The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
The Brookstone in the Mall of America (which is the only place I've seen one) recently moved from a large store to a smaller store. So it might be fading a little in our area.
We have one in Raleigh, but, it is the only one I have seen for years. I've never noticed many people in it and even I just go in out or curiosity. I wander through and wonder who would actually buy about 90% of the stuff they carry.


Well-Known Member
I know Illinois has Project Head Start, at Risk Kids. 3-5 year old and usually a pediatrician recommends the parent have their kid assessed by the district at 2.5 to 3 years old. Usually developmentally delayed or lack of spoken English in the home. They do 3 & 4 in one contained classroom here (we are small) and for Kindergarten they do half day in general Kindergarten to prep them to move on and half day in the contained room with the 3 & 4 years old.

Beyond that the only way for free K-Prep for general preschoolers or at Park District is the poverty line and the budget has allowances for everything from free lunch, free milk, field trips, school supplies and yearly fees are then usually waived also.
Headstart. That is what it is called. I couldn't think of the name.


Well-Known Member
Oh trust me, I pulled my kids out of school frequently for vacations. Less in high school but yeah minimum they'd miss 2 weeks every fall. Wouldn't change a thing. They both graduated 8th grade, high school and from their Universities despite our family vacations.
I have family friends that frequently take their kids out of school for vacations. It helps that their kids are at the tops in their classes. They are given the work they'll be missing so they work on it during vacation.


Well-Known Member
Good morning, well it's morning. 3 inches on the ground and 12 to 16 more coming with a chance of 20plus over the higher elevations. Guess who's the higher elavation:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Tonight's dinner groundhog casserole:angelic::angelic::angelic::angelic::angelic:
When dh and I were dating we drove up to Vernon. He lived in Clifton so not a terribly long drive. We were just driving around when a snowstorm started. Big deal, right? Within a half hour the roads were covered. He had a Pontiac Grand Am. Not a great car for snow. We had started driving up a hill on a 2 lane road. There was a lake on our right. We didn't get half way up it and then the car started to go backwards.:eek: Then it started to head towards the lake. :eek::eek:Somehow, he managed to do the most amazing nonstop K turn and got the car turned so we were going down the hill on the road and didn't end up in the lake. Never forgot that.:oops:

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