The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go. The point of a reunion is for all "groups" to go. Seems like the organizer is still too high schoolish.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I enjoyed (as did DWifey) my 10th and 20th HS reunions, but, we haven’t had one since.
There was none of that silliness for either...EVERYONE was invited and they were both great times...!!! :happy:
Also, I had friends in all “groups”...freaks, geeks, kickers, and jocks, and everything in between...!!! :)
I guess I woulda’ been considered slightly more a jock, since I played varsity soccer my junior and senior years (the first 2 years after it was instituted in our district), but, that would be the only slight reason why...otherwise, I had buds and buddettes all over the place...!!!!! :hilarious:
Honestly though, I haven’t been in touch with any of them in many years, but, not because of any shunning, animosity, etc....just, life happens.
I know it would be fun if we actually had another reunion at some point...!!! :)


Well-Known Member
For @wdwmagic...
My first post this evening took 6 tries and the first 4 times all my text was gone and I had to start over completely. I’ve also been knocked off the site twice, so far.
With this post I’ve been reloaded 3 times and had to start over twice.
Other posts tonight have been similar...excruciating.
Don’t know what else I can do except keep reporting what I’m experiencing...


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Hello Annie

Hostil Beveled

Ovulution 01

Beg pardon??? 0.o


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Not something we usually brag about, but, my family was very religious, at one point we had my uncle in the Franciscan order one of my male cousins as a brother of christian instruction and two cousins that were actually sisters, becoming nuns (I don't remember what order). No one stayed and one of the sisters got pregnant after she had taken her vows of chastity. And they wonder, along with other reasons, why I am no longer associated with any organized religion. In my family it was all basically for show. My mother did pass away while she was talking to a priest. Scared the hell out of him, so to speak! I went to each of their weddings except the male cousin that had the personality of a wet towel and never married and died at age 60 of cirrhosis of the liver from way to much sacramental wine.

Yeah...interesting how the 'show' works out. My MIL was the only devout Catholic on either side. But she never practiced what was preached. My Sis claims to be a now atheist. Other than weddings and funerals my folks didn't attend mass for decades though I had an Aunt that was a Nun, she became a Sister at age 14. She was mean and hated children. A real children should be seen and not heard woman. My FIL stayed home and read the paper while his wife and kids went to Mass. My two BIL converted to the Lutheran faith. My kids were both baptized, communion etc Catholic but they are the only ones on both sides of the family, a dead religion now for both sides of the family. We are pretty much a Wedding and Funeral kinda Mass going family. It ended when we had 2 pedophile priests arrested in about 5 year span out of our very small parish. The Mom in me didn't want my kids around these pedophile criminals. The End. :mad:


Well-Known Member
DD has to be at the high school at 6 am for a dance competition. Well, I had to break it to her, we actually have to be there 15 minutes earlier. I have the Cuties for there treat bags.

I am really glad she does her own hair. Honestly, I can't even do French braids. And their hair is elaborate and different for both dances. Add to that, I don't have to transport her.
Good luck to both of you


Premium Member
Well the competition fees are all prepaid. They usually start in December for cheer. The competition season is Fall through Spring. DD's gym competes December through May. Since we are in a less populated area, they keep the costs low so more can afford it. We also have a lower cost of living than if we lived 30 miles south or north. I am sharing the hotel with another mom and luckily this one is going to be $55 for each of us, so not that bad. We only have one other hotel necessary competition, and that will be in April in Baltimore again. This is assuming they don't make it to US Finals in VA Beach in May. The other teams at the gym are competing to go to Disney again. Last year one team made it. Now that is an expensive trip! There are lots of fundraisers to help with costs.

Whew! That's much better. :)

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