Well-Known Member
We did the Harry Potter Escape Room today for an early Father's Day gift. It was so much fun. Last week, DH and I did an Indiana Jones themed one, and it was so much fun, but we didn't make it out because it was just the 2 of us, and you really need to have more people so you can kind of split things up. So today, we did the HP one with the kids and we made it through with 27 seconds to spare! We could have made it through a bit faster...for one, there was a part where you had to stick your arm through holes on the side of a cabinet to move something from the bottom to the top, even though the doors wouldn't arm got stuck, so DD ended up doing that part herself. Then there was a puzzle that was like a 2D rubic had to move the squares around to form a picture. While I was working on that, Hubby and DD were working on a Metro Map thing and they were plotting points on the map. I ended up switching places with Hubs and he had the rubic thing done really fast and I had to start the Metro Map over because you were supposed to follow the entire journey, not just plot the points. If you drew the routes on the map, it drew numbers that you needed for a combination lock...that was the last bit we got done and I didn't even have to do the last one...we knew the first 2 numbers, so they just tried all the different ones for the third until it opened. That thing contained the last piece of the puzzle. So had DH started with the rubic and I with the Metro, we would have been done sooner. DS cracked me up. He's color blind, and yet he figured out this thing...there was a display case with wands in different colors. There was a secret room that opened up when you solved one of the puzzles and in that room was a light panel with different sliders. As you moved the slider up or down, it changed color and you had to put them in order. So DS figured that out, but he couldn't see the colors so he couldn't do it...finally he says "Mommy, can you help me? What color is this?" He thought it was supposed to be yellow and it was actually green. So sweet. He so wanted to be able to do it himself. But he did solve several things by himself and he had the time of his life...he LOVES stuff like that. DD had not wanted to do an escape room at all and only agreed to because it was HP themed. She had so much fun that now she wants to do more of them, even if they aren't HP. I guess you can't get much higher praise than that. And apparently only 40% make it through the room. We got a picture of us holding a sign and it gives our end time. If you like puzzles and logic games, I highly recommend escape rooms.
How fun! Sounds like all of y'all were really engaged and had an awesome time together...great family bonding...!

A coupla' years ago our office did an escape room event on a Half-day Friday. I think it was called "The Panic Room". Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend because of a prior engagement.
But, my DWifey and kiddos (and I posted about it at the time) surprised me with an early Father's Day visit last year to a local themed "puzzle" place. They wouldn't tell me what the place was...they even made me have to figure out that "puzzle"

The 6 of us were in competition with 6 college dudes. We did a charade room, we did a clue room, we did a puzzle room, we did a riddle room (7 rooms total, and I can't remember all of them...

But, it was sooo much fun...I just love making my brain work like that...!!!!!

And, it seems my kiddos know it...!!!

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