We had pretty bad luck with the 2 cars we bought over here. The first one was so so small and once I got pregnant, we gave that thing up because the seatbelts weren't even long enough to fit around a baby carseat. But it had an oil leak anyway. So then we bought another car.....Seat I think? But that thing was NOTHING but problems....when we bought it, they told us they had just replaced the engine, so it was basically like a brand new car, even though it was 9 years old. Great...but within 2 years, we had to replace the engine again....2000 euros to replace it. Plus, in the winter, when it got cold, the doors would freeze up and you couldn't open them or get them closed. My husband had to drive with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding the door closed until the car warmed up enough to get the door closed. I had to crawl out the window once because I couldn't get my door to open, and then there was the time that the window was frozen shut, so I couldn't roll down the window and the door would only open from the outside, so I had to flag someone down at my work to come open the door for me so I could get out of the car. It was a mess....and they dealership just said it was a manufacturer's defect, nothing they could do about it. So when, after we replaced the engine, it died after ANOTHER 2 years, and again, it was the engine needing to be replaced, we decided we'd had enough of owning cars. We started leasing and it's been fantastic. You get a new choice after 5 or 6 years, you always get a NEW car, so you don't have those problems with it, everything is covered in the payment....it's automatically insured and if something breaks, we don't have to pay for the repairs. First we had a Toyota Yaris and now we have a Peugot 208 or something? I liked the Yaris a bit better....it was easier to get in and out of and it had a camera in the back. But as I'm not the one driving, I don't give input on stuff like that...and we got this one at a discounted rate since it was our 2nd car from that company. There are definite advantages to leasing instead of buying.