It's a good idea to consider it, but remember when it comes to choosing where you go, you each need to decide for yourselves as individuals. There are so many things to factor in and you don't want to end up resenting the each other for what you gave up. For example, one person might be able to get a better scholarship at a different school....or might be torn between 2 different programs and one of the schools doesn't offer the other option. Those are huge things to consider and you don't want the other to have to give up one career choice so that they can go to the same school, or choose an inferior program for the same reason. If it all works out best for each of you, great, but try not to plan it to the point that either of you feel obligated to go along with something that doesn't actually work for you. I thought for sure I was going to marry my boyfriend....we talked about marriage and everything. (It was also a long distance relationship) I was so excited to hear that he was going to the same school I was so we would FINALLY be in the same place and we'd be able to see each other and go on dates. And then we broke up right after graduation and it ended up being really awkward because we were both music majors and had all our classes together and had to see each other every day. If I had chosen my school just based on the fact that he was going to go there, I would have been so upset and it could have affected my entire future for something that didn't pan out. So do what's right for YOU, and make sure she does the same. If you love each other, you will be motivated to work it out, no matter where you are.