The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
I've had that same thing with a few cold drugs. Thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Note, the Mucinex on the shelf and the Mucinex behind the counter that you have to sign for is very different formulas same as the Advil products for colds and allergies, they widely differ also in active ingredients.

I had the over the counter Mucinex--still made my heart race. :cautious:


Premium Member
My DD shared a story today with me. A colleague of hers has a DD in first grade not far from here. When the teacher doesn't like the behavior of a student she takes a spray bottle filled with water and drenches the student with water in the face.

Oh she'd be so gone in my district. I am in awe of the lack of boundaries of a select few teachers.

:jawdrop: That would be instant grounds for termination in any sane school district.


Well-Known Member
You sound like you identify with your inner Lilly!

I've seen that image in my house but in male.


Premium Member
Rumors are floating that StarWars Disneyland at least initially will be an upcharge to enter that land. We are seeing similar at WDW, staying later an upcharge over EMHs. Now a good Chunk of Animal Kingdom 20th being an up-charge and must be a D23 member to participate, so pay admission to AK, Pay to be a Member of D23 to qualify and pay for a hard ticket, so paying 3 times to participate. Disney has quite the business model happening.

Please, no, on all of the above. :banghead:


Well-Known Member
A Rant of my Saturday Night......

Me right now. :grumpy: Went out for dinner today and as I arrived at our destination I was pulled over by a sheriff. :cautious::cautious::cautious:

It is a strange not quite an intersection with a double light for one intersection. There is a firehouse just before the intersection for about 50 feet. A light just before the firehouse and striping in front of the station on the road and the next light one car length in front of the real intersection without striping and there I sat as I paused for an ambulance waiting for it to pass through the intersection with a green light and arrow which I had ignored give the ambulance coming in the other direction down the road. The deputy said I should have stopped at the red light before the firehouse. But it was the clicker that changed that light and I was already moving forward. He shined his light into my truck and saw the back seat with a 36 pack of water and 3 4 gallon jugs of water for the water cooler. Yep, looking like a big bust for a Saturday night. lol. He was kind and I was equally respectful but did explain...though he held his ground. He took my licence tobuldn't issue me a ticket. I said thank you, but was annoyed beyond my gratitude expressed. I was left to wonder if that intersection given the hospital and firehouse doesn't hold up in court with the clickers they all have to change the lights leaving you in limbo? Or if it is a good way to possibly nab DUIs on a Saturday night. I already had to pay the state for copies of a birth certificate, marriage licience, and a TSA precheck to the Feds this month. So didn't want to pay a fine for something beyond my control.

So rather than eating what I had had a taste for I ate a salad. While there is various forms of liquior in the house there is only one little single serve wines here. I should have prepared. :joyfull:
Sympathy like


Premium Member
Great example. Something they keeps hitting the rumors about eliminating. So few visitors. Now down to the raft over to the island and an old ferry with equally few visitors. It is a concrete pool surrounding Tom. The rumor mill is bringing the acres and the main road including the shooting galleries to become update type land attractions along with Presidents and the little shops along with HorseShoe. Combined it is a plot of land that sees very few visitors.

We shall see.

I disagree on this. Any time I've gone to Tom Sawyer's Island (last time was last year's trip to WDW), there was always a wait for the raft to get over and back. Plenty of people on the island (not as many as the main parts of MK). It's still popular.


Well-Known Member
Rumors are floating that StarWars Disneyland at least initially will be an upcharge to enter that land. We are seeing similar at WDW, staying later an upcharge over EMHs. Now a good Chunk of Animal Kingdom 20th being an up-charge and must be a D23 member to participate, so pay admission to AK, Pay to be a Member of D23 to qualify and pay for a hard ticket, so paying 3 times to participate. Disney has quite the business model happening.
Don't forget being able to buy extra fp+s at certain resort levels.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Part of the reason my dh says next Florida trip will be UNI, Kennedy and something new


Premium Member
I didn't take a lot of pictures in my phone today but here is a couple Disney pictures. We did some Animal Kingdom today and dinner at Jiko which was amazing! The drinks are from the Victoria Falls lounge.
View attachment 269573View attachment 269574

Great to see your two happy faces!! You guys know how to enjoy a day at the parks. Can't wait to hear and see more! :happy:


Well-Known Member
Hey, I just have the system worked. :p Pass only cost $550, hotel is free since I stay with my parents, and my airfare is usually about $100 each way thanks to living in Baltimore and having Southwest. Disneyland, we did the same thing. APs, went twice in one year, and the airfare still wasn't bad. I'm not drowning in money; I'm just smart.
DVC pass renewal is $550? I think our renewals will be close to $800. Probably will only go once next year so may not renew, or just renew one for discount purposes. It is too much for a large family. You are just one person, so it is much easier. Hard to shell out almost $5000 at once. They should offer a slight discount if you purchase more than 3 or 4. Maybe an extra 10 or 20% off for each additional. What we did the last time when we bought our AP's, was we bought them for a discount with Park Savers. Huge discount actually. Then we upgraded them after using them, which allowed us to keep the discount. Used our Disney Visa Rewards to pay off the balance. This broke the payments up in 2 parts which was helpful, and not having to pay cash for the balance was nice. Since they also raise prices every year and this year was huge, is when you renew, you are almost paying what you did initially, so there isn't too much of a discount.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I realize news, good, bad, or otherwise needs to be reported, but, there is also so much good news out there that seems to be neglected so much of the time for "If it bleeds, it leads". And, the other thing I've noticed in recent years is news "reporters" aren't so much reporters anymore as editorialists. I don't care what your leanings are "reporter" person, just give me the news and keep your pie whole about your personal opinion out of it, that too much to ask news reader person...?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
My kids have never had to do posters or anything....all school work is done AT school. The only thing they've ever brought home is spelling lists, or review sheets to study for topography or history. And then in 5th and 6th grades they had to do a report and PowerPoint presentation They had to do it themselves, but DH taught them how to do the commands for PP....BUT, they had to type it all in themselves, and then if they wanted a similar thing on a different slide, they had to go look how they did it before and apply it to the new slide. But as that's the only thing they've ever had to bring home, the teachers know what kind of work they normally produce. The teachers never have to question if a parent helped...they know they didn't because there was no opportunity to.
No homework? They actually get all their work done at school? I think that is great!


Well-Known Member
No one complained because no one liked the kid. I stood up for him several times when kids were picking on him. It's really sad...his dad was an alcoholic, his mom went to prison for dealing drugs to try to keep a roof over their heads while dad was drinking all the income away. Abusive home, neglect...he just had a really bad home life and he acted out at school. Teachers didn't really know what to do with him, and in a class with 25 other kids, the easiest thing to do was just send him out of the classroom where he wasn't bothering them anymore. He's actually doing really well now. He went to an alternative school our senior year. I went to prom with him...he wanted to go to prom at our school with all his friends, but couldn't because he didn't go there, unless he had a date with someone who went to our school. I didn't have a date, but I had already bought was 2 days before prom and I was tutoring when he came in and we chatted and he said he wanted to go, but didn't have tickets, I wasn't going to go because I didn't have a date, but I had the worked out for both of us. Then he graduated high school, joined the military and rose in the ranks and now he's got a job as a fireman, I THINK still military related. It really turned him around. He's married and has 2 kids. So happy ending, I guess, but our little town was not accepting of anyone different. And they didn't know how to deal with him or how to help. I think probably the other teachers just warned her that he could be disruptive, and told her to send him out of the class if he was, and she probably figured she'd just anticipate it and nip it in the bud by starting off with him being isolated. It backfired on her. Not sure who ended up with the most education in her first year of teaching....the students or the teacher. My class was known for being a handful.
Happy ending! That is nice to read! I bet your showing kindness was a huge help.:)

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