The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I know you'll all hate me for saying this, but 4.5 years out of an expensive item is not enough. Granted, technology has evolved and gotten more expensive over the years, but phones that my parents had in their house lasted 20-40 years. I get bummed out when I think of the increased waste in the landfills with all this electronic stuff dumped after only a few years. :facepalm:
My stepdad just changed the cordless phone from “my room”. It lasted a good more than 20 years. :)


Well-Known Member
Neither did we. Usually, about the 2nd weekend in December is when we put up the tree. Also, since it's a "live" tree, I hold off a bit buying it, so that it will last longer inside before it starts drying out.

Two, members, actually . . . ;)

Your tree is very pretty, by the way. Is it artificial or "live"?
Thank you for liking our tree. It is a nice fake one :)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good!

For Black Friday, I mailed a box at the UPS store. Then I went to the cleaners to pick up a few suits. Then I bought groceries. No presents were bought today. ;)

Tomorrow, I'll head down to my favorite little community book/gift shop to buy a few things. :)

I got a few shoes at Macys (like winter shoes) and then I'm returning everyone except one. They never have my size in stores plus I don't really know my size.


Well-Known Member
No, more like the market reached a price point where they think its not worth it. Price point that Apple are too blind to notice.
The new apple devices haven't added anything new that can entice the users to buy.. but they are still getting more and more pricey.

It doesnt help that there has been many calls on reliability on many of their products lately. Specially their MACBOOKS (which overheat, chips fail, screens fail) to higher percentages than one would expect.

I still have my MacBook Pro that I bought in 2010. Of course, I can't do much than surf the net on there because it's slowing down but it still works. But the price of my computer has gone up like $1,000 since I have bought mine.


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member

I’ve been so ecstatic all day. Buttt.. I have not spoken to my sister, I thought I’d be a nice person and give her time to deal with her grief... Then tomorrow, I’ll send her a photo of me and T in our OSU gear. 😂

I am so thrilled that they won!!

This was our first time in the past 3 years where we were in Ohio for the game. (Technically I was in Kentucky).. last year we were on our cruise.. streamed it on the ship..
View attachment 328047

Two years ago we watched it in a cabana at the Grand Floridian. No park time when OSU is playing. :).
One of my favorite Disney days ever. ❤️
View attachment 328048View attachment 328049

I’ve worn this same shirt on this day for 4 or 5 years now.. I haven’t wanted to jinx

I went to Purdue. :cautious:


Well-Known Member
Morning! We got home late Friday night. This cold is still hanging on, and driving me insane. Luckily I was able to make the best of it in Florida and do everything we wanted to do.

Back to the grind. This mornings goal was to make our meal plan and grocery shopping list, so I can go to the store later today.

Included the list in case anyone is interested:

Sunday - Ham and Scalloped Potatoes
Monday - IP Chicken & Noodles w/ peas & carrots
Tuesday - IP Sweet Potatoes & Salad
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thurdsay - Oven Chili Dogs
Friday - Out
Saturday - Loco Moco
Sunday - Thanksgiving dinner - IP Turkey Breast , Root Vegetable Whip, Stuffing, Carrots.



Premium Member
Morning! We got home late Friday night. This cold is still hanging on, and driving me insane. Luckily I was able to make the best of it in Florida and do everything we wanted to do.

Back to the grind. This mornings goal was to make our meal plan and grocery shopping list, so I can go to the store later today.

Included the list in case anyone is interested:

Sunday - Ham and Scalloped Potatoes
Monday - IP Chicken & Noodles w/ peas & carrots
Tuesday - IP Sweet Potatoes & Salad
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thurdsay - Oven Chili Dogs
Friday - Out
Saturday - Loco Moco
Sunday - Thanksgiving dinner - IP Turkey Breast , Root Vegetable Whip, Stuffing, Carrots.


We will be over for dinner on Saturday!


Well-Known Member
It’s been a hectic (but great) weekend so far.

T is in 2 different basketball tournaments. 4 games so far..

...and yesterday had a futsal game as well. he is heading off to basketball right now.. then a 2 hour break before our indoor soccer team..

..then one more b-ball game tonight.. both games today are different tourneys. If we win one or both, we find out if we advance, respectively.

I have 3 boys on my indoor team who have conflicts with our soccer game.. they are in the same basketball tournaments, but different teams.. so, I’m having 3 of T’s club teammates act as subs.

I’ve been trying to make lineup after lineup to give everyone enough playing time, and not upset my regular school parents, or the sub club parents.
I think I got it right. We’ll see!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I know you'll all hate me for saying this, but 4.5 years out of an expensive item is not enough. Granted, technology has evolved and gotten more expensive over the years, but phones that my parents had in their house lasted 20-40 years. I get bummed out when I think of the increased waste in the landfills with all this electronic stuff dumped after only a few years. :facepalm:

I can't hate you for an opinion, we all have them. :geek: Still I find it difficult to compare items that are not really the same. The telephones we grew up with were just that a telephone only. While relatively cheap they were expensive phone charges with separate rates for toll calls along with long distance charges depending on time of day and the nightmare costs of overseas calls.

A smart phone is a computer with the ability to make phone calls. I just looked at my recent history in my iPhone and I've made 4 calls this month to my Mom and received one from my DD (my friend) landlord to replace a carbon dioxide detector. In my world anyhow people don't use telephones the way they did when we grew up as there are many other ways of communicating via text, email and social media, enter smart phones. Pretty much gone are the days when you see pagers on professionals belts then scrambling to a land phone to return a page. If they could even find coin pay phones to use these days. Doctors etc can not only receive a text, phone call or lab reports on a single device no longer needing to await catching up with paper created results. The world just revolved past our days of ditto's, Xerox worksheets and paper workbooks. Our schools are going to tablets that work is performed on, textbooks are downloaded on. All of this can be brought up on a tablet, PC, smart phone or laptop. Yep a tablet per student is expensive but the cost of hard copy text books is more expensive times every subject matter and many are obsolete where virtual can be simply updated. That is a lot of textbooks (that do not get recycled) that are in landfills. Same goes for newspapers. Far less in landfills these days. I can't even begin to express how different my life is with a computer to do my business on over the once typewriter, gone are the paper costs, mailing costs and labor time dedicated to typing products. I no longer pay for stamps, don't have invoices coming to my home, bank statements and returning with paper checks in envelopes. Those costs are gone now and so much less paper in landfills. But yes a typewriter was cheaper than a computer but when you add up the labor costs in offices in offices and schools alone just to generate memos, communications etc. Electronics are awesome. In the state of Illinois we cannot put electronics into landfills, they are recycled 2x a year here. Phones, computers and televisions are illegal to place into landfills, likely Massachusetts will also legislate similar laws in the near future as most states have gone that way and have systems in place to deal with electronic recycling. We have drop points for old smart phones and batteries 365 a year.

But lastly I find the cost of electronics to have gone down in cost substantially over the last 2 decades. Our First Mac computer was over $2000, our first PC a Gateway was over
$3000, our Dell which was our first compatible to connect to the internet was $2500. My first laptop which was also a Dell was $1800. In 2018 and can purchase equivalent for a fraction of what I paid a decade or two ago. Yes still expensive but the costs are next to nothing. My son starting college text book charges were $500-$800 per semester. My DD starting college downloaded textbooks for an average of $150-200 per semester and they didn't land in landfills. College textbooks were notorious for new editions and were difficult to unload even at a fraction of what students paid for them. So I look at electronics as a plus.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
But lastly I find the cost of electronics to have gone down in cost substantially over the last 2 decades. Our First Mac computer was over $2000, our first PC a Gateway was over
$3000, our Dell which was our first compatible to connect to the internet was $2500. My first laptop which was also a Dell was $1800. In 2018 and can purchase equivalent for a fraction of what I paid a decade or two ago. Yes still expensive but the costs are next to nothing. My son starting college text book charges were $500-$800 per semester. My DD starting college downloaded textbooks for an average of $150-200 per semester and they didn't land in landfills. College textbooks were notorious for new editions and were difficult to unload even at a fraction of what students paid for them. So I look at electronics as a plus.

This is actually a wrong way to take things into consideration price wise.

Back then.. the available number of models was very small.
Now they have models that cover the entire spectrum.
The 1800 USD laptop for example, could be not "top of the line" but middle high levels.

Same could be said with other devices that are available today.
You can still see high end devices that sport 3000+ prices.

That is the only difference of these years... more price points and more choices thanks to competition.
Also labor and costs is also not a very good indicative considering that most jobs have moved to china to reduce the costs to the companies, they import equipment via globalization which costs way less than it would if they were built in first world countries.
The rise of mass production of chinese factories reduced the real costs by a lot.

Keep this into contrast on how rich Apple is now and how poor it used to be.
I bet you that for every 1000 USD phone (which cost almost nothing for Apple to research, since all the parts are made by third party companies) the raw win is above 70%. (which is why Apple commands a huge price point in wealth and value in wall street). They knew how to play the game and exploited it to the max. They made investors ultra rich.


Well-Known Member
Morning! We got home late Friday night. This cold is still hanging on, and driving me insane. Luckily I was able to make the best of it in Florida and do everything we wanted to do.

Back to the grind. This mornings goal was to make our meal plan and grocery shopping list, so I can go to the store later today.

Included the list in case anyone is interested:

Sunday - Ham and Scalloped Potatoes
Monday - IP Chicken & Noodles w/ peas & carrots
Tuesday - IP Sweet Potatoes & Salad
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thurdsay - Oven Chili Dogs
Friday - Out
Saturday - Loco Moco
Sunday - Thanksgiving dinner - IP Turkey Breast , Root Vegetable Whip, Stuffing, Carrots.

Sympathy like for being home and still having a cold.


Well-Known Member
It’s been a hectic (but great) weekend so far.

T is in 2 different basketball tournaments. 4 games so far..

...and yesterday had a futsal game as well. he is heading off to basketball right now.. then a 2 hour break before our indoor soccer team..

..then one more b-ball game tonight.. both games today are different tourneys. If we win one or both, we find out if we advance, respectively.

I have 3 boys on my indoor team who have conflicts with our soccer game.. they are in the same basketball tournaments, but different teams.. so, I’m having 3 of T’s club teammates act as subs.

I’ve been trying to make lineup after lineup to give everyone enough playing time, and not upset my regular school parents, or the sub club parents.
I think I got it right. We’ll see!
Hope all goes well. :)


Premium Member
Loco Moco is SUPER easy to make... The recipe I use is not fancy like Disney.. but we both enjoy it. I'll link it here:

We add mushrooms to the gravy.
Wait didn't everybody have rice and eggs for breakfast with what ever was leftover from the night before:eek: Thanksgiving weekend at my grandparents was rice eggs, turkey and gravy

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