The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
No not at all! If you wreck it then you just claim it to your insurance, same as if you bought it. Most Americans don’t pay cash for a new car, so the bank owns the vehicle anyway. Avg loan in the US is now at almost 75 months.. many people trade in their car before it’s ever paid off, and never actually own it. The difference with a lease is you’re just paying the depreciation... and less taxes, and GAP insurance included at no additional charge.

A lease and loan are more similar than many think.. you can trade the car in at any time (like I do), or you can buy it yourself if you want to, and then “own” it.

I lease now... because my dealer is great about buying the car outright, before my lease ends to put it on their lot.... so I never pay for miles over, or have to go thru that lease inspection carp.... and I get a new car every 3 years!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We should be undecorating today.

Everything is down, packed and put into storage. Amen.

Everything vacuumed and dusted, other stuff back out of storage and stuff is in its rightful space again. Amen.

Everything that needs to go to Goodwill is in my truck already. Amen.

Now all things new....where the heck do we find new flat spots. :cyclops:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Might not undecorate the outside of our home today after all. The 60 degrees I mentioned for today already came and was at 11am and the temps will fall throughout the day. It's cloudy now and REALLY windy. Hmm...I'm not particularly in the mood to go out there and disconnect stuff and put them in boxes, bags, etc.
Does anyone have nice weather today????

Blurg! Here everything for outside viewing is plastered inside on the windows. The new motion/changing colors/patterns lights & 3M hooks for windows, well blessed, no longer outside doing that. Other window decorations and candles lay flat so that part came down nicely and stores easily. Now that tree and other stuff, so much glass...that was more time consuming.

We have not had a nice day in a while. The very reason we changed our NYE Reservations as we were to be downtown Chicago. Rain, then ice, then snow dustings sticking to the ice. Bluck. The Asphalt is a skating pond, black ice.

F L O R I D A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Blurg! Here everything for outside viewing is plastered inside on the windows. The new motion/changing colors/patterns lights & 3M hooks for windows, well blessed, no longer outside doing that. Other window decorations and candles lay flat so that part came down nicely and stores easily. Now that tree and other stuff, so much glass...that was more time consuming.

We have not had a nice day in a while. The very reason we changed our NYE Reservations as we were to be downtown Chicago. Rain, then ice, then snow dustings sticking to the ice. Bluck. The Asphalt is a skating pond, black ice.

F L O R I D A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The like is for FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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