The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
We did the Harry Potter Escape Room today for an early Father's Day gift. It was so much fun. Last week, DH and I did an Indiana Jones themed one, and it was so much fun, but we didn't make it out because it was just the 2 of us, and you really need to have more people so you can kind of split things up. So today, we did the HP one with the kids and we made it through with 27 seconds to spare! We could have made it through a bit faster...for one, there was a part where you had to stick your arm through holes on the side of a cabinet to move something from the bottom to the top, even though the doors wouldn't arm got stuck, so DD ended up doing that part herself. Then there was a puzzle that was like a 2D rubic had to move the squares around to form a picture. While I was working on that, Hubby and DD were working on a Metro Map thing and they were plotting points on the map. I ended up switching places with Hubs and he had the rubic thing done really fast and I had to start the Metro Map over because you were supposed to follow the entire journey, not just plot the points. If you drew the routes on the map, it drew numbers that you needed for a combination lock...that was the last bit we got done and I didn't even have to do the last one...we knew the first 2 numbers, so they just tried all the different ones for the third until it opened. That thing contained the last piece of the puzzle. So had DH started with the rubic and I with the Metro, we would have been done sooner. DS cracked me up. He's color blind, and yet he figured out this thing...there was a display case with wands in different colors. There was a secret room that opened up when you solved one of the puzzles and in that room was a light panel with different sliders. As you moved the slider up or down, it changed color and you had to put them in order. So DS figured that out, but he couldn't see the colors so he couldn't do it...finally he says "Mommy, can you help me? What color is this?" He thought it was supposed to be yellow and it was actually green. So sweet. He so wanted to be able to do it himself. But he did solve several things by himself and he had the time of his life...he LOVES stuff like that. DD had not wanted to do an escape room at all and only agreed to because it was HP themed. She had so much fun that now she wants to do more of them, even if they aren't HP. I guess you can't get much higher praise than that. And apparently only 40% make it through the room. We got a picture of us holding a sign and it gives our end time. If you like puzzles and logic games, I highly recommend escape rooms.

How fun! Sounds like all of y'all were really engaged and had an awesome time together...great family bonding...! :)

A coupla' years ago our office did an escape room event on a Half-day Friday. I think it was called "The Panic Room". Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend because of a prior engagement.
But, my DWifey and kiddos (and I posted about it at the time) surprised me with an early Father's Day visit last year to a local themed "puzzle" place. They wouldn't tell me what the place was...they even made me have to figure out that "puzzle" :rolleyes:. Our lovely DDs have the the most wonderful sense of humor...!!! :happy: All (and I mean ALL) of the staff were in character from minute one. It was a hoot the whole way!
The 6 of us were in competition with 6 college dudes. We did a charade room, we did a clue room, we did a puzzle room, we did a riddle room (7 rooms total, and I can't remember all of them... :cyclops: :oops:), and we lost by 2 lousy points. :bored:
But, it was sooo much fun...I just love making my brain work like that...!!!!! :joyfull:
And, it seems my kiddos know it...!!! :happy: :inlove: :)
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR

I also believe Mexico started to ship most of its avocados to Japan and Europe.
The shortage hit hard.
I wonder how long until Trump dropped his demands, because Mexico was going to drop US corn as well (and buy Brazilian)

Embarrassed. Nuf said. :oops:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My kids, myself, and dh always have rash guards when at the pools or water parks. Ds would actually never even think about going in a pool without a rash guard and he would never consider going without a shirt. The girls always have coverups on for afterwards. I would never let them go into a store without one on. Kids need a sense of decorum.

I guess we all have different values and decorum. The other day after living in my little Hamlet IL 30+ years I was taken aback by something I had never witnessed here. The ick factor sank in. You seem to be on the same page as me with how our kids were being raised.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
yeah, sadly still no rain here.. been still cloudy and even wind like it was going to rain. It probably already started raining in the mountains.. but not here x_x

With all the rain we went through here we then went into a drought abruptlyl
Grass turned brown. So dry. Rain yesterday welcomed. Overnight promise of a little more. I really hate watering.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I hope you and @Gabe1 were spared the worst of it. Be safe my friends

Thanks. We fared much better than @MouseDreaming area did. Hard rain, lots of rain last night but we didn't flood. The storms of the week that others got 100% missed us. Grass browned etc. Though the rain was hard the ground this time was able to absorb it all. We are getting rain much we shall see.

2 more days of highs well into the 90's We shall see what happens.


Premium Member
Hey everyone!
I'm gonna break away from the topic to ask a newbee question......
Most posters are "Well-Known Member(s)"
I'm not. Which makes sense since I have much less posts then you guys.
So here's the question:
At what point does a newbee emerge from the cocoon and become "Well Known"?o_O:confused:
You have to have a certain number of posts and likes. The actual numbers escape me at this moment. I believe they are posted somewhere in the help section up top of the forum home page.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
With all the rain we went through here we then went into a drought abruptlyl
Grass turned brown. So dry. Rain yesterday welcomed. Overnight promise of a little more. I really hate watering.
We just had a little sprinkle a few hours ago, it finally rained! So hopefully the rain trend will continue and slowly wash away the heat.

speaking of rain stuff..
They are fixing one of the bridges over the river. I guess they expect big rains.. and after those monstrous floods that almost topped those bridges a few years ago... (think a 15 meter tall bridge, where the water usually is only 1 meter hight.. reaching 14 meters thanks to huge rains and debris hitting the pillars..)

I guess they want to prevent another incident like the one where a taxi driver and a few cars were washed away when the bridge middle concrete base gave away by the giant pressure.. and overturned and washed away..

Note the debris hitting the second newer bridge.
Both bridges were later reinforced, added bigger concrete "shields" to the bottom, expanded the collapsed one so it doesn't have a pillar in the middle of the bridge.

This repair is welcome as its been constant years where the water goes VERY HIGH.
Doesn't help that the new circle du soleil park (under construction) and the hotel nearby is blocking a big area that was the natural cause of the river, thus making the river slower and thus to increase levels above the borders.


Premium Member
I'm surprised you missed our avocado discussion at SuperBowl time. 80% of our avocados up here come from Mexico, the rest I believe from Cali and Chile.

There was a major shortage up here and throughout the East. Couldn't find a dang avocado for Superbowl guacamole anywhere. 100 tons were stopped at the border...think 20% tariff idea of imports into US from Mexico blah blah blah around then. Mexico after that not wanting perishable food rotting at the border started sending it I believe to Europe. The Mexican restaurants were scrambling here, prices ouch. And then Grocery stores just flat out didn't have any at all and it was freak'n superbowl weekend. I remember @figmentfan423 having to buy an avocado substitute for her boys to make them guacamole

Quietly all that 20% stuff seemed to melt away after a month or so and we now have avocados again flowing up from the border. I can remember telling @Cesar R M status' on the little beauties, ours were coming from Chile. And then one day the ones from Mexico were back! :hungry: :hungry::hungry:
^^^This. I got just enough avocados then to make a small batch and I had to beef it up with finely chopped tomatoes:mad: I'm sure I've mentioned before my boys can go through the stuff like some kids go through chips:greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy: oh yeah they go through those also:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: Anybody out there want to swap food bills? PLEASE


Well-Known Member
I do remember y'all posting a little bit about it, but, before y'all got deeper into it, that may have also been about the time I skipped about a hundred pages to "ketchup", only to fall behind again. :confused: I don't remember... :cyclops: :oops:
I just asked DWifey, and she also said she has never heard of a shortage around here, and never noticed any significant change in price.
When we've gone out to eat, there have always been plenty of avocados to stuff and fry, make guac, slice up and put on dishes, at the grocery store, etc.
I had 4 avocados at work for lunch on Mon. and Tues. of this week. 2 each I've posted before, just cut 'em in half, knife the pit out, scoop the flesh out with a spoon and plop the halves on a plate. A little salt and pepper (although they're just fine without it :))...enjoy...!!! :hungry:

I never had an avocado :cautious:

Well, technical when I worked at Scrubway (Subway), I tried that version and it was nasty. Which I know real avocado is different.

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