I agree!! The kids don't bully just because it's fun...there's a reason behind it. I think the problem at our school anyway is that parents weren't receptive about hearing their little angel was behaving inappropriately. The mother I talked to when her son told DS he was going to kill him and his whole family laughed it off and said it was probably just something he heard from a video game. The mother I approached when her son was spitting on, tripping, and snapping DS with a towel said she felt like it was up to the teachers to deal with since it was happening at school. She didn't think she needed to get involved in it. And when we called a meeting with the boys AND us, she came, but spent the whole time looking out the window at her other son, and then got up and left because her baby (a few months old) was napping at home alone and she couldn't leave her any longer. The teachers know they're fighting a losing battle with the parents because the parents don't want to deal with it, or don't want to believe their kid is bullying someone. And you can't get therapy for a kid without the parents' involvement...they have to agree to it and make it happen, and they just won't. Those poor kids grow up and don't know which end is up or what's appropriate and what's not.