The gluten test was either thru a blood or urine test, can’t remember which.
The dairy was tough because I’d have to send meals with him for dinner as well as lunch.. I did do that most of the time, but not 100%.. same with friend’s or even neighbors houses, sometimes he would eat something with dairy. I realize the lack of following an elimination diet to the T sounds irresponsible..especially since I only have one child.. but I don’t pick him up until after 8pm most nights, we get home around 8:30, chat, go over homework, then he gets ready for bed. Then I do laundry, the dishes from the morning, play with dog, try to wind my brain down, lay out our clothes for the next day, then go to bed, or at least lay in bed wishing my brain would let my body fall asleep

. Mornings aren’t too hectic, but it’s the one time of day where we just sit together and talk or work out.
Then.. I’d get to work and realize that I totally forgot to make and drop off a snack and dinner for him.
Summer is so much worse with all of the camps. Honestly, I don’t know how people to a complete elimination diet for kids!