The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
@StarWarsGirl when you travel with your grandmother do you get airport assistance? I am wondering if it would be useful to get for my mother since she gets very stressed going to security etc.
Yes, I do. I request a wheelchair as soon as we get in. They take her ID and boarding pass, take her through security (I'm with them, but following normal procedures) here in the US, they don't make her take her shoes off, so she gets up long enough to walk through the metal detectorb although once, they didn't even make her do that, and then once we're through, they wheel her down to the gate. They let me take over from there so we can get food and such, and then they wheel her down to the plane. She preboards so she has plenty of time, and a flight attendant helps with her bags. Then, when we get off, they have a chair waiting for her and they wheel her over to bag claim and then out to pickup. It's really very easy for her and gives me peace of mind that she won't get run over by someone dashing through the airport.

She got frazzled once because she packed liquids in her carryon, and then after that, she was worrying about where her stuff was; she went to pay for dinner and couldn't find her wallet (which I promptly pulled out of her purse) but overall, she travels very well and doesn't get overly frazzled. She's also confident in my ability to travel and just lets me handle everything, which also helps. With both our stress levels.

I definitely recommend getting assistance for anyone who needs it, though. It definitely helps with travel anxiety levels.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I do. I request a wheelchair as soon as we get in. They take her ID and boarding pass, take her through security (I'm with them, but following normal procedures) here in the US, they don't make her take her shoes off, so she gets up long enough to walk through the metal detectorb although once, they didn't even make her do that, and then once we're through, they wheel her down to the gate. They let me take over from there so we can get food and such, and then they wheel her down to the plane. She preboards so she has plenty of time, and a flight attendant helps with her bags. Then, when we get off, they have a chair waiting for her and they wheel her over to bag claim and then out to pickup. It's really very easy for her and gives me peace of mind that she won't get run over by someone dashing through the airport.

She got frazzled once because she packed liquids in her carryon, and then after that, she was worrying about where her stuff was; she went to pay for dinner and couldn't find her wallet (which I promptly pulled out of her purse) but overall, she travels very well and doesn't get overly frazzled. She's also confident in my ability to travel and just lets me handle everything, which also helps. With both our stress levels.

I definitely recommend getting assistance for anyone who needs it, though. It definitely helps with travel anxiety levels.
Thanks, I will ask my mother if she would consider this for our trip to Bali.


Well-Known Member
@Cesar R M do you live in Mexico?

Our coach is from Mexico, moved here 8 years ago. We also have 2 boys (brothers) who’s family moved from Mexico to the US last Summer. Those 2 boys, one of which is only 6- playing in a 2010 bracket, are far and away the two best kids on our team. Their skills are ridiculous. I don’t know what they’re putting in the water in Mexico. ;)

Also, obviously these kids have been playing before coming to the US.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone watch the US Women’s Team?

They played horrible, but I also feel bad for them for a. Playing in the snow. And B. Most fans leaving because of the snow.

Has to be disappointing to play in an almost empty stadium.. but snow in Columbus, in March! Can’t say I blame the attendees too much.

@dryerlintfan , please make sure it goes North and not South!
It went north. We got five inches and snow day #6.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone........ doctor has been insisting that I have a colonoscopy for like a year, and the inevitable has finally arrived. I have to have the procedure a week from tomorrow (March 9).

I'm totally freaking out and could use some reassurance that (hopefully) it's not that bad from people who have had it done.

I hear the prep where you have to fast for 24 hours is worse than the procedure.

Any comments are welcome, although I don't know why I have to do this anyway. All they are going to find in there is vodka. ;)
The prep is worse and don't stray far from the bathroom. I had one last year and they found a small polyp and removed it. They put me to sleep for it and when I woke up they gave me cookies and a pop and let me go home. Maybe they'll give you cookies and a good "shot" of something. ;)

The Mom

Premium Member
Original Poster
Hey everyone........ doctor has been insisting that I have a colonoscopy for like a year, and the inevitable has finally arrived. I have to have the procedure a week from tomorrow (March 9).

I'm totally freaking out and could use some reassurance that (hopefully) it's not that bad from people who have had it done.

I hear the prep where you have to fast for 24 hours is worse than the procedure.

Any comments are welcome, although I don't know why I have to do this anyway. All they are going to find in there is vodka. ;)

I've had two done, my husband has had almost a dozen. The prep IS worse than the procedure! Just consider it a rough night before followed by a great nap. ;)


Well-Known Member
I disagree. Very Prominent is from what I've seen in the USA a great exaggeration given the abundance of children in sports and arts. In other cultures possibly. Where are you pulling those statistics from. USA or Mexico. It happens but I've not seen that to be the prominent factor in either the sports or arts here.

Again, what percentages are you speaking to? 1 in 100, 1 in a 1000, 1 in 10,000? As a parent do you sit your child in front of a TV or play video games because you might think marching band camp is too much for them to handle? What would you allow your child to participate in or would they be confined to their homes out of fear of the unknown?

Again, where is the the source for parents expecting A's from their Children? Here or in Mexico? I have the data for SAT and achievement test scores. Are you saying that every band parent or every parent of an athlete demands those grades the exception is only if they are a brilliant musician or athlete? If that is the rubric for students in Mexico I am sad for your children. If you are saying that is the overall expectation for American parents I really want to know where that data is coming from.

Fair enough. That was what started all this, her parenting choices being questioned as to her goals for her child. @21stamps did do an excellent job defending herself and why she is choosing to expose her child to athletics.
Sometimes we need to be far more careful than just couching with it isn't judgmental when it can be taken that way especially when requesting an explanation to other parents goals for their children. When you need an explanation it gets dicey especially with very young children.

I never found it to be political here. There was a system to move them quickly elsewhere and often out of the country or often to another state. Didn't help they gave them new names that were hard to trace. That wasn't happening here because of our politics right or left it was was in house dodging the bullet. Mexico I have no background to even comment on how that all happened there. Other than an acceptable offense. Makes me sick.
Still the overwhelming greatest source of creeps in my lifetime from one given group of humans. Makes the University scandals tiny in comparisons. Not any less horrid but certainly the lion share isn't coming from the Universities. But I do agree that politics has thwarted the investigations and follow ups by law enforcement. Can't wrap my brain around that.
As far as the expectations, I can only speak for myself and what I have seen, but I vowed not to do that to my kids because my mother's expectations put too much pressure on me in school. When I came home with an A-, I was threatened that all of my extra-curriculars would be taken away if I didn't "get that grade up there where it belonged." It wasn't so much that my mom was trying to live vicariously, but I think in her case, she felt a certain amount of judgment as a single mom. We lived in a town where the majority of people worked for one of the coal mines and were more than comfortable financially. The majority were also LDS and married. Needless to say, we were outsiders....poor, divorced parents, Lutheran, and not coal miners. We didn't fit in, and I think my mom felt she had a reputation to uphold...she had to prove that just because her marriage didn't work, and she wasn't rich, didn't mean she was a bad mom and so we had to perform well to show everyone else that we were just as good as they were. We were told we didn't "have a real family" because my parents were divorced. My brother was gifted and never had to crack a book open, whereas I had to stay up late to get my homework was a struggle for me. But I was expected to get good grades so no one could say my mom wasn't doing a good job. I don't regret the good grades, or the speech and debate trophies (I actually LOVED Speech and Debate), while I only played basketball to please my mom....I was not good at it. But I don't regret doing the things I did, I just wish my mom hadn't put so much pressure on me about it. Did it really matter in the long run that I got an A- in one class one quarter instead of an A? I would feel such anxiety on report card day....what if I had blanked on a math test? What about that one assignment that I got a B on....was that going to kill my GPA? I remember crying in 7th grade because I got a B+ in Science...I was afraid to take my report card home. My friends thought I was being a Drama Queen, but their parents all would have been THRILLED with a B+. And from what I saw of other parents....there was a dad who would go to his son's basketball games and shout insults at the kid. He was kicked out of more than one game. Then he'd come to the kid's band concert and sith with his arms folded and a scowl on his face....he didn't want to be was beneath the likes of his kids. Parents who weren't proud of their kids unless their kid was the top athlete or top academic achiever. Sure, there were some who were proud of their kids when they did well, and were ok with it if they DIDN'T, but at least in my case, that didn't happen. If I didn't achieve, I was in trouble and there were consequences! I was supposed to do just as well as my brother did, but let him have the glory and not outshine him in any way that would make HIM feel bad, because he was "used to being better at things". (Yes, I have a lot of resentment about it) I don't think anyone ever noticed that pressure on me....I was just the kid who got good grades, was in every activity under the sun, a typical responsible high-achieving teen. But they didn't see what happened when I brought my report card home, or the time that I won the school speech contest and came in 2nd in the district...better than anyone from my school had ever done in districts...and my mom said "Well, it's not first." and I wasn't allowed to be proud of it, because my brother had competed in the school contest as well and I beat him, which would make him feel bad because he was used to being smarter than me. You might not notice, but I'm willing to bet there are lots of kids who are mostly doing the things they do to try to make their parents proud of them and not because they truly love what they are doing. Perhaps it's not the majority, but it probably happens more than you know about.


Well-Known Member
And, there again goes the ballistic over a simple question, and answering for another member. I wasn't asking for your opinion there, Gabby. I was asking for hers. If she wants to read me the riot act, fine. Again, I didn't ask for any of your cents. Get a grip, already. Geez.
Again, I can't stress enough that this had nothing WHATSOEVER to do about you and your family!!!!!!!!!!! It was an honest, straight-up question to @21stamps.
Why you felt the need to, yet again, insert yourself here, I have no clue...?!?!?!?!
Take a sedative, and drink some more wine, already. Geez... :cyclops:
I'm absolutely sure "someone" directed this quote towards me once. Maybe she needs to read it again. ;)

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