Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
True, but, new schools have been built with AC, if for no other reason to keep teachers happy. If your area doesn't have AC then the summer off schedule will probably continue to be the system used. In the south, most schools have AC if they were built after 1990.
Any without have all been turned into Senior Centers because everyone knows that old people have poor circulation and need heat.
We are Hamlet, a tiny tiny community. When our schools were built we did not have A/C. In the 1980s we the community passed a tax referendum for an upgrade to have our schools to have A/C for both the staff and the students. It passed overwhelmingly. Our property taxes went up to cover modern day school buildings which most restaurants, homes, offices and stores are afforded, it was a no brainer for investing in education for our community. It was a temporary tax increase and 3 years later the tax increase was repealed. To our community it mattered and we are Northern.
My Sis lives in Ohio. My niece went to a high end private college prep school. They had 3 schools within one of the all girls school. Kprep - 4th grade, middle school, then high school. Oddly the Kprep-4th school didn't have A/C but the older kids 2 buildings did. It is all in what the adults consider worthy in both private and public school systems. Any school can be retrofitted if the community desires. Our Middle School was built in 1939 and has central A/C. The other two buildings were not built with A/C in 1958 and 1959. We had parents here that were willing to advocate for their students and their voices were heard. Decades later the students and staff have benefited from a forward thinking community.