Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well, I'm up ridiculously early (3:30 a.m.) because I have a cold. I haven't had a cold in about 2 years, at least. Woke up coughing, so just decided to go get some coffee and hang out here for a while. Have to get a 6:30 bus this morning anyway, so I might as well just stay up.
Stopped by Walgreens on the way home last night, to get some cold medicine (one of the nurses at work recommended one that had Advil in it). Haven't bought cold medicine in years, so I go to the aisle with the cold remedies and I find these cards in a slot, for the med. I want. It says you have to take the card up to the pharmacy desk to buy it. Okaaay . . . that's really inconvenient. So I take the stupid card up to the counter and the woman hands me the cold medicine. Then she asks for a driver's license (to purchase cold medicine??) and then I had to sign an electronic keypad to indicate that I wasn't public enemy # 1. I told the pharmacist that I was never getting sick again, because none of this wasted effort was worth it!!!
Feel better.
That is where they keep the good and effective cold medicines, it has been back there for years. The stuff shelved not so good. I buy the Advil in the green box, the one in the red box doesn't work for me as well. You can only purchase so many boxes per month and there is a data base keeping you from going over the limit which is bad when all 4 of us get bad colds as they go by address on drivers licence. The active ingredient is one of the components to manufacture Meth so they started regulating it.
Much like purchasing White Out or Ammonia, do bad things with them and they get regulated.