The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
In the seven trips we've taken, none of us have ever gone, or come back sick.
Knock on wood (my head ;)).

We all got horrid miserable colds one year, fortunately it was during a very long 2+ week trip in September so we really didn't miss much. We kept going to the Parks however on the evening of my DH Birthday I made it up to the second floor, barely, it was touch and go fell into bed about 4pm and did wake up again until 9 the next morning. Pushed it a bit to far I guess that day being ill and all. DH took the kids to DTD, didn't even know they were gone.

Worst was when my DD and I were alone in our room, grabbing her some warmer clothes and heading back to the parks and my DD started choking. That night it was confirmed I payed attention during our CPR Emergency training and successfully pulled off the Heimlich on the young DD. :eek:Then bought some wine.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
There's a little deja vu for me in your comment. My father used to LOVE what he referred to as "sloppy" meals. Anything with gravy or a soup-type base, that he could also take some bread and sop up the last little bit on the plate, was his absolute favorite style of meal!! ;)

My Dad had a thing about Slop. He wouldn't eat it, he grew up with slop and vowed he was going to be served meals with real meat, real milk, plain veggies, individually prepared potatoes and a salad. No casseroles, not stews. Thank goodness my Gran taught me to cook 'cause my childhood meals were very much the same, week after week, year after year.

I make a SlopCake though:

Need a round glass bowl with tall straight walls, flat bottom or close.

Rip up an angel food cake into about 1 inch squares. Put a layer at bottom, then a layer of chocolate pudding, then a layer of cool whip. Repeat about 7 layers.

When you serve it up it looks like Slop but it is yummy.

Strawberry Shortcake Slop cake good too.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yup. This reminds me a little of some of the Native American pow wows (summer/fall) that we've visited down through the years. (The Native American sponsors invite in everyone to enjoy a nice day; it's not just limited to the Native American people in the area.) Visitors bring all kinds of food--veggies, meats, etc. and they just throw everything into a huge pot of boiling water over the fire, and make a community meal. Tastes pretty good, too--and there's never any "recipe" used! :happy:

I'd like to go East and attend a real Fish Boil on a beach.


Well-Known Member
We all got horrid miserable colds one year, fortunately it was during a very long 2+ week trip in September so we really didn't miss much. We kept going to the Parks however on the evening of my DH Birthday I made it up to the second floor, barely, it was touch and go fell into bed about 4pm and did wake up again until 9 the next morning. Pushed it a bit to far I guess that day being ill and all. DH took the kids to DTD, didn't even know they were gone.

Worst was when my DD and I were alone in our room, grabbing her some warmer clothes and heading back to the parks and my DD started choking. That night it was confirmed I payed attention during our CPR Emergency training and successfully pulled off the Heimlich on the young DD. :eek:Then bought some wine.
I've been sick while down there too.

There was one time when I had a stomach virus on our two week August trip. I guess I was about 7 or 8. My two uncles were down there, so my mom made me come down to the pool to be sociable. She got the stomach virus two days later. She apologized for making me go down to the pool.

The trip before I had my tonsils out (I was 13), I had a really bad bout of tonsillitis on our last day. Even with antibiotics and painkillers, I was absolutely miserable. And of course, since we had no room to go back to, I had to go to the parks. It is the only trip I ever remember being desperate to just go home. Thankfully we had antibiotic on hand because it was a recurring thing (trip was in January; I was already scheduled for the surgery in March), so I went on it pretty quickly and we just told my doctors when we got back, but I was still miserable.

And then when I was a teenager (I guess 15), we were in Hilton Head and went to WDW afterward for a few days. The last day in Hilton Head, I kept getting whacked in the face by waves. I must have gotten a lot of water in my ear because I ended up with a horrible case of swimmers ear, so bad that I could not hear out of one ear. When I got back, I had to go to the doctor for eardrops to clear it up.

Other than that, on occasion a random cold, but nothing major. Now the Hawaii/Disneyland trip was a complete fail. I had a UTI in Disneyland. Then I had an ear infection in Hawaii. Then I nearly grounded the plane on the way back because my asthma was so bad. Two days later, I ended up having to go to the ER with my asthma. My allergies had been horrible out there, which just caused the asthma. And that is why I will be on a lot of medication before I go back out there. And why I will never live out there.

Last Hilton Head trip, I brought home a stomach virus and was confined to my room when we got back.

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