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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Sympathy like doesn't even begin cover it. I got a bit of pretty fabric for Christmas and what am I cutting out a sweatshirt:mad::grumpy::cold::coldfeet::grumpy::mad::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Granted it's excellent quality, it has a nice chevron texture, but it's basic black and not what I had hoped to get to do! I'm doing it because I need to:brb::cold::coldfeet::grumpy::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::banghead::banghead::banghead::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: FLORIDA!!!!!

Speaking of which...DD has a couple of questions for you. Where do you order your fabric from when you order online? And are there minimum yards?

The other one is where did you get your headbands for your Minnie Ears you made? She is having a hard time finding ones that are long enough since the ears make the headbands top heavy.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That is a precious picture. Rapunzel looks in love with her. Hope you are having a ball. Heard MK had one phase of closing yesterday. Obviously you were not affected.:):)

I think it was a phase B which is such a minor closing. Make a FP+ reservation and you are good to go. By the time every website posted the phase close it was almost over. Swear it has more to do with resolving parking issues that stuffing more guests into the park.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
This was your protein?! :jawdrop:




Well-Known Member
As you chit chatters know, there was some family drama with hubs and I not attending his family's Christmas this year. Here's an update...

So tomorrow is the big family gathering. Today hub got an email from his uncle, there was another email attached it was from his twin sister (who lives in the Chicago area) to the uncle. In that email hub's sister told the uncle the time for the meal and informed him that we wouldn't be at Christmas this year because these are her words..."Brad's wife is unwilling to drive him and they are unwilling to fly." Nothing about them being unwilling to come up here, ever. Now hubs had not been included on that email but his uncle must have thought that he should see it as he included him in the reply to the sister. I don't think the uncle was trying to make any trouble because he is well aware of his nieces' personalities as he has had to miss gatherings to care for his wife that has MS. So hubs replied to his uncle and emailed another uncle and both were supportive of our situation and understand why were aren't going to come this year.

But those words just made me see red, combined with the fact that hub's older sister (the one who thinks she runs the family) did not respond to my husband's Merry Christmas text yesterday! She posted pictures of her kids on Facebook but couldn't return a simple text. Her husband and their kids texted him back even his twin sister at least texted back a simple Merry Christmas. So when today when hubs read that email to me I just exploded because to me they are just treating him like dirt and have for years. It was my tipping point. I told hubs that I'm done with them and honestly if I see his sisters and either one of them make some sort of comment about it in the future I don't think I can hold back. I'm pretty easy going and I've put up with their slights for years because I know they mean something to hubs but they just treated him poorly one too many times for me. I get very protective of people who mean a lot to me, so maybe I won't be seeing them in the future. Ugh!

Oh and a little bit ago hubs got a text from the one sister's husband that he mailed my present out today (I guess he had my name for Christmas). My first inclination is to send the present back because I really don't want anything from those people. However, it is probably a Disney book I've been wanting to read for months, the new one about the Ink and Paint Department. So what to do?

Oh thanks again for listening/reading, sorry. :(Again, you all are the best! :inlove:
Wow, I don’t know who had a worse family situation, you or @MOXOMUMD? I think I would take that forwarded email and forward it to that sister with a nice reply describing the numerous times you and Brad went out of your way for all the holidays, graduations, etc. How he is injured and that they couldn’t see it in their hearts at Christmas to for once take a trip to their brother. Not like you didn’t invite them. You guys always seem to go out of your way. And then to send an email to a relative blaming you for you and Brad not going? Really? What is wrong with these people. Such narcissism. They always expect you guys to roll over but never do anything in return. You are better off without them.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I exited out of the "chrome" app....used the Tripadvisor app successfully...came back to the chrome loaded and the warning filled the screen wife and I tinkered with it but it seemed like the real deal. Now it is 48 hours later I can't remember the wording or more specific details. Sorry.
Dont worry, just wondering. Because there are a LOT OF ADS (as in popups and adverticements) that can popup using most common apps or browsers. And since the adblockers for phones are pretty bad...
Anyway there are many times that fake ads popup and claims you won something or you're infected with a virus. So they ask you to click and buy their crap malware "antivirus". But thats what they are.. baits for you to click by scaring you
Last edited:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
As you chit chatters know, there was some family drama with hubs and I not attending his family's Christmas this year. Here's an update...

So tomorrow is the big family gathering. Today hub got an email from his uncle, there was another email attached it was from his twin sister (who lives in the Chicago area) to the uncle. In that email hub's sister told the uncle the time for the meal and informed him that we wouldn't be at Christmas this year because these are her words..."Brad's wife is unwilling to drive him and they are unwilling to fly." Nothing about them being unwilling to come up here, ever. Now hubs had not been included on that email but his uncle must have thought that he should see it as he included him in the reply to the sister. I don't think the uncle was trying to make any trouble because he is well aware of his nieces' personalities as he has had to miss gatherings to care for his wife that has MS. So hubs replied to his uncle and emailed another uncle and both were supportive of our situation and understand why were aren't going to come this year.

But those words just made me see red, combined with the fact that hub's older sister (the one who thinks she runs the family) did not respond to my husband's Merry Christmas text yesterday! She posted pictures of her kids on Facebook but couldn't return a simple text. Her husband and their kids texted him back even his twin sister at least texted back a simple Merry Christmas. So when today when hubs read that email to me I just exploded because to me they are just treating him like dirt and have for years. It was my tipping point. I told hubs that I'm done with them and honestly if I see his sisters and either one of them make some sort of comment about it in the future I don't think I can hold back. I'm pretty easy going and I've put up with their slights for years because I know they mean something to hubs but they just treated him poorly one too many times for me. I get very protective of people who mean a lot to me, so maybe I won't be seeing them in the future. Ugh!

Oh and a little bit ago hubs got a text from the one sister's husband that he mailed my present out today (I guess he had my name for Christmas). My first inclination is to send the present back because I really don't want anything from those people. However, it is probably a Disney book I've been wanting to read for months, the new one about the Ink and Paint Department. So what to do?

Oh thanks again for listening/reading, sorry. :(Again, you all are the best! :inlove:
Id reply back that email and CC everyone to dispel the myths of "unwilling".

"Listen Karla, I have no idea why you keep insisting that we are by your words "unwilling". We got a real medical issue that prevents us from driving and we're definitively not going to risk our lives so your petty ****** can be happy about "not ruining" your perfect reunion" (ps change karla to whatever her name is).

Id be p***ed as well by that attitude. I really dislike when people talk BS behind someone's back.


Well-Known Member
UK’s entrance wasn’t roped off, was it?

Today it was!! This picture was from Canada but the UK was the same way! We grabbed a giant donut from joffreys next to the UK and sat on a bench to eat it though so we didn't get to France until 11:05 ish so I can't say for certain if France was too. The world showcase was crowded even though nothing was open but Les Halle's. This was at 10:45 ish:

dont forget to share general photos ;)

My phone isn't playing nice with the internet here, so it's hard to upload photos. Plus it's so overwhelming and crowded that I haven't taken any general photos, really. Here's what magic kingdom looked like at around ten am when we left yesterday morning:

I'm so grateful to have avoided those crowds thanks to this forum.

I think being a first timer is making me really bad at taking general park photos, lol. We've been noticing the details but I've been trying to not take it my phone much.


Premium Member
Wow, I don’t know who had a worse family situation, you or @MOXOMUMD? I think I would take that forwarded email and forward it to that sister with a nice reply describing the numerous times you and Brad went out of your way for all the holidays, graduations, etc. How he is injured and that they couldn’t see it in their hearts at Christmas to for once take a trip to their brother. Not like you didn’t invite them. You guys always seem to go out of your way. And then to send an email to a relative blaming you for you and Brad not going? Really? What is wrong with these people. Such narcissism. They always expect you guys to roll over but never do anything in return. You are better off without them.

Id reply back that email and CC everyone to dispel the myths of "unwilling".

"Listen Karla, I have no idea why you keep insisting that we are by your words "unwilling". We got a real medical issue that prevents us from driving and we're definitively not going to risk our lives so your petty ****** can be happy about "not ruining" your perfect reunion" (ps change karla to whatever her name is).

Id be p***ed as well by that attitude. I really dislike when people talk BS behind someone's back.

You two are saying exactly what I wanted to do. And @Cesar R M i love that you just picked Karla for name And it isn't t even close to their names but funny. Actually his older sister and I have the same first name, amy. She actually told me that she didn't like me before she met me because I had the same name. I think she said I was going to "steal" her name because I was marrying her brother.

Anyway, we both decided for now not to email them back or start any confrontation. However I made it clear to brad that if I ever do see his family again and they say any such comment all bets are off and I will let them have it. They aren't worth it, they think they have been wronged and for now we are taking a high road. Hubs plans to call tomorrow when the whole family is gathered, we will see what happens then. I really just feel bad for my husband, it is disappointing for him that they have no compassion for him.


Well-Known Member
OK, I have been massively remiss, but, just spending time with my wonderful family for the last few days...!!! Another pic of the wonderful ladies in my life from the cruise...again, my family is my life...I am nothing without them...God has blessed me many times over...!!!!!!! :happy:


May God bless and keep you all, and the sincerest, and sweetest of Disney dreams to one and all of y'all...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy: :)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
You two are saying exactly what I wanted to do. And @Cesar R M i love that you just picked Karla for name And it isn't t even close to their names but funny. Actually his older sister and I have the same first name, amy. She actually told me that she didn't like me before she met me because I had the same name. I think she said I was going to "steal" her name because I was marrying her brother.

Anyway, we both decided for now not to email them back or start any confrontation. However I made it clear to brad that if I ever do see his family again and they say any such comment all bets are off and I will let them have it. They aren't worth it, they think they have been wronged and for now we are taking a high road. Hubs plans to call tomorrow when the whole family is gathered, we will see what happens then. I really just feel bad for my husband, it is disappointing for him that they have no compassion for him.
Its actually a joke born in the internet. Where they usually spot very degrading behaviour of someone against something (because of ignorance, lack of information, racism..etc..) And they counter with "Listen here Susan..." "You can't do that Karen!" "That's not what happened here Laura!" "Lighten up Sophie!"

They usually use the "whitest" sounded name to scold someone from behavioural stupidity like this. :hilarious:

Other names used a lot in this meme is "Susan" and "Karen".

As for the email. I honestly believe that Its not that good to just leave things like that for one reason.
You do not know if they will still badmouth and spew lies behind you.
And who knows if the others are innocent bystanders because this "Karen" loves to badmouth from behind their backs's to anyone when she doesn't get her way. And the worse could happen is she manages to side the entire family against you with these lies that went unanswered.

But then of course Its 100% your family and your issue. We're here to support you!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
As you chit chatters know, there was some family drama with hubs and I not attending his family's Christmas this year. Here's an update...

So tomorrow is the big family gathering. Today hub got an email from his uncle, there was another email attached it was from his twin sister (who lives in the Chicago area) to the uncle. In that email hub's sister told the uncle the time for the meal and informed him that we wouldn't be at Christmas this year because these are her words..."Brad's wife is unwilling to drive him and they are unwilling to fly." Nothing about them being unwilling to come up here, ever. Now hubs had not been included on that email but his uncle must have thought that he should see it as he included him in the reply to the sister. I don't think the uncle was trying to make any trouble because he is well aware of his nieces' personalities as he has had to miss gatherings to care for his wife that has MS. So hubs replied to his uncle and emailed another uncle and both were supportive of our situation and understand why were aren't going to come this year.

But those words just made me see red, combined with the fact that hub's older sister (the one who thinks she runs the family) did not respond to my husband's Merry Christmas text yesterday! She posted pictures of her kids on Facebook but couldn't return a simple text. Her husband and their kids texted him back even his twin sister at least texted back a simple Merry Christmas. So when today when hubs read that email to me I just exploded because to me they are just treating him like dirt and have for years. It was my tipping point. I told hubs that I'm done with them and honestly if I see his sisters and either one of them make some sort of comment about it in the future I don't think I can hold back. I'm pretty easy going and I've put up with their slights for years because I know they mean something to hubs but they just treated him poorly one too many times for me. I get very protective of people who mean a lot to me, so maybe I won't be seeing them in the future. Ugh!

Oh and a little bit ago hubs got a text from the one sister's husband that he mailed my present out today (I guess he had my name for Christmas). My first inclination is to send the present back because I really don't want anything from those people. However, it is probably a Disney book I've been wanting to read for months, the new one about the Ink and Paint Department. So what to do?

Oh thanks again for listening/reading, sorry. :(Again, you all are the best! :inlove:

Blah! I'm sorry. Not surprised but I am sorry. You've heard me speak of my inlaws the two brothers married to two sisters for years now along with my MIL from H*ll the matriarch (Marie from Everyone Loves Raymond) that is the dictator of her 3 sons daily life. I feel your hubs pain. That email had to hurt and he had to be angry that she also lashed out at you and that they lack caring about his accident and injury. Maybe they'd like a note from his doctor? Twits.

I don't think I'd send the book back. Is that BIL normally a decent human? Could he just be afraid of the collateral damage if he tries to stand up to her? My FIL would rarely put my MIL in her place. He was a good and kind man, deserved better than what he married. Could be the case with him too. Blah. Acting out this way on Jesus' Birthday. :cautious: We can sing them a round of You'll know we are Christians by Our Love. :inlove: Hang in there.


Premium Member
OK, I have been massively remiss, but, just spending time with my wonderful family for the last few days...!!! Another pic of the wonderful ladies in my life from the cruise...again, my family is my life...I am nothing without them...God has blessed me many times over...!!!!!!! :happy:

View attachment 252199

May God bless and keep you all, and the sincerest, and sweetest of Disney dreams to one and all of y'all...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy: :)

I love the pose in the picture of your girls and their dresses.


Premium Member
Its actually a joke born in the internet. Where they usually spot very degrading behaviour of someone against something (because of ignorance, lack of information, racism..etc..) And they counter with "Listen here Susan..." "You can't do that Karen!" "That's not what happened here Laura!" "Lighten up Sophie!"

They usually use the "whitest" sounded name to scold someone from behavioural stupidity like this. :hilarious:

Other names used a lot in this meme is "Susan" and "Karen".

As for the email. I honestly believe that Its not that good to just leave things like that for one reason.
You do not know if they will still badmouth and spew lies behind you.
And who knows if the others are innocent bystanders because this "Karen" loves to badmouth from behind their backs's to anyone when she doesn't get her way. And the worse could happen is she manages to side the entire family against you with these lies that went unanswered.

But then of course Its 100% your family and your issue. We're here to support you!

Thanks, you bring up some things to think about. We will see how his phone call goes tomorrow.


Premium Member
Blah! I'm sorry. Not surprised but I am sorry. You've heard me speak of my inlaws the two brothers married to two sisters for years now along with my MIL from H*ll the matriarch (Marie from Everyone Loves Raymond) that is the dictator of her 3 sons daily life. I feel your hubs pain. That email had to hurt and he had to be angry that she also lashed out at you and that they lack caring about his accident and injury. Maybe they'd like a note from his doctor? Twits.

I don't think I'd send the book back. Is that BIL normally a decent human? Could he just be afraid of the collateral damage if he tries to stand up to her? My FIL would rarely put my MIL in her place. He was a good and kind man, deserved better than what he married. Could be the case with him too. Blah. Acting out this way on Jesus' Birthday. :cautious: We can sing them a round of You'll know we are Christians by Our Love. :inlove: Hang in there.

Yeah families are odd. Love the line about acting out on Jesus' Birthday. I might keep the present that comes, the sisters husbands are nice guys how they stay married to their wives, I'll never know. :joyfull:

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