The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
We prefer winging it. It is more fun. Right now my kids are actually a little over character meet and greets except for Stitch. He is a favorite.
My point was that the expensive character dining isn’t worth it for us.
This is where I’m at now. Ohana will be a must for breakfast.. but I don’t see us doing any other character meals in the future.

Being a coaster freak, and tall for his age, T would probably love Uni. Plus it is way less expensive than Disney.

I don’t know if it’s because I only check for 3-4 nights at Uni vs a week at WDW.. but I always feel like Disney is the better value comparatively.
This is coming from someone who loved and frequented IoA and City Walk pre kid. Taking the City Walk aspect out of it.. I just don’t see as much to do there. Maybe I’m looking at it all wrong.

Bike shorts are also supposed to be "in style":rolleyes:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We got an alert for some ice UGS}}
Uh, no. I think it is just weird. I am ok with no tv in the bathroom.

Interesting. What is about a TV ina bathroom that makes you weird out than other rooms in the home? As a young Mom I had a Sony portabile TV analog on my bath sink about the size of a shoe box but much slimmer. As I got ready for the office I listened to the news of the day. Multipurposing my adult moments as a Mom of 2 that also worked outside of the home. A few brief minutes of Adulthood before waking two kids to daycare. I fail to understand how that is a weird. Working outside the home was a challenge but no regrets when my kids were small. I did what I needed to to keep current and also be there for my kids each morning by multitasking. I didn’t find it WEIRD to be a multitasking Mom working outside our home. Curious.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
This is where I’m at now. Ohana will be a must for breakfast.. but I don’t see us doing any other character meals in the future.

I don’t know if it’s because I only check for 3-4 nights at Uni vs a week at WDW.. but I always feel like Disney is the better value comparatively.
This is coming from someone who loved and frequented IoA and City Walk pre kid. Taking the City Walk aspect out of it.. I just don’t see as much to do there. Maybe I’m looking at it all wrong.


ohanas is a yin’s and yang for me. Awesome family Christmas breakfasts for family time long ago. Horrific Mousefest memories. Ying yang. Me food was much better years ago and not so much any more

Me my passion will always be Disney. I understand for some reasons Disney isn’t their thing anymore but most find their way back again. But I love Uni also. I find Uni resorts to have superior customer service. I’ve never found a lack of things to do at Uni Parks. It isn’t Disney but it doesn’t need to be as it is a resort with its own identity. My kids by 8 years old through teen years preferred Uni.


Well-Known Member
The like was for him doing well. Are these floor to ceiling windows? Did he just lean back thinking he would be braced by a wall or window? It is really messed up.
No, not floor to ceiling windows, but they do start pretty low. They are wall to wall and too low to put furniture under it, so I can see easily how one could fall out of them. I am wondering if the people were airing out their bedding. People do that here....hang it out the open window, and you have to open it up all the way and not th way that it just opens partially at the top. I'm just so glad he's doing well. When they bring in the trauma Heli, you know it can't be good, but it looks like in this case, they erred on the side of caution and it wasn't as bad as they feared.


Well-Known Member
We prefer winging it. It is more fun. Right now my kids are actually a little over character meet and greets except for Stitch. He is a favorite.
My point was that the expensive character dining isn’t worth it for us.
I find it so interesting...what one family loves, the other is not into. I can't do "wing it" gives me anxiety. My husband would be fine with "wing it", but he knows I can't cope, so he lets me plan to my heart's content and laughs at me a bit for it. And my kids are 11 and 12 and still LOVE character meet and greets and getting autographs, even though they know it's not a real person now. And especially now, faced with the prospect of their little cousin joining us for the first week...DD in particular can't wait to share everything with her and play big sister, pretending to believe in all of it to make it magical for N. I love that about here....everyone being different and seeing the different ways people vacation, etc. I am addicted to Trip Reports now!!


Well-Known Member
When Pandora opened for previews it was nuts. I wouldn’t touch GE until 2020.
I'd say 2021, but then that's the 50th and that's when TRON opens, so then it will be insane there. Though, my husband might be more willing to go back once both Tron and SW:GE are both open. He REALLY wants to do Tron. So that will be a good motivator....but then I don't think we should go until 2022 or so. I think after this trip, it will be a good time to go to Italy, London, Greece, etc....maybe do a mini cruise to see if I can handle the motion sickness and if there's enough selection with food for picky eaters. Then we can go back to Disney for our 25th anniversary in 2026.


Well-Known Member
You know what really rips my genes? Women are constantly attacking their hair, they heat it to extremes, find a million ways to tie it in knots or pass it through small openings for the sake of fashion. Constantly bombard it with chemicals that change the color, bleach all color away, I remember my mother and perm night. And yet, they get to keep almost all their hair all their life. Men, wash it and comb it and it falls out by the handful. There is nothing even slightly fair about that. When I die and go up to the pearly gates... God and I are going to have a discussion about that.
Who am I kidding... I won't get within 400 yards of the gate before I am trespassed. However, someone needs to answer for this obvious flaw in design.
Two words about unfair: Child Birth.


Well-Known Member
This is where I’m at now. Ohana will be a must for breakfast.. but I don’t see us doing any other character meals in the future.

I don’t know if it’s because I only check for 3-4 nights at Uni vs a week at WDW.. but I always feel like Disney is the better value comparatively.
This is coming from someone who loved and frequented IoA and City Walk pre kid. Taking the City Walk aspect out of it.. I just don’t see as much to do there. Maybe I’m looking at it all wrong.

They have a buy 2 get 2 days free right now if you book 4 days. And as per @figmentfan423 info you can get an AP for as low as $300.


Well-Known Member
Sounds pretty reasonable, actually. I guess they could give all the full-attraction guests some sort of wrist band or something, and not to those that were just there to kinda’ hang out...?
Plus, those that aren’t there with the wrist bands could potentially contribute to making up the revenue difference by “hanging out” in food and merch shops...?!!! ;)
I know! I would totally spend more of the entrance fees didn’t cost $3000 for us.

Wrote this apparently when I was half asleep. It should have been I would spend more on other stuff if fees weren't so expensive.
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Well-Known Member
We usually eat a light breakfast... cereal or something back in the room.... and we eat some form of lunch usually, But I made most dinner ADR's about 630pm... it was hot, and we just weren't as hungry as we wish we had been. Oh there are lots of places I would love to eat, but we just want to be free to eat earlier or later or QS or TS... Free to be, you and me!
Yeah, we had that same problem on our last trip, but my family....I'm the only one who eats breakfast every morning. It's just some yogurt with blueberries and oats, but I eat breakfast every morning. But on vacation, we'll do some breakfasts just because it's hard to be touring all day and not have food in your system. But last time at Disney, we would wait until we were in the parks to get something for counter service breakfast....just using a snack credit. And I think that was our mistake. Snack, then late lunch....we weren't ready for a full meal by dinner time. So I think this time, we'll do some breakfast buffets, and then not really eat lunch at all, so we'll be ready for dinner at dinner time. And otherwise, on days when we don't do breakfast, I'll schedule the dinner ADRs for a bit later in the day. We also have the added issue that, because we're coming from a time zone 6 hours ahead, our stomachs aren't on Florida time, so we are wanting food at odd times.
But I say just do what works for your family. And if that's "wing it", then you "wing it."


Well-Known Member
Interesting. What is about a TV ina bathroom that makes you weird out than other rooms in the home? As a young Mom I had a Sony portabile TV analog on my bath sink about the size of a shoe box but much slimmer. As I got ready for the office I listened to the news of the day. Multipurposing my adult moments as a Mom of 2 that also worked outside of the home. A few brief minutes of Adulthood before waking two kids to daycare. I fail to understand how that is a weird. Working outside the home was a challenge but no regrets when my kids were small. I did what I needed to to keep current and also be there for my kids each morning by multitasking. I didn’t find it WEIRD to be a multitasking Mom working outside our home. Curious.
I just need one room where I don’t need to be connected. But, if it works for you that is fine. :)


Well-Known Member
Interesting. What is about a TV ina bathroom that makes you weird out than other rooms in the home? As a young Mom I had a Sony portabile TV analog on my bath sink about the size of a shoe box but much slimmer. As I got ready for the office I listened to the news of the day. Multipurposing my adult moments as a Mom of 2 that also worked outside of the home. A few brief minutes of Adulthood before waking two kids to daycare. I fail to understand how that is a weird. Working outside the home was a challenge but no regrets when my kids were small. I did what I needed to to keep current and also be there for my kids each morning by multitasking. I didn’t find it WEIRD to be a multitasking Mom working outside our home. Curious.
For me, it's the privacy. So many of the "smart" devices now have cameras and such that can be hacked. I keep a piece of athletic tape over my camera on my laptop so that if someone hacks in, they can't see anything. I've seen programs on TV where they show how easy it is for someone to hack into your laptop camera and watch you, even when you think the camera is not on/being used. And I am certainly no expert when it comes to technology, so I wouldn't know whether it was possible to hack into or I'd rather just not have a screen in the room where I shower, etc. They can't hack into something that's not there. And maybe they couldn't even if it WAS there, but I don't want to take that chance. Just like some people not wanting to post pictures of themselves or their kids on a site like this. Statistically, that chance might be low of anyone using that information to stalk you, etc....but if it makes you feel safer, you do what feels right.


Premium Member
Almost ended up with enough meat to last the rest of winter on my commute home this evenin’... :cyclops::cautious:
Just as I was rounding one of the blind curves on my ol’ country back road, about 6-8 deer decided to bolt across the road...missed two of ‘em by >< that much...darn, ‘cause I REALLY like venison... :bored:


Oh my goodness. Glad you missed them. Animal/car collisions often turn out deadly for both, depending upon the impact and weight of the animal. (Maine has a number of these accidents each year, and it's usually either moose or dear. Some are fatal.)


Premium Member
I love that about here....everyone being different and seeing the different ways people vacation, etc. I am addicted to Trip Reports now!!

Absolutely agree with this -- each individual, each family, can customize their trip to their own specifications.

Not to freak you out, but I'm like your husband--I just "wing it" and I'm as happy as can be. For me, it's the one time a year I get away from any and all schedules, and I love to just let the days unfold naturally. (Important to note, a solo trip is far easier to handle in that manner, versus taking a family -- where you do need at least "some" structure or agenda, to make things flow more smoothly. Also, as a solo, I can take advantage of single rider queues on the bigger attractions, so I rarely even bother with fastpasses, etc.)

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