I did do this 2 years ago, after having to get my chimney redone because of squirrels

. The issue with the professionals is that there’s not really any options that don’t involve poison, and even with that they don’t think it will get them all, plus it puts me at higher risk for dead squirrels or chipmunks in my house
I’m also very worried about poison for 2 other reason,
First and foremost- my dog. My dog is also the main reason that I don’t use humane kill traps.
Second reason is because it’s so cruel...and the house or under deck rotting.
Maybe I should get a second opinion now, the company back then made it sound like there isn’t any great options besides continuing to trap them.

They’re all over mine and my neighbor’s yards.
He is healthy. This is why his pediatrician and GI doctor told me to stop wasting money on pediasure daily. They said I should still use it when traveling or on busy days, but daily isn’t necessary. They’re not too concerned with his weight, especially because of the sports.. they’re just watching it.
Sorry if this is TMI, but he can’t eat after 90 minutes prior to a practice or game because he gets diarrhea so bad almost every time he eats.. but he also gets very constipated to the point where his bowels get impacted... that’s where the medicine comes in. He tries to avoid eating so that doesn’t happen, not all of the time, but a lot of the time. They’ve done so many tests and don’t have an explanation for what’s causing it. They said he will hopefully grow out of it.
The GERD was during infancy.. thankfully I stayed home with him for the first 13 months of his life.. A. Because he never did take a bottle from me.. and B. Because I was covered in baby puke constantly.. He was a projectile exorcist style puker. It was gross!