The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
There is a dot/bullet under the date September 7,2018. There is no reference to October 7th so I started to be concerned that I told my wife the wrong balance due date.......but when I went back to the e-mail Disney sent me re. receiving my $200 deposit.....the balance due date on the e-mail matches the date on the notes I took with the Disney representative when I booked the vacation. The Disney e-mail states my balance is due date is indeed Oct. 7th.
Does anyone else think the graphic in the photo might make the customer wrongly conclude their final payment should be on Sept. 7th??
To me it looks like the final payment would be September 7 as well. I think that is an error and that Oct 7 wasn't printed. I would call and double check.


Well-Known Member
I'd like that. Thanks.
I called Disney and interacted with their automated system. After giving my reservation number and confirming my name and address, the automated system gave my balance due amount and the due date. All of that matches the Disney e-mail. $blah blah dollars are due by Oct. 7th.
I'm so glad it's not Sept. a teacher I'm going the entire summer with no pay. Some teachers in America have their salary spread out over 12 months. Not in my town. The last day of school is our last paycheck. Then we don't see another penny until Sept. 10th. That's fine and appropriate ( no work-no pay) I'm cool with that. I'm just sayin' that it helps me if I don't owe Disney the big money until OCTOBER 7th;)
One of my SIL's is a teacher in Jersey and she doesn't get paid in the summer either. I don't see why they cannot spread the salary over the full year. She said they have no choice.


Well-Known Member
By now you have probably read my other posts and know it is "all good" :)
93boomer and I both experienced the same thing. My call to Disney revealed that my balance is due in Oct. I think the dot Disney puts next to the balance due is unfortunate...
Yet after 93boomer and I looked into it we are confident that no further steps are needed. Thanks though :)


Premium Member
THNX I was just going to post everybody check your GOLDFISH, this means you @dryerlintfan

As I understand it, they're thinking it's the powdered whey in the products. (Example: A bigger company buys up some other food companies, and then they negotiate prices for certain ingredients in huge bulk. The problem is that they start to lost quality control when ingredients are sourced from various suppliers around the world. ).


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