Well-Known Member
Sign language stops the crying because you know what the baby wants. It was soooo great!!! The first 4 months were a little trickier ....but no, now “they” say that babies aren’t supposed to cry themselves to sleep etc. I loved making T’s baby food.. I’m not sure if that’s why he’s not a picky eater, but I like to think that it is. There was so many great ideas and different foods other than the standard/traditional “baby foods”, and of course I felt better that it was all fresh and organic.. or at least fresh until I froze it.
Interesting. I never knew babies could sign. Obviously they can't do it when they pop out. But do they keep the knowledge of it? Like does your kid remember any of it?
My sister was 10 when my brother was born. Thought he was coming out with clothes on.