The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
I forgot to tell you guys I think...but when we were at an amusement park last week, we were talking about some rides and they have this ride there, pretty much the only one I'll do at this park, and it's a boat ride. It's basically like PoC with a wild west theme instead of pirates. So then DD starts talking about it, but got her tongue twisted around her I teeth, so she couldn't see what she was saying (that's what my mom used to say) and she called it Carrots of the Pirabbean. So PoC is now The Carrot ride.:hilarious:

Funny! :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
Everything I've read about them indicates that that's just how they were. They were both very well-known in the community and she was known for looking in on the sick, etc. They were prominent members of the church community, he having been a minister in 3 different churches and apparently walking long distances to do services in other towns, and of course he was also a government official for a while. It sounds like they were just really involved in everything TOGETHER, so they would probably also have talked about everything. It sounds like they were a very strong's kind of sad, actually, because it seems to have stopped with them. Their son, (my grandfather's father) was basically abandoned by his mother, and never knew his father. BUT, I did hear from our cousins that his father didn't know he existed until he was an adult...I guess he and my g-grandmother were never married, or divorced before my grandpa was born. Just makes you wonder, since my g-g-grandparents were so TOGETHER, what led to the situation where my grandfather never knew his dad? I'd love to hear the whole story. My grandpa was very resentful toward his mother because he had lived with her parents until he was 5 or 6 and he LOVED them. Then one day his mom showed up with her new husband and took him and his half sister away and they left for...Nebraska maybe? I know my grandmother was from Nebraska, but I don't remember how they met. But my grandpa was very close with his half-sister and she got sick, but their parents belonged to some religious group that didn't believe in medicine and refused to do anything but pray. She died and my grandpa never forgave them for taking them from her parents and for letting his sister die. He ran away as soon as he could take care of himself. He had a very hard life...and I can only imagine how different it would have been if he had known his other half of the family who didn't even know he existed, and/or been allowed to stay with his mom's parents. I find that whole branch of the family tree fascinating and I wish I knew more about them.

Yea, that sounds like it would, indeed, be interesting. Not for the drama factor, but, just to know. So much is lost to time and history, however. The most we have been able to dig up on either DWifey or my family (including her family all the way back to the Revolutionary War) that was a bit dramatic, was a great, great uncle on my pops side that was a huckster. He was apparently a master of scr**ing people out of their property, and then turning it for a huge profit. Black sheep, indeed. Definitely not the family norm.


Premium Member
Not a bigger dog lover out there than me and an advocate of service dogs, they are beyond awesome. I want service dogs licensed much like to be afforded a disability parking pass from the state which requires doctors contributing to the application, I believe this should be the same type of application with service animals. Too many people just 'pretending' and then the real people with service animals are given the stink eye. Just like a plate for car or rear view mirror tag, the dogs would be give an official service tag. My thoughts anyhow.

I agree. I feel bad for people who really need the service animals and get side looks or snide comments about their animal. Kind of like people with scooters, there are some people that legitimately need them and they get snotty comments and stink eye looks which is totally unfair. I try to have the philosophy of being glad and thankful that I don't need a service animal or a scooter but happy those that need them have them available. I always joke about getting Kapono a service dog vest so she could go everywhere with me, but I wouldn't be deceitful like that, because I wouldn't ever want to make it more difficult for some reason for someone who actually needs a service animal.


Premium Member
As for the eclipse stuff here is a CNN article about looking at the sun during the eclipse.

Think about it this way, you wouldn't normally stare at the sun because it hurts our eyes, even on sunny days if the sun gets in our eyes we squint, shield our eyes, wear sunglasses, but you still avert your eyes so it isn't going directly in your eyes. But on eclipse days the sun is "darkened" making it easier to look at, meaning it is easier to look at and once it is then out of totality your eye doesn't adjust always in time allowing exposure to the harmful rays. So in a way it is more tempting to look at the sun because it is shaded.

I have glasses but I still haven't decided if I'm going to trust them enough to look. My biggest fear is going blind so I try to do what I can to preserve my eyesight. I might make a box and watch what I can with that. It might be cloudy by me and I might not have to worry about it anyway.

I only remember one other solar eclipse, and again where I live we didn't see it in totality probably saw about 80% of it like we are expected to see it tomorrow. Anyway, I was in 2nd grade and we made solar eclipse boxes and our teacher took us outside and we all lined our boxes up by the football field fence. Our teacher probably told us not to look at the sun and being a rule follower I did not look up, I remember being scared to do so. So she probably told us we would go blind. I also remember a little boy in my class, named Teddy, was not so much of a rule follower and our teacher was constantly yelling at Teddy to not look up. I don't remember what happened to Teddy but I know he didn't move on to 3rd grade with us.


Premium Member
Whelp, rode Avatar Flight of Passage. No verdict due to horrible motion sickness the first time on. Going to try again next week, sooner after eating.

I know a lot of people rave about it but I can honestly say it wouldn't be a favorite of mine. I appreciate the technology and the level of detail but I left thinking, "that was cool, I wonder what the line for Everest is right now" Plus I never get motion sick on anything, I mean I could ride Everest, Big Thunder over and over, I could spin all day on the teacups and FOP (on my second ride) made my stomach flip a little.

I'll still ride it and make it a fast pass priority because it was fun and I don't want to wait 150 minutes for it. But a Top Ten attraction? Not for me but I can see why others might put it at the top of their faves.

Do you watch the Stacey Must Do's at all on the resort tv? I'm just wondering if they have updated it yet to include Pandora stuff.


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people rave about it but I can honestly say it wouldn't be a favorite of mine. I appreciate the technology and the level of detail but I left thinking, "that was cool, I wonder what the line for Everest is right now" Plus I never get motion sick on anything, I mean I could ride Everest, Big Thunder over and over, I could spin all day on the teacups and FOP (on my second ride) made my stomach flip a little.

I'll still ride it and make it a fast pass priority because it was fun and I don't want to wait 150 minutes for it. But a Top Ten attraction? Not for me but I can see why others might put it at the top of their faves.

Do you watch the Stacey Must Do's at all on the resort tv? I'm just wondering if they have updated it yet to include Pandora stuff.
Sometimes. If I see it, I'll let you know.


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people rave about it but I can honestly say it wouldn't be a favorite of mine. I appreciate the technology and the level of detail but I left thinking, "that was cool, I wonder what the line for Everest is right now" Plus I never get motion sick on anything, I mean I could ride Everest, Big Thunder over and over, I could spin all day on the teacups and FOP (on my second ride) made my stomach flip a little
I'm the same way. The only thing I don't do is the swinging pirate ship at Hershey, Astro Orbitor, and the swinging gondolas on Mickey's Fun Wheel because of motion sickness. I do Star Tours with no issue, so I expected FoP would be fine. Nope.

Also, I HATED those restraints. I'm willing to do it for when we get Tron, but I hated having my legs confined.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I agree. I feel bad for people who really need the service animals and get side looks or snide comments about their animal. Kind of like people with scooters, there are some people that legitimately need them and they get snotty comments and stink eye looks which is totally unfair. I try to have the philosophy of being glad and thankful that I don't need a service animal or a scooter but happy those that need them have them available. I always joke about getting Kapono a service dog vest so she could go everywhere with me, but I wouldn't be deceitful like that, because I wouldn't ever want to make it more difficult for some reason for someone who actually needs a service animal.
I don't mess with the mojo of bad karma.
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Hopefully she's gone, but, hopefully she also eventually grows up into a decent human being soon, too. I've seen it happen before. There is hope.

My niece on the other side of the family. Evil. OK beyond evil. In middle school of all times she latched onto a family other than her own and developed into the most wondrous young woman. By college she was dating a very sophisticated young man, sweet as pie and they (both now engineers) live happily ever after for 4 years now.

Didn't see that coming. Ever. Her two brothers, still twits, clones of their parents.

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