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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Tom Sawyer Island? ;)

Great example. Something they keeps hitting the rumors about eliminating. So few visitors. Now down to the raft over to the island and an old ferry with equally few visitors. It is a concrete pool surrounding Tom. The rumor mill is bringing the acres and the main road including the shooting galleries to become update type land attractions along with Presidents and the little shops along with HorseShoe. Combined it is a plot of land that sees very few visitors.

We shall see.


Well-Known Member
No, no , no.. you don’t sound like a weirdo!!! I LOVE hearing someone say this.. it’s exactly how I feel!! So if it’s weird, we’ll be weirdos together :)

I love history, so I’ll get stuck on a subject.. then it will take me on a different somewhat related subject.. then I’ll see a book in the discount rack.. grab that on my way out- and now I’m taken down a completely different path!

If I only paid attention to ‘best sellers’ or pre selected stocked books at Target etc, then I would have missed out on all of that joy.

Yes, I bought a Kindle when they first came out, and then a Nook when those first came out... but those were for the beach/pool only...sometimes flights depending on how stuffed my carry on was. Neither one of those devices have stopped my love of real bound pages.. and Amazon definitely can’t take me away from B&N. I do order on B&N online sometimes..but only if a book isn’t in stock at a nearby store.
YAY!!! I'm so glad to find someone who loves books as much as I do!! I have yet to get a kindle or any other e-reader device, though my husband thinks I need one. I just can't bring myself to stop with the ink and paper!! I love history, too. I actually just finished reading a book about Holy places of the world...Machu Picchu, the Vatican, Mount goes through each continent and highlights the most sacred places to various cultures and religions. Fascinating!! And before that, I read a book about World Wonders, like Stonehenge, the pyramids, etc. There was actually a lot of overlap in those 2 books. I got those 2 books, plus one about castles for my birthday, though I haven't read the one about Castles yet. I'm going to save that one for a bit and read something different now. Do you have a particular area of history that you are interested in? And do you read mostly non-fiction regarding history, or do you read Historical Fiction? I am really interested in WWII history, so a lot of books about the holocaust, and I also love historical fiction, like Outlander, or Ken Follett, like Pillars of the Earth, or Phillippa Greggory. But I'll read just about anything if it stands still long enough, with the exception of horror/thrillers. My son has been telling me about a book he is reading at school and I love that he's so excited about it and we can talk about it...I wish I could read it so we could discuss it rather than him just telling me about it!


Well-Known Member
That's a reasonable enough explanation. I'm going to use that one the next time I order books from Amazon and my mom says, "You have no place to put these!"
That's right now you know what to get me for my birthday: A nice new bookcase!
Or, you could pull a Rory and stack them up under your bed....or, if you have wood floors, make like Lane and put some under the floorboards.


Well-Known Member
You sound like you identify with your inner Lilly!

Totally, although not when I was her age. And I don't think I've ever hidden in a closet to read...Although I HAVE been known to wear headphones at my in-laws' to read because my FIL is half deaf and turns the TV up so loud that even -I- can't tune it out.


Well-Known Member
A Rant of my Saturday Night......

Me right now. :grumpy: Went out for dinner today and as I arrived at our destination I was pulled over by a sheriff. :cautious::cautious::cautious:

It is a strange not quite an intersection with a double light for one intersection. There is a firehouse just before the intersection for about 50 feet. A light just before the firehouse and striping in front of the station on the road and the next light one car length in front of the real intersection without striping and there I sat as I paused for an ambulance waiting for it to pass through the intersection with a green light and arrow which I had ignored give the ambulance coming in the other direction down the road. The deputy said I should have stopped at the red light before the firehouse. But it was the clicker that changed that light and I was already moving forward. He shined his light into my truck and saw the back seat with a 36 pack of water and 3 4 gallon jugs of water for the water cooler. Yep, looking like a big bust for a Saturday night. lol. He was kind and I was equally respectful but did explain...though he held his ground. He took my licence tobuldn't issue me a ticket. I said thank you, but was annoyed beyond my gratitude expressed. I was left to wonder if that intersection given the hospital and firehouse doesn't hold up in court with the clickers they all have to change the lights leaving you in limbo? Or if it is a good way to possibly nab DUIs on a Saturday night. I already had to pay the state for copies of a birth certificate, marriage licience, and a TSA precheck to the Feds this month. So didn't want to pay a fine for something beyond my control.

So rather than eating what I had had a taste for I ate a salad. While there is various forms of liquior in the house there is only one little single serve wines here. I should have prepared. :joyfull: he DID give you a ticket? Or didn't? It looks like something happened halfway through your post and it ate some of the text? But what rotten luck to get pulled over. So do you mean the police have a remote control for the stoplights? That hardly seems ethical!


Well-Known Member
My DD shared a story today with me. A colleague of hers has a DD in first grade not far from here. When the teacher doesn't like the behavior of a student she takes a spray bottle filled with water and drenches the student with water in the face.

Oh she'd be so gone in my district. I am in awe of the lack of boundaries of a select few teachers.
Wow....I'd be complaining to the school about that one. That's humiliation and has no place in the classroom.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
My goodness. My kids learned from young sometimes you win at a simple board game and sometimes you loose. No need to have an anxiety attack over it.
Yes but hilariously I dont think the kids are actually the ones to worry. But the baby boomer helicopter moms who complain that everyone should get a participation trophy because their "precious" feels bad (not the kid, but them actually lol).

Similar silly complains like claiming "red ink for scores makes them feel bad" (when its actually the parents who get annoyed when their "precious' don't do well in school.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to post this the other day....there was an attack on a school in the Netherlands a few days ago. I didn't hear about it on the news, so apparently it wasn't a big deal here...I don't think anyone got hurt, but the reason I heard about it is because of how the attack was stopped. This cracked me up....I know the article is in Dutch, but if you scroll down a bit, there's a video. It starts off pretty far away, but then it zooms in. The kids actually scared away the attacker by throwing their backpacks at him! :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: These teenagers chase him down the street with their backpacks. He's swinging these knives around and gets beaned by a big heavy, book-filled backpack. On the one hand, I know it's not at all funny that someone tried to attack (it was apparently someone with mental not funny), but on the other hand these sudents are chasing a knife-wielding attacker, armed with....backpacks. And I think it's pretty awesome and brave of them, and I'm glad that no one seems to have gotten hurt. I read that police were able to arrest the man...that the students followed the guy down the street and were able to subdue him until police got there. Since we've been talking about how sad the news is, I thought this was actually pretty positive.


Well-Known Member
I'm having a lazy Sunday. DH took DD for a daddy daughter day playing some game (Ingras, Ingress...not sure how it's spelled) in Enschede with 400 people. So DS and I are home by ourselves for the day. I might see if DS wants to play a board game with me later.
Yesterday, DH went with his brother and his mom to the movies, I took DD to Primark to get new pants and ended up with almost an entire new summer wardrobe, PLUS the pants, for 112 Euros....not bad. DS stayed with Opa and my nephew (grrrr). Nephew dearest likes to mess with DS and Opa doesn't always catch it in time. Suddenly DS is in tears and B feigns innocence..." oh gee, I don't know WHAT happened, all I did was just touch his arm like this and he started crying!" when what he really did is punch DS in the arm. Oma warned Opa to keep them separated so he couldn't do stuff like that, and Opa said there was only one incident while we were gone, so that's some improvement. And we got what we needed for DD....she's growing and a couple pairs of pants don't fit her anymore and she's out of the dress phase now, so we needed to get her some more pants. Then we found the shorts....and the Ravenclaw PJs!! I think she must have tried on half the items in the store. But we got her some really cute stuff...and none of it in the girls section girl is officially in the womens department now. Now I wonder how much longer I'll be able to find stuff for DS in the boys department. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Best of luck to the team!!
Thanks. They came in first because they were the only team in their division. This competition had a lot of rec teams and not a lot of All Star teams. Next week they are competing against 5 others so that will be a tough one. They did a great routine considering the practice Friday night was horrible where nothing was working and the coach said the warm-up was terrible. They get 24 minutes to warm-up and practice before they go on and she said nothing was "hitting", and just forget it. Then they blew us all away with completing all there tumbling and stunts. The timing was a little off and they got one deduction for a mistake in the pyramid that only a judge could see, which is why they are judges. We were pleased overall. They got it together as a team when they needed to.


Premium Member
A Rant of my Saturday Night......

Me right now. :grumpy: Went out for dinner today and as I arrived at our destination I was pulled over by a sheriff. :cautious::cautious::cautious:

It is a strange not quite an intersection with a double light for one intersection. There is a firehouse just before the intersection for about 50 feet. A light just before the firehouse and striping in front of the station on the road and the next light one car length in front of the real intersection without striping and there I sat as I paused for an ambulance waiting for it to pass through the intersection with a green light and arrow which I had ignored give the ambulance coming in the other direction down the road. The deputy said I should have stopped at the red light before the firehouse. But it was the clicker that changed that light and I was already moving forward. He shined his light into my truck and saw the back seat with a 36 pack of water and 3 4 gallon jugs of water for the water cooler. Yep, looking like a big bust for a Saturday night. lol. He was kind and I was equally respectful but did explain...though he held his ground. He took my licence tobuldn't issue me a ticket. I said thank you, but was annoyed beyond my gratitude expressed. I was left to wonder if that intersection given the hospital and firehouse doesn't hold up in court with the clickers they all have to change the lights leaving you in limbo? Or if it is a good way to possibly nab DUIs on a Saturday night. I already had to pay the state for copies of a birth certificate, marriage licience, and a TSA precheck to the Feds this month. So didn't want to pay a fine for something beyond my control.

So rather than eating what I had had a taste for I ate a salad. While there is various forms of liquior in the house there is only one little single serve wines here. I should have prepared. :joyfull:

Yah, that's a tricky one. Like you said, first responders can change traffic lights on a dime, and you didn't do anything wrong. I've seen lights switched plenty of times around here (i live not far from a major highway and a few hospitals, so ambulances, etc. are often flying through), but I never saw anyone pulled over. :facepalm: Sounds like a bit of an over jealous cop. At least he backed off and let you go.


Well-Known Member
I actually think books are less at B&N compared to Target. I have a B&N member Card.. so maybe that makes a difference, but their new release sales are always good, specials are run on classics often .. and we always find a lot of great books in the $7.99 etc sections.
I also love their kids club card and book readings. We attended a lot of them when kiddo was younger. The birthday perk is great too.. the kid gets a free cupcake and extra discounts on books that day.

I’d hate to see B&N close. Target doesn’t do anything similar, maybe 10% off new release is what I usually see there. .
I loved B&N when we lived near one. I remember as a kid the stores were much smaller, and there was a tiny kids section. I loved when they started building the new ones, with the reading areas, and the cafe. Took my kids there a lot. The Target book area pales in comparison. I am pretty sure that Amazon is the downfall of B&N. It does help the small book sellers that sell through Amazon though. They will have out of copy books.

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