They were actually quite happy with heading west instead of north!!!
We are originally from Texas and have never lived anywhere except Texas, Alabama, California, and then back to Texas again in '76.
We would not have enjoyed the harsh winters up there, at all. Ice, and especially snow, are novelties to us down in this part of Texas (the mountains of West Texas and the high plains of North Texas being a different story).
Sure, it gets hot as h**l down here during the summer, but, it is also infinitely easier to drive through heat than ice and snow, sometimes not being able to drive in it, at all...!!!

I'm sure Rochester is a wonderful city, but, especially at our age, there is no way we would ever purposefully move north at this point.
Plus, DWifey lived in North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming for several years while her pop was in the Air Force, and absolutely detests cold, ice, and snow.
Although, she didn’t seem to have too many problems with all that during our few ski trips to Colorado and New Mexico that we took in the mid-late 80’s, she just doesn’t want to live anywhere near it...!!!!!