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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
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Well-Known Member
44 hours???? Is that how far it is from Austin? 22 hours? That is rough. Makes our 13-14 hour drive seem real easy.:D

It's not that long if you were to drive straight through...and I mean straight through with virtually no stops...which is impossible. Even if you brought a cooler with enough food and drink for the entire trip, you would still need to stop for potty breaks and refueling, at bare minimum.
OK, when I googled it now, Austin is 1,127 miles from Orlando, and approx. 16 hrs. and 12 mins. of actual road time. Different (less time) from what I remember from googling it once in the past. :confused: But, still, I'm assuming that is at the posted speed limits for the entire route (I tend not - and DWifey definitely does not - to go too much over the posted speed limits, as I'm not of fan of speeding tickets in general, especially out-of-state ones ;)), and not factoring in the aforementioned potty and fuel stops, unexpected traffic or weather delays, sit down food stops that I know we would do, etc., so I'm padding it by an extra 5-3/4-ish hours.
If we stopped for the night once it would, obviously, take even much longer.
There is no way we would ever drive it without spending at least one night in a motel.
Driving straight through with 2 drivers, even 3, would throw off some sleep cycles.
And again, with only a week-long vacation, 4 days of just being on the road, and not at WDW, makes flying more than worth it for us...! :)

We also have to factor in the fact that we live in far northwest Austin, about 30-60 mins. extra driving, depending on traffic, each way, from downtown Austin, which is where that 1,127 miles comes from...downtown Austin to downtown Orlando.
Downtown Orlando is further north than WDW, but, WDW is further west, so that is pretty much a wash. :)
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Well-Known Member
I actually have no desire to see it and I feel bad about it because everyone is saying it's such a huge step in feminism...showing a woman superhero who is not so scantily clad and who does what she wants despite what men think, etc. But I am just not a superhero girl. It really just doesn't speak to me. The WWI theme interests me so much more than anything else. I might see it eventually, but I've got no plans to spend the money to see it in the theater.
It's a great movie, and it is amazing on the big screen. It is 93% positive on Rotten Tomatoes, the best rated movie currently on there. If you're not into it, you're not into it, and that's fine, but it's a really enjoyable film.


Well-Known Member
I get the lonely. I see it with my Mom now that my Dad has past. My kids are grown and like I said I wouldn't trade it for the world. But No I don't want to do those child rearing ages again. My kids and I are very close, I have zero regrets. Still I keenly remember the sleepless nights and still having to go to work in the morning. You really have to want to devote your life to your DNA footprints to choose to have kids and it isn't for everyone. My DS is my Champion-always has my back, my DD and I have a bond, joined at the hip and are bestest friends as an adults. But if you get pressured into doing what I chose to do it doesn't always turn out so pretty. That was my point.

Yep, we might do a few things differently if we had it to do all over again, but, wouldn't trade it all for anything. :happy: We still all do so much together as a family, even though they're all in their 20's now. All that investment during the earlier years has paid off. School involvement, school events, parks, museums, etc., etc., etc.
But yes, there were some crazy-fun times...!!!!! :joyfull: ;)
3 kiddos born within 3 years and 2 months of each other, our middle child (DS - he has an older and younger sis) being born, super premie at 1lb. 4oz. and spending 4.5 months in the NICU. Then, coming home on 7 meds (Reglan and Hydrochlorothiazide are the only 2 I can remember now :cyclops:), plus the heart and apnea monitor that would go off all night long before it needed to be recalibrated every month :confused:, and an emergency oxygen tank for a year.
I was a very involved father, and took all 3 to school for an overlapping 7 years, even though I worked full-time just like DWifey. She had to be in way earlier at the time, so it was up to me to gather the troops and get them on the battlefield for the day. ;)
When they were little, it was, many times, like trying to herd cats...!!!!! :joyfull: :)
You know I could go on...all so silly-crazy
sometimes...!!! :eek: ;)
I know you know all this already Gabe from us knowing each other through the 2 sites all these years, but, there are other newer members that don't. :)
Anyway, I wouldn't trade this adventure for anything either...!!!!! :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Interesting thoughts, but I don't agree that the bulk of these people are craving attention. Some are, that's for sure. But I tend to think that a lot of people just don't give a second thought to what they wear.

For example, many guys were taught from an early age that going shirtless in the summer was the thing to do. My father and my brothers did. It wasn't a matter of whether anyone was in good enough shape to do so. So I've sort of been conditioned to seeing it. However, I will say that they didn't go into the center of town like that--it was on our home street, or up at the park where the kids would play. I may have grown up at a more formal time where the center of town or a city was where people would cover up more. Can't really make any sense of that, but it was just the norm back then.

To me its all about where. If you are at the beach / at home then whatever. If you are out and about in town etc then cover up regardless of age/size etc.

And that is just it, our town is tiny, not like you're going to be missed in the heart of our town. A time and a place for it all. I wasn't at a beach or a pool but..

My kids were competitive swimmers. The boys all wore basketball shorts until they were literally climbing up on the the blocks, wore team tshirts. You watch the divers and swimmers even in the Olympics they come with warm ups, parade in warm ups. Our girl swimmers all had towels wrapped around them before they got up on the blocks, chairs behind to toss your clothing on. My DS is in his late 20s and in very good shape, I can't remember the last time I saw him shirtless (rashguard) even in a pool or waterpark. Even on his cruise the guys in pics all have something on. My DDs waterpark that she part time manages all guards wear a guard tshirt and the girls wear compression shorts. Disney lifeguards at hotel resorts you will never see partially unclothed guards either.


Even when I am at Disney Resort pools, I never walk into the QS not covered up and when walking back to my room I have a beach cover up. If I am remembering correctly shirty are even required in the 4 parks at Disney World too even on attractions like Kali and Splash Mountain.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Hey, @Cesar R M Still looking for rain? There is a line of storms about to hit. Rain falling at a rate of 3 inches per hour. The heavy stuff already hit once, but looks like we are going to get walloped at least 2 more times. Hope you aren't floating down the river @Gabe1 .

Time to go. Here it is!
yeah, sadly still no rain here.. been still cloudy and even wind like it was going to rain. It probably already started raining in the mountains.. but not here x_x


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Happy pride! Unless you're not into that kind of thing. In which case....errr....happy colorful surfboards on the beach. ;)
View attachment 209751

Prides Looks fun! But what follows is why I so guarded when it came to Orlando. :confused: Now keep in mind, one of my very BFF is a gay man, in a long term relationship long before anyone openly spoke of such. We worked side by side at Ohare for years. One of my loyalist friends forever and in the same time frame as what follows, so I so didn't care way back when who loved who.

The only experience I had with Pride Week was at Disney way back in 1998, It wasn't fun for us. Never heard of it. It was towards the end of a two week vacation and we had no idea what was about to embark. We received by housekeeping a notice on our table that 'group' would be within the magic kingdom the next day and to anticipate heavier than usual crowds and suggested we pick a different park for a better experience. Birnbaum books didn't offer any insight in planning. But since it was the ending of our vacation we already had plans for the MK and off we went. Big mistake. My DD was oblivious age 5. My DS just coming out of 5th grade was not. There was sooo much of public display of affection happening and the genuinely confused questions my DS was having-not having a grasp on any of all that at 9. I finally had to take him over to the rifle area of Frontierland and have a little chit chat about all things he had no grasp of. He then had a tad of tactful knowledge. We got in line for the skyway. We had a group of guys immediately behind us dressed in grass skirts. Very Drunk. As the line went on one of gentleman was speaking with my son. Then he spread his grass skirt for my son and all he was wearing was the grass skirt. I had to step infront of his Dad to stop him from belting the man. So drunk he thought that was funny. My DS was in shock and stopped short of crying but so unnerved. The Kingdom was beyond filled that day with Disney Shirts and we did stop and explain to the Shirt the man exposing himself to my son. They were at a loss and beyond apologetic.
We were given some version of comp passes to Epcot. We left the MK for a swim at our resort. Bad idea. The lounge chairs and pool was a meat market of inappropriate behavior. Bless the little girl, she was oblivious but the rest of us didn't know how to function as a family. Off to Epcot we went. It was just fine because it wasn't the day there. We had passes to use and we did have at least a nice end to our next to last day and at least we could go back to the MK the next morning to try and pick up what got messed up. I can still remember how horrible all these years later how God awful that day was, never would I expect the behavior of others to make me pull my son aside and at age nine the necessity to have to explain such things to my young DS while vactioning at WDW. We vowed we'd never return to WDW during Gay Days ever ever again. We have not. Now I know the whole experience has evolved and is a non-issue all these years later and it is really a timing thing with our family that June is not a month we head to WDW or Summer for that matter.

I'm happy 'the days' have evolved from what we encountered during the launch years. Always have been curious as to how the organizers ultimately fixed all that which we encountered as a very young family.


Well-Known Member
Prides Looks fun! But what follows is why I so guarded when it came to Orlando. :confused: Now keep in mind, one of my very BFF is a gay man, in a long term relationship long before anyone openly spoke of such. We worked side by side at Ohare for years. One of my loyalist friends forever and in the same time frame as what follows, so I so didn't care way back when who loved who.

The only experience I had with Pride Week was at Disney way back in 1998, It wasn't fun for us. Never heard of it. It was towards the end of a two week vacation and we had no idea what was about to embark. We received by housekeeping a notice on our table that 'group' would be within the magic kingdom the next day and to anticipate heavier than usual crowds and suggested we pick a different park for a better experience. Birnbaum books didn't offer any insight in planning. But since it was the ending of our vacation we already had plans for the MK and off we went. Big mistake. My DD was oblivious age 5. My DS just coming out of 5th grade was not. There was sooo much of public display of affection happening and the genuinely confused questions my DS was having-not having a grasp on any of all that at 9. I finally had to take him over to the rifle area of Frontierland and have a little chit chat about all things he had no grasp of. He then had a tad of tactful knowledge. We got in line for the skyway. We had a group of guys immediately behind us dressed in grass skirts. Very Drunk. As the line went on one of gentleman was speaking with my son. Then he spread his grass skirt for my son and all he was wearing was the grass skirt. I had to step infront of his Dad to stop him from belting the man. So drunk he thought that was funny. My DS was in shock and stopped short of crying but so unnerved. The Kingdom was beyond filled that day with Disney Shirts and we did stop and explain to the Shirt the man exposing himself to my son. They were at a loss and beyond apologetic.
We were given some version of comp passes to Epcot. We left the MK for a swim at our resort. Bad idea. The lounge chairs and pool was a meat market of inappropriate behavior. Bless the little girl, she was oblivious but the rest of us didn't know how to function as a family. Off to Epcot we went. It was just fine because it wasn't the day there. We had passes to use and we did have at least a nice end to our next to last day and at least we could go back to the MK the next morning to try and pick up what got messed up. I can still remember how horrible all these years later how God awful that day was, never would I expect the behavior of others to make me pull my son aside and at age nine the necessity to have to explain such things to my young DS while vactioning at WDW. We vowed we'd never return to WDW during Gay Days ever ever again. We have not. Now I know the whole experience has evolved and is a non-issue all these years later and it is really a timing thing with our family that June is not a month we head to WDW or Summer for that matter.

I'm happy 'the days' have evolved from what we encountered during the launch years. Always have been curious as to how the organizers ultimately fixed all that which we encountered as a very young family.

You can't bring alcohol into the park right? And MK is dry, except for the new BOG, correct? So I'm betting one of the major things was to get rid of the drunken morons. I don't think they will let you in if you are that intoxicated and it would be hard to GET intoxicated once you were in the park. And are grass skirts/ other costumes allowed outside of Halloween? I know you can't dress as Disney Characters unless you are under 14, but I was thinking there were some other restrictions on dress as well.
Your experience is appalling, but having a gay brother and having been to MANY a party where I was pretty much the only straight person there, I have NEVER had anything like that happen. The most bawdy thing I've ever been to in that arena was the Drag Queen Bingo, but that's not an event for children and no one ever exposed themselves. (Though it would have been REALLY squidgy if they did, since my brother was one of the queens!) And there's been some displays of affection, but no more than I see from straight people. My kids don't bat an eyelash at that, but then, they've been raised knowing about my brother and his husband and seeing that as perfectly normal. There's also a ton of bad behavior from straight people and families that goes on daily. (perhaps not on the level of exposing themselves to children, but inappropriate and uncalled for) I would guess that the bad behavior had more to do with the specific people than the days, though I understand that an experience like that could turn you off from the event as a whole. I'm glad you got to enjoy the rest of your vacation after that, though.


Premium Member
Hey, @Cesar R M Still looking for rain? There is a line of storms about to hit. Rain falling at a rate of 3 inches per hour. The heavy stuff already hit once, but looks like we are going to get walloped at least 2 more times. Hope you aren't floating down the river @Gabe1 .

Time to go. Here it is!
I hope you and @Gabe1 were spared the worst of it. Be safe my friends


Premium Member
Prides Looks fun! But what follows is why I so guarded when it came to Orlando. :confused: Now keep in mind, one of my very BFF is a gay man, in a long term relationship long before anyone openly spoke of such. We worked side by side at Ohare for years. One of my loyalist friends forever and in the same time frame as what follows, so I so didn't care way back when who loved who.

The only experience I had with Pride Week was at Disney way back in 1998, It wasn't fun for us. Never heard of it. It was towards the end of a two week vacation and we had no idea what was about to embark. We received by housekeeping a notice on our table that 'group' would be within the magic kingdom the next day and to anticipate heavier than usual crowds and suggested we pick a different park for a better experience. Birnbaum books didn't offer any insight in planning. But since it was the ending of our vacation we already had plans for the MK and off we went. Big mistake. My DD was oblivious age 5. My DS just coming out of 5th grade was not. There was sooo much of public display of affection happening and the genuinely confused questions my DS was having-not having a grasp on any of all that at 9. I finally had to take him over to the rifle area of Frontierland and have a little chit chat about all things he had no grasp of. He then had a tad of tactful knowledge. We got in line for the skyway. We had a group of guys immediately behind us dressed in grass skirts. Very Drunk. As the line went on one of gentleman was speaking with my son. Then he spread his grass skirt for my son and all he was wearing was the grass skirt. I had to step infront of his Dad to stop him from belting the man. So drunk he thought that was funny. My DS was in shock and stopped short of crying but so unnerved. The Kingdom was beyond filled that day with Disney Shirts and we did stop and explain to the Shirt the man exposing himself to my son. They were at a loss and beyond apologetic.
We were given some version of comp passes to Epcot. We left the MK for a swim at our resort. Bad idea. The lounge chairs and pool was a meat market of inappropriate behavior. Bless the little girl, she was oblivious but the rest of us didn't know how to function as a family. Off to Epcot we went. It was just fine because it wasn't the day there. We had passes to use and we did have at least a nice end to our next to last day and at least we could go back to the MK the next morning to try and pick up what got messed up. I can still remember how horrible all these years later how God awful that day was, never would I expect the behavior of others to make me pull my son aside and at age nine the necessity to have to explain such things to my young DS while vactioning at WDW. We vowed we'd never return to WDW during Gay Days ever ever again. We have not. Now I know the whole experience has evolved and is a non-issue all these years later and it is really a timing thing with our family that June is not a month we head to WDW or Summer for that matter.

I'm happy 'the days' have evolved from what we encountered during the launch years. Always have been curious as to how the organizers ultimately fixed all that which we encountered as a very young family.
Yikes that does sound horrible but we had the exact opposite experience in EPCOT of all parks back in 2008. We met some lovely people and had a great time that day:joyfull:

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