Gonna’ wait ‘til this weekend to start cruise mini TR. Been a bit of a hectic week at the office so far, so I’m just chillin’ in the evenings. I leave for one lousy week and the design pipeline backs up...!!!!!

When I first activated my phone in Cozumel, I had a text from the office that they couldn’t find a set of drawings. How they couldn’t find them immediately, I have no clue.
They were the only thing on my drafting table, rolled up, and with the clients name in large, red, Sharpie facing straight up. And, I told the office manager they were there before I left that Friday, in case the partner came looking for ‘em while I was out.
Took one quick return text to get that straightened out, but, good grief, do I need to leave a flashing neon sign next time...?!!!!!