Oh dear, I hope the migraine has gone by now.
As for computer issues at work, they plague us all. The other day I was staffing 3 meetings (it just happened to be an extremely busy day), and in all three of the various conference rooms I was using, none of the equipment was working properly. If it wasn't the LCD, it was the computer or vice versa.
Called in tech support for one of the rooms. The other two, I somehow managed to troubleshoot a bit, and with dumb luck, the systems finally kicked on. The main issue we have in such a huge organization where I work, is that too many people have their hands on the equipment. Especially the ones that bring in their own laptops (and don't know what they're doing), and just start disconnecting cables, etc. -- and "leave" it a spaghetti mess of pulled out wires and cables, for the next group that comes in. Then I need to quickly "attempt" to get everything up online again, on the conference room's pc to the LCD.
Very stressful . . . because, heaven forbid, each conference room's electronic equipment is set up the same.
(Why would they do something like that, that would make sense?) And I've never counted, but there has to be at least 35 different conference rooms all over the complex.