Good morning everyone!
I took the dog for a walk this morning and I hoped it would go better than the one I took her on last night. Last night we basically were a block away and she decided she did not want to walk any further. It wasn't super hot, it was in the low 80's and we were basically in the shade. But anyway, she just stopped and refused to move anymore until I said, "Fine, take me home then" and then she happily turned around and started walking home. So it was a
nice turn around the block.
This morning was a different story she was raring to go and we did a mile route. We saw two bunnies though, the first one she wanted to chase and I had trouble getting her to focus back on the walk. The second one was at the end of walk and she basically looked at the bunny and then at me and a look of "Mom, I just can't chase it but I want to". It was kind of funny.