Yeah, but that's the thing...I don't know how they collided. Did they hit heads? Did the one kid's head hit the other kid's shoulder? Knee? I would guess he just had to hit it in exactly the wrong position. In this article, it says "De jongen, die deze middag op goal stond bij MvR, raakte na een duel buiten bewustzijn doordat hij ongelukkig met zijn hoofd terechtkwam. " "The boy, who played goaly for MvR on this afternoon, lost consciousness after a duel when his head was in an unfortunate placement." (Actually, I'm not sure that's a good translation...we don't really have a word for literally says his head became unfortunate, but whether that means he hit it, or what, I don't know.)
So that one doesn't mention another player at all. I don't really know what happened, but if it involved another player, I feel bad for that player who will have to live with this the rest of his life. It's totally not his fault, but I bet he feels terrible anyway.