The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Yes, those are 2 two car garages. They don't need windows of course, but, clients generally like to walk into them in the daytime without turning on a light. Some also have workshops in them, so they might just have a small lamp over that. Plus this home, like so many others we design, is in a gated community, so they're not really worried about breakins' and theft and such.
Simply put, most of our clients have money coming out of their money...!!!!! :greedy:
I guess that makes more sense then. I was just thinking, every garage I've ever been in has been the catch all for old boxes of stuff they don't use, tools, sporting equipment...not generally stuff you want to display to the neighbors...."look at my cluttered mess!" Of course, pretty much everyone has a cluttered mess SOMEWHERE, we just don't like other people to know about it. So I wondered at the windows. But I suppose that if you have that much money, and a house that big, you probably have ample storage space and don't need the garage for that, and you probably have nice expensive cars, that you would want your neighbors to see and envy (status symbols) so the window is a way to keep those nice cars safe from the elements while still displaying their presence. Makes the mind boggle at how much money they must have.


Well-Known Member
Oh, we got it last night and it's still coming down (6-7 inches so far . . . heavy, wet snow). Just finished shoveling front steps. I'll walk to a bus stop in a little while and just wait for whatever bus driver decides to show up today and attempt to drive during this! HA! It's going to be a long commute into work, that's for sure. Not bothering with the driveway with the concrete snow boulders from the plows--I'll let hubby sleep. He knows I like walking in the snow, so no big surprise when he wakes up and I'm gone. :D

Hope ya' had a fun commute!!!
Being from Central Texas I have no clue how snow and ice makes any of that better, but, you go girl...!!!!!!!!!!! :joyfull: ;)


Well-Known Member
I love love love bookstores!! I could spend HOURS in bookstores. I love the smell of the paper, and that excitement you feel when a cover catches your eye and you HAVE to read the back cover. And sales!!! Nothing beats the excitement of finding a book on my "to read" list in the discount rack. I got Slammerkin in the US in 2016 for $1!!! I also bought 52 books at the library booksale in 2013...I was very good and limited myself to 11 in 2016. I sound like a real weirdo. I promise, I'm not a kook....I just really love books.:angelic:

No, no , no.. you don’t sound like a weirdo!!! I LOVE hearing someone say this.. it’s exactly how I feel!! So if it’s weird, we’ll be weirdos together :)

I love history, so I’ll get stuck on a subject.. then it will take me on a different somewhat related subject.. then I’ll see a book in the discount rack.. grab that on my way out- and now I’m taken down a completely different path!

If I only paid attention to ‘best sellers’ or pre selected stocked books at Target etc, then I would have missed out on all of that joy.

Yes, I bought a Kindle when they first came out, and then a Nook when those first came out... but those were for the beach/pool only...sometimes flights depending on how stuffed my carry on was. Neither one of those devices have stopped my love of real bound pages.. and Amazon definitely can’t take me away from B&N. I do order on B&N online sometimes..but only if a book isn’t in stock at a nearby store.


Well-Known Member
In case anyone is interested, I created a thread called: "Favorite Songs: 1960s & all the way 'til 2018"
It is on the Chit Chat FORUM not this Chit Chat thread.
Have a great night!
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Well-Known Member
You can never have too many books, only inadequate shelf space. I have the same issue. I have a few bookcases and I double row my books and then fill the gap above with more books lying horizontally across the top of the ones standing up. I had one big shelf in our bedroom, but it got too heavy and fell.
That's a reasonable enough explanation. I'm going to use that one the next time I order books from Amazon and my mom says, "You have no place to put these!"


Well-Known Member
In case anyone is interested, I created a thread called: "Favorite Songs: 1960s & all the way 'til 2018"
It is on the Chit Chat FORUM not this Chit Chat thread.
Have a great night!
@21stamps I had hoped my reminder would help people.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I love love love bookstores!! I could spend HOURS in bookstores. I love the smell of the paper, and that excitement you feel when a cover catches your eye and you HAVE to read the back cover. And sales!!! Nothing beats the excitement of finding a book on my "to read" list in the discount rack. I got Slammerkin in the US in 2016 for $1!!! I also bought 52 books at the library booksale in 2013...I was very good and limited myself to 11 in 2016. I sound like a real weirdo. I promise, I'm not a kook....I just really love books.:angelic:

You sound like you identify with your inner Lilly!


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