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Well I won't ask about beliefs, but that can be a very important thing when it comes to dating and marriage. It is easier to be on the same page when it comes to stuff like that.
I would agree with that...they are very important. But, parents can't really control what their kids believe. You raise them with your values and hope that they go in the direction you want them to, but putting restrictions on that kind of thing is also a good way to push the kids to go in the opposite direction. When I turned 18 and I finally got to vote for the first time, my mom told me as I was walking to the voting booth who I was supposed to vote for. She tried to control everything I did...even in college she tried to tell me I wasn't ALLOWED to get engaged because SHE hadn't given me permission. I told her that the law didn't require a 19 year old to have parental permission to get married. You have to be careful with that kind of thing that you don't just make it so your kid doesn't discuss things with you. You can have rules, and consequences for breaking them, but you can't control what they think.


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They were actually quite happy with heading west instead of north!!!
We are originally from Texas and have never lived anywhere except Texas, Alabama, California, and then back to Texas again in '76.
We would not have enjoyed the harsh winters up there, at all. Ice, and especially snow, are novelties to us down in this part of Texas (the mountains of West Texas and the high plains of North Texas being a different story).
Sure, it gets hot as h**l down here during the summer, but, it is also infinitely easier to drive through heat than ice and snow, sometimes not being able to drive in it, at all...!!! ;)
I'm sure Rochester is a wonderful city, but, especially at our age, there is no way we would ever purposefully move north at this point.
Plus, DWifey lived in North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming for several years while her pop was in the Air Force, and absolutely detests cold, ice, and snow.
Although, she didn’t seem to have too many problems with all that during our few ski trips to Colorado and New Mexico that we took in the mid-late 80’s, she just doesn’t want to live anywhere near it...!!!!! :coldfeet::cold::hilarious:;):)
Huh....where in Wyoming did she live? (not that it matters...just curious, as a Wyomingite myself.)


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I hope everyone has thawed out by now...I'm still playing Ketchup. BUSY week. But we've been up around 60F for the last few days and it's been GORGEOUS. Didn't even need a coat yesterday! So I hope you all are getting some nicer temps as well.

We got DS's advice for school on Friday. Exactly what we expected. His scores indicate VWO level (the highest), but he needs to stay in special education, which doesn't offer VWO, so he'll do HAVO (the next highest) and then he can choose when he completes that whether he wants to do 2 years of VWO and then go to University, or go straight to college and then go to University for a masters after that.

And we finally got our flights booked for Disney!! I'm soooo happy to have that done. And the flights are more arriving at the resort late at night. So I guess it was kind of a blessing that my card was rejected for suspected fraud the first time I tried to book flights. And now, it also cost less. Good all the way around.


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welp, I think my grandmah is on her way out.
It seems she got yet another stroke.. and mom got a call that she looks completely "out" of it (aka not very responsive and refuses to open her eyes). Doctors going to check her tonight.
Mom going to take the trip to visit her and hope for the best.
I'm so sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you got to spend some time with her at Christmas. When you say "hope for the best", what does that look like? Is that that she holds on longer, or that your mom makes it on time to say goodbye? That she goes peacefully? I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

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