Hello everyone. Please bear with me.

I thought that I would just update you guys on our precious Chloe. We had to make the gut-wrenching decision to put her down last Thursday.

She was not responding to the iv fluids or eating or drinking water. She just wasn't the same kitty as she had once been. Her kidney disease finally got her. I will spare you the details because it is very hard for me to sit here and type them. She pretty much gave up and knew it was time to leave us. We brought her back home and DH buried her in our woods under a birdbath since she loved birds.
This has been one of the most difficult decisions and times in our lives. If you own a pet, you know what I mean. Our lives will be constantly changed. DH has a hard time walking past "her" room without breaking down. I figured out that we haven't been by ourselves since 1985 when our DD was born. It feels really surreal to me. Too quiet. We will get another cat in the future, but not right now.
A big thank you and hug from me and Bob to the following:
@Mr Ferret 88 ,
@betty rose,
@MinnieM123, and
@StarWarsGirl !!! Without your thoughts and support, we could not make it through this time.
I will be back sometime soon to put up a TR about our trip. I picked up a bad cold and cough while there, so still trying to get over it.
Thanks guys!! Love you so much!