As you chit chatters know, there was some family drama with hubs and I not attending his family's Christmas this year. Here's an update...
So tomorrow is the big family gathering. Today hub got an email from his uncle, there was another email attached it was from his twin sister (who lives in the Chicago area) to the uncle. In that email hub's sister told the uncle the time for the meal and informed him that we wouldn't be at Christmas this year because these are her words..."Brad's wife is
unwilling to drive him and they are
unwilling to fly." Nothing about them being unwilling to come up here, ever. Now hubs had not been included on that email but his uncle must have thought that he should see it as he included him in the reply to the sister. I don't think the uncle was trying to make any trouble because he is well aware of his nieces' personalities as he has had to miss gatherings to care for his wife that has MS. So hubs replied to his uncle and emailed another uncle and both were supportive of our situation and understand why were aren't going to come this year.
But those words just made me see red, combined with the fact that hub's older sister (the one who thinks she runs the family) did not respond to my husband's Merry Christmas text yesterday! She posted pictures of her kids on Facebook but couldn't return a simple text. Her husband and their kids texted him back even his twin sister at least texted back a simple Merry Christmas. So when today when hubs read that email to me I just exploded because to me they are just treating him like dirt and have for years. It was my tipping point. I told hubs that I'm done with them and honestly if I see his sisters and either one of them make some sort of comment about it in the future I don't think I can hold back. I'm pretty easy going and I've put up with their slights for years because I know they mean something to hubs but they just treated him poorly one too many times for me. I get very protective of people who mean a lot to me, so maybe I won't be seeing them in the future. Ugh!
Oh and a little bit ago hubs got a text from the one sister's husband that he mailed my present out today (I guess he had my name for Christmas). My first inclination is to send the present back because I really don't want anything from those people. However, it is probably a Disney book I've been wanting to read for months, the new one about the Ink and Paint Department. So what to do?
Oh thanks again for listening/reading, sorry.

Again, you all are the best!