Well, maybe we weren't quite as forgiven as I thought. Hubby and I made lunch (my MIL calls it "brunch" but doesn't want to eat "brunch" until 1pm, and she wants breakfast when she wakes up...I don't think she understands the concept of an actual brunch) and did the cleanup, and then my BIL came over around 4:30 or 5 for dinner, and my MIL announced that from now on she's done with doing the Christmas dinners. We're welcome to come to their house, but we'll have to do our OWN shopping and bring it all to her house and cook it ourselves because she's not doing it. Now, I can understand the speech in regards to my BIL because it's pretty much standard that he comes over just before dinner and sits on the couch until dinner is ready, he eats, and then leaves before dessert so he doesn't have to help with the clean up. OR, he'll stay, and go sit on the couch while the rest of us clean up and when my MIL asks him to help, he'll take a dish or 2 from the table, set it in the kitchen on the counter and then go back and sit down and play on his phone. My husband and I have helped her make dinner AND done the clean up every year, for both Easter AND Christmas, AND we go on their birthdays and spend the day serving their guests so that she can sit and enjoy the party. And while we are cooking and cleaning up, she tries to micromanage everything and snaps at us for asking where she wants us to put a dish or where something is, so to treat us like we don't do anything to help did NOT sit well with us. DH said if she continues on like that, we won't go at all next year. It's one thing to say "I'm getting to old and I'd really like you guys to take over" or to pull my BIL aside and tell him he needs to actually do his part. But considering we have done just as much as she has every year, if not more, because SHE doesn't generally help with the clean up "because she cooked", it was uncalled for to accuse us of making her do all the work every year. DH called her on it and she begrudgingly admitted that yes, he had handled lunch. Yeah...I was just kitchen decoration apparently. She did go to HIM later and tell him that the speech had been for my BIL's benefit (He actually set the table this year! Though he forgot half the stuff...perhaps if he actually helps from now on, he'll learn what all needs to go on the table). But I call shenanigans because if that was the case, she could have just talked to him, OR she could have let us know before he got there that she was going to say something and that it was not meant for us. I think she was feeling a bit upset that no one came to church and was venting and maybe realized later that she had been in the wrong. But she never said anything to ME. We'll see how Easter goes...if it doesn't go well, I think we'll just have our own Christmas at home next year.