part 11:
St. Maarten
Before we were getting closed (the day before) we rushed to the tours area to try to get one of the BUS tours that go around the island so my sister and her sons would get to see what the city as to offer.
but the horror!
all was sold out!
the only available was one of these "accessible" minivans for people with disabilities or mobility issues.
So we decided to get that, then the classic moans of "arggh no money, etc..etc.." my mom and I paid for their trip, problem solved.
Then my mom and I went to the mini tour of the island plus the submarine. As we were not a fan of the other tours that are mostly active, more boats or jetskis or more shopping crap
So .. the next day we got up kinda early.. the ship arrived at around 8 am and when we finished eating, we were already approaching and getting into the pier.
The ship was surrounded by ships this time.

On our left, it was the first Viking Ocean cruise ship, the Viking Sea.
On our right, it was full with the big Royal Princess, then the P&O Azura, then the Aida Diva which arrived later on...
First a Panorama of the Phillipsburg bay.

Some of the ships...

Then the Allure of the Seas and the Viking Ocean.
Then one of the beach where we arrived to get to the submarine.
The trip itself wasnt very eventful, we woke up, went to eat our pancakes, etc.. at Windjammer.
Then once we successfully arrived and the doors opened, we went downstairs to get in line for our number of tour.
Thankfully every area was very well positioned and the signs visible. We found our group rather easily.
Then once the time was up and the counting, we moved from the pier into the Sint Maarten bus section and we entered a tall.
Now the thing is.. we got the MOST HILARIOUS AND SASSY Tour lady.
She was constantly joking around and throwing real sass to his exhusband (the driver lol) and telling everyone she's the boss in the bus.
It was so funny and made lot of expressions, think of her as a very large lady with dreadlocks teacher and we were the students.
Anyway, the tour went in a quick way from the french side first, doing a mini tour of all the place thru the road, we had no stops until the beach where the submarine/boat was and then to Marigot for shopping mementos and stuff.
Unlike the other tours which stop at various places, including L'Orient Beach.. a lot of the places were also cut because they were unavailable thanks to the hurricane damage.
It was pretty sad but the visuals of the damage were still clearly around. Full of houses, hotels and restaurants still demolished or severely damaged. The heaviest hit seemed to be in the popular zones of the french side. With Marigot losing huge chunks of beach properties AND even full blown bridges.
On the submarinebeach area, there were only 6 restaurants operating out of the 20+ (I think she said 30?) and a lot of buildings were barely started to get fixed in this area. so it was yeah, pretty bad.
The submarine itself was pretty simple, its a medium sized (small yatch) sized boat, around 6-8 meters long, which had a small pressure hatch with stairs which leads down the lower part of the boat, which is full of glass on both sides, and seats that you set up after entering. They had AC on that made things very tolerable temps wise.. And you then advanced towards the reef and protected area.
Inside you could see a ton of fish in the rocky area.. then a scuba dude would go down and feed the fishes, causing a huge flurry of fish go around the windows. Also the windows had a big increment , like a magnifying glass or loupe. so you could see the details.
By the time the tour was ending, we passed the "grassy" area which was full of algae and there were a few turtles (pretty big) laying down and eating grass.
Once back up (the whole thing was like 1 hour and half).
We took the bus again and went towards Marigot, the interesting part was the huge monstrous clouds gathering on the french side of the island (towards the L'orient beach). It looked like it was going to rain hard.
But despite very strong winds on the first minutes, it barely chipped some tiny amounts of rain.
Which was hilarious as we were shopping, buying some stuff to gift our family back home.. and then everyone was scattering to cover their products, we went running back to the bus, where the tour lady asked if we went to the "world famous public Marigot restroom"... ??? XD
After that, we went the fastest way out of Marigot, as some of the main bridges were taken down by the hurricane and were still not available.
After that we went towards Philipsburg. Where you could drop off to make shopping or eat.
So we went down to eat something and pass the time. as We still had 3 hours left before we had to embark. And also the other problem was.. NOONE OF OUR PHONES WORKED.
It seems Marigot and Phillipsburg lost their North America compatible network signals and were using foreing (EURO?) and noone of our cellphones could get signal at all ( I had signal last time I was there if I remember correctly).
So we were wondering how we would find each other (remember I was with my mom and my sister with her sons on the other tour).

Anyway we had some food at the local restaurant by the entrance of the bay beach zone.. and we then decided to walk back.
The differences in Phillipsburg were clear as day.
When we entered the bay via the BUS from the opposite side of where the pier was.. one of the famous hotels made of wood.. was completely demolished.. and a ton of houses were lacking roof or severely damaged.
Also the Marina area was completely new and lacking all the vegetation that made the zone special.
Continued in Part 12