Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Difference between small, private school and larger state school:
At small private school, we once had a shooting scare. That is the only instance of crime on campus, and that was more that a student was being stupid with a BB rifle. If incidents happen, students are unaware.
At large state school, today I've gotten three texts from the campus police about suspicious persons on campus. Last week, I got a text that there was an armed robbery near campus, so be careful. I'm remembering why I did not take that free ride to the state school...
My DD had crime alerts and I liked them as did she. If something is happening in any area, home, shopping centers, schools I'd rather know than be kept in the dark, to easy to be a victim. We have police following our buses right now for our elementary school. 2x in a day a guy in a white van was driving slowly next to our elementary school walkers. We "all called" the parents with a description of the van and the then updated parents on busing and suggested they meet the school bus. Parents would be ticked as heck if we kept the stalker van from them, worse if somethng happened to one of these kids if we kept the community in the dark.