The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we had that same problem on our last trip, but my family....I'm the only one who eats breakfast every morning. It's just some yogurt with blueberries and oats, but I eat breakfast every morning. But on vacation, we'll do some breakfasts just because it's hard to be touring all day and not have food in your system. But last time at Disney, we would wait until we were in the parks to get something for counter service breakfast....just using a snack credit. And I think that was our mistake. Snack, then late lunch....we weren't ready for a full meal by dinner time. So I think this time, we'll do some breakfast buffets, and then not really eat lunch at all, so we'll be ready for dinner at dinner time. And otherwise, on days when we don't do breakfast, I'll schedule the dinner ADRs for a bit later in the day. We also have the added issue that, because we're coming from a time zone 6 hours ahead, our stomachs aren't on Florida time, so we are wanting food at odd times.
But I say just do what works for your family. And if that's "wing it", then you "wing it."

It's just the 2 of us.... and we do just what you said on the weekends... we go for breakfast, skip lunch, and eat dinner later. After talking with hubby, I think we are going to just make the few ADRs we know we have to have, and then just wing the rest... and also when I do make ADRs, I'm going to make them for later in the day, apparently when we are in Disny 630pm is too early, but at home we usually eat around 5pm....


Premium Member
Yeah, we had that same problem on our last trip, but my family....I'm the only one who eats breakfast every morning. It's just some yogurt with blueberries and oats, but I eat breakfast every morning. But on vacation, we'll do some breakfasts just because it's hard to be touring all day and not have food in your system. But last time at Disney, we would wait until we were in the parks to get something for counter service breakfast....just using a snack credit. And I think that was our mistake. Snack, then late lunch....we weren't ready for a full meal by dinner time. So I think this time, we'll do some breakfast buffets, and then not really eat lunch at all, so we'll be ready for dinner at dinner time. And otherwise, on days when we don't do breakfast, I'll schedule the dinner ADRs for a bit later in the day. We also have the added issue that, because we're coming from a time zone 6 hours ahead, our stomachs aren't on Florida time, so we are wanting food at odd times.
But I say just do what works for your family. And if that's "wing it", then you "wing it."
Me coffee and fruit for breakfast, the guys full breakfast or 2 somethings from Baby cakes or a couple of large muffins, full lunch(dh and myself sometimes lunch salad), guys "snack" unless all you can eat lunch they once split a turkey leg before dinner after eating at CP for lunch, full dinner, guys late "snack". Snack could be anything from a frozen fruit bar to a turkey leg:banghead: It's easier for me to just plan the "meals" when we're on vacation. I bake and freeze a few dozen muffins before a trip to help with the first few mornings


Well-Known Member
Two words about unfair: Child Birth.
My dh would say that is apples and oranges because men cannot go through childbirth, but both men and women have hair. I get his point. I also wonder what is the purpose of men losing their hair. I mean why does it need to happen. Kind of like we have an appendix but don't need it. Hair on our heads is supposed to help keep us warm, so you would think that if you lived in a cold climate you should keep your hair. But there are plenty of bald men in Vermont, as @Goofyernmost can attest to.:hilarious:


Well-Known Member
For me, it's the privacy. So many of the "smart" devices now have cameras and such that can be hacked. I keep a piece of athletic tape over my camera on my laptop so that if someone hacks in, they can't see anything. I've seen programs on TV where they show how easy it is for someone to hack into your laptop camera and watch you, even when you think the camera is not on/being used. And I am certainly no expert when it comes to technology, so I wouldn't know whether it was possible to hack into or I'd rather just not have a screen in the room where I shower, etc. They can't hack into something that's not there. And maybe they couldn't even if it WAS there, but I don't want to take that chance. Just like some people not wanting to post pictures of themselves or their kids on a site like this. Statistically, that chance might be low of anyone using that information to stalk you, etc....but if it makes you feel safer, you do what feels right.
We have tape on ours also. Saw a similar video.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely agree with this -- each individual, each family, can customize their trip to their own specifications.

Not to freak you out, but I'm like your husband--I just "wing it" and I'm as happy as can be. For me, it's the one time a year I get away from any and all schedules, and I love to just let the days unfold naturally. (Important to note, a solo trip is far easier to handle in that manner, versus taking a family -- where you do need at least "some" structure or agenda, to make things flow more smoothly. Also, as a solo, I can take advantage of single rider queues on the bigger attractions, so I rarely even bother with fastpasses, etc.)
Well, we did wing it on our honeymoon and it was amazing. I can wing it with certain things. And I'm not a commando, but I do like to have a general idea of where we'll be when and how we are getting there. Like...there was one trip back home to check on my dad that my friend had told me I could stay with her, and then at the last minute, said she didn't really have enough room, and she was also supposed to pick me up from Denver airport and bailed on that, too....I had no car, no driver's license, and nowhere to stay. I had to get from Denver Colorado to Gillette Wyoming with no transportation and once I managed to get there, I had to find a place to stay. I was so stressed out. It all worked out, thanks to some really good friends, but I hate that feeling of instability. And DS needs a schedule, including food. He gets anxiety if he doesn't have all the info and know he'll get food he likes. So "wing it" just doesn't work for our family anymore. If it was just DH and I, we can deal with a certain amount of spontaneity. I can't deal with not having a hotel reservation....I need to know I'm going to have a place to sleep. But even this Summer, our tour through Germany, we really didn't have much of a plan except which cities we were going to be in for the first couple of days, and after that we just decided each night where we were going to go the next day and made a reservation. I prefer having a plan ahead of time, but it didn't give me too much anxiety. I think the difference for me in Disney is that there are so many things I don't want to miss, and if you are just being spontaneous, you don't know if you'll get to do those things. And, like you said, it's different with a group where it's not just your own have to take into account when everyone else is hungry, or needs a bathroom break, or that they want to sleep in or are early risers.


Well-Known Member
My dh would say that is apples and oranges because men cannot go through childbirth, but both men and women have hair. I get his point. I also wonder what is the purpose of men losing their hair. I mean why does it need to happen. Kind of like we have an appendix but don't need it. Hair on our heads is supposed to help keep us warm, so you would think that if you lived in a cold climate you should keep your hair. But there are plenty of bald men in Vermont, as @Goofyernmost can attest to.:hilarious:
But that's the whole point....why are women the only ones who have to experience pregnancy and childbirth? I mean.....why are women the only ones that get to fully experience the joy of new life? :angelic::hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Well, we did wing it on our honeymoon and it was amazing. I can wing it with certain things. And I'm not a commando, but I do like to have a general idea of where we'll be when and how we are getting there. Like...there was one trip back home to check on my dad that my friend had told me I could stay with her, and then at the last minute, said she didn't really have enough room, and she was also supposed to pick me up from Denver airport and bailed on that, too....I had no car, no driver's license, and nowhere to stay. I had to get from Denver Colorado to Gillette Wyoming with no transportation and once I managed to get there, I had to find a place to stay. I was so stressed out. It all worked out, thanks to some really good friends, but I hate that feeling of instability. And DS needs a schedule, including food. He gets anxiety if he doesn't have all the info and know he'll get food he likes. So "wing it" just doesn't work for our family anymore. If it was just DH and I, we can deal with a certain amount of spontaneity. I can't deal with not having a hotel reservation....I need to know I'm going to have a place to sleep. But even this Summer, our tour through Germany, we really didn't have much of a plan except which cities we were going to be in for the first couple of days, and after that we just decided each night where we were going to go the next day and made a reservation. I prefer having a plan ahead of time, but it didn't give me too much anxiety. I think the difference for me in Disney is that there are so many things I don't want to miss, and if you are just being spontaneous, you don't know if you'll get to do those things. And, like you said, it's different with a group where it's not just your own have to take into account when everyone else is hungry, or needs a bathroom break, or that they want to sleep in or are early risers.
Totally understandable. I don't do winging it for hotels either, nor fast passes, those will be made... but food I can wing. I've temporarily decided on 3 must have reservations, but other than that... winging it is the plan. I'll book Hoop Dee Doo, Storybook dining, and either Homecoming, or Paddlefish. Undecided on that one... homecoming was so good... but I'm drawn to the seafood menu at Paddlefish. (never been)


Well-Known Member
Well, we did wing it on our honeymoon and it was amazing. I can wing it with certain things. And I'm not a commando, but I do like to have a general idea of where we'll be when and how we are getting there. Like...there was one trip back home to check on my dad that my friend had told me I could stay with her, and then at the last minute, said she didn't really have enough room, and she was also supposed to pick me up from Denver airport and bailed on that, too....I had no car, no driver's license, and nowhere to stay. I had to get from Denver Colorado to Gillette Wyoming with no transportation and once I managed to get there, I had to find a place to stay. I was so stressed out. It all worked out, thanks to some really good friends, but I hate that feeling of instability. And DS needs a schedule, including food. He gets anxiety if he doesn't have all the info and know he'll get food he likes. So "wing it" just doesn't work for our family anymore. If it was just DH and I, we can deal with a certain amount of spontaneity. I can't deal with not having a hotel reservation....I need to know I'm going to have a place to sleep. But even this Summer, our tour through Germany, we really didn't have much of a plan except which cities we were going to be in for the first couple of days, and after that we just decided each night where we were going to go the next day and made a reservation. I prefer having a plan ahead of time, but it didn't give me too much anxiety. I think the difference for me in Disney is that there are so many things I don't want to miss, and if you are just being spontaneous, you don't know if you'll get to do those things. And, like you said, it's different with a group where it's not just your own have to take into account when everyone else is hungry, or needs a bathroom break, or that they want to sleep in or are early risers.
Sure. Understood. Also, since my family has been there way more than you, we don’t really feel the need to “hit” everything. And yes, you definitey should have plans with ds.


Well-Known Member
Two words about unfair: Child Birth.
Child Birth is physical pain, but, unless you have hundreds of kids it is only a small portion of your life (hours wise) Baldness starts young and last forever. I still call unfair. :p Plus, for the most part women voluntarily participate in the procedure leading up to Child Birth. I don't recall enlisting in the Chrome Dome Syndrome. ;)

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