The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
@figmentfan423 I made the quino cake sans sauce since I have no plain yogurt. Topped them with marinara. I have to say they are very yummy. :hungry: I love the texture. I cut the recipe by 10. I was worried the batter was too soupy but they firmed up. Thanks!!
View attachment 200943
You're welcome and love the plate. They're even better when you don't have to make them:hungry::hungry::hungry:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I just had to try this! But I had to do some substitutions to make it work without running to the grocery store.

1 Cup chickpea flour - I used 2 eggs
1/3 Cup nutritional yeast - I used 3 pieces of bacon (chopped)
1/2 tsp baking soda - I used american cheese
1 Cup water - I just drank it.

I was delicious! :)
so.. you made yourself a cheese omelette with some pieces of bacon?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I thought this was a discussion thread. I'll stay out of it from now on. Peace!

I thought my posts made it perfectly clear that the Jobs', Gates', Dell's, etc. of the world were the exception (actually, I don't know whether Jobs got a degree or not), not the rule. And, I'm more than aware things are much different 37 years later...thought my previous posts made that perfectly clear as well. Don't know why you felt the need to basically lecture me by repeating what I had already acknowledged in my previous posts myself about how times have changed.
Stay out if you must. Your choice...


Premium Member
@figmentfan423 I made the quino cake sans sauce since I have no plain yogurt. Topped them with marinara. I have to say they are very yummy. :hungry: I love the texture. I cut the recipe by 10. I was worried the batter was too soupy but they firmed up. Thanks!!
View attachment 200943
I also make a breakfast version. Instead of veggie broth I run some mixed berries in my nutribullet with water and instead of sauted veggies I add grated apple. Needless to say sans spices(sometimes add a bit of cinnamon) and I add a bit of stevia. In place of chick pea flour I sub in gf baking mix. The boys like to top it with maple syrup, I like sugar free homemade jam & /or fresh berries:hungry:


Well-Known Member
And shopping at Sam's guess who I thought of Mr. @FutureCEO ?????



No pictures are showing up for me?

In other news. Went to Macy's and scored a $9 shirt. Of course, I can't wear it until the fall.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember when I told this story, if you were on then. My little doggie (looked like Benji) took toilet paper of the roll and wound it around the house, we had a circular floor plan. I got such a laugh that I could say anything. He also tore up dd valentine's from school. He liked to surprise us!

Hahaaa...!!! :hilarious:
Our Ranger Danger loves paper-ish products...why, we have no clue, but, we hafta' be very careful about where we store paper products in our home... :cyclops:


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all, I just wanted to hop in briefly to say howdy and hope everyone is doing well. I'm STILL not divorced, but I'm working on a settlement offer in hopes my ex will agree to a normal, reasonable custody schedule. The WDW trip last Christmas with DD was some good fun and I'll post pics as soon as I can. And I just celebrated a year with my boyfriend, so that's still going really well. This weekend we are taking the kids to Great Wolf Lodge, which should be a lot of fun. Wishing an early Happy Easter to all of you! :cat:

A very late glad y'all had a blast at WDW, a very late right back at ya', and hope y'all had fun with all of that...!!!!! :joyfull: :)


Well-Known Member
No what I objected to was the broad stroke you painted a generation of college students, I thought what you stated the "problem" with these graduates was lacked merit, it is very common right now to hate on the mellenials as a whole. Fact is many lost their jobs during the recession. It took years before many of these firms that laid of young and old alike off started hiring again. I used both my kid as examples of starting at the bottom and working up.

"I hate to say it but part of the problem is that people coming out of college with a degree feel that they are above starting at entry level and proving themselves capable of operating businesses to any successful degree. They must have a certain salary, must have some perks, etc. So the employer makes higher and higher demands on those people to show that there is some reason for a company to spend mega-bucks for an unproven entity."

Frankly during the recession the entire construction industry tanked, banks were not lending money, government wasn't building major projects. My nephew though educated to be an architect the ones that still remained employed were not hiring. He was mentored well, told what he needed to do to expand what he could bring to firms. The additional skills was what got him hired, having above and beyond what most have. It just wasn't the kids of today it was adults too. So yes the nephew could have taken a job at Walmart or worked in a firm as an administrative assistant but chose a path that would get him hired in his chosen field. I'm not sure what salaries you speak of or what the perks you are speaking of that this generation is demanding. Confused.
I don't know them all individually to pull out specifically which ones don't fall into that category, however, enough do that it has affected how business reacts to and demands from a new employee.


Well-Known Member
Yep that would be my family. I knew they would have too many doors never opened without the degree in this millennium. We sacrificed a lot to get the two of them through school. They worked their tushies off to qualify for scholarships that only put a dent into tuition that went up 500% since my son was born. While we didn't intend for them to have student loans the crashing of the economy at the same time they were entering college made that necessary. We did without a great deal to further their education.

The younger, the DD was about $120,000 Loans likely around $35,000 She graduated at Christmas of 2013, two degrees and a minor in 3.5 vs 4 years to save another semester of college tuition. She worked two jobs 7 days a week and paid off her student loans last fall 2016 at 24 years old. At 25 $120,000 is a little less than 2 years salary. Or Loans at $35,000 about a half her entry level yearly salary initially. But at 24 she had it paid off and nobody can every take it away from her and the doors will be open to her that are not for others. My kids knew that, I knew that, that is why in our family it wasn't a choice. They were going. So yes it was a major financial bite but she came out the other side an even more awesome human. My son was more difficult. He totally flipped majors and changed Universities. Came back from the Disney College Program mid way with a clear direction of what he wanted to do and with focus he didn't have before. The courses he took at Disney University were awesome for him and his professor-sponsor at his college was very supportive. Disney U on his resume did open the doors for him beyond his degree. But none of that would have been a possibility if he wasn't in college to start with as it is part of the college program requirements, their CM tags even indicate where they attend.

Times change. My Mom was one of 12 kids and the first to graduate high school. Wasn't necessary back then, most went off to the steel mills. Only one other graduated high school the youngest. After he returned from Vietnam he went back to school for his college degree and my mother did too and became a teacher. My uncles did well in the steel mills until they all closed down. Didn't have a high school education let alone college. But back then graduating high school wasn't necessary. My era it was. Both of my kids know they will return to Grad School in due time. They see the direction their careers are leaning too and know what they have to do to move forward. Minimum a Masters for their age demographic as time goes on.

Chicago is now building into their graduation requirements that students must be accepted into a college as a graduation requirement from high school. The will be required to take the SAT and go through the process of applying. They are not required to attend. They are trying to break the cycle of dead end jobs so many of the youth never go beyond there. Their thought is applying, being accepted and being shown the financial aide that could be available some might achieve different career opportunities for their future. It will be an interesting 5 years or so to see if this helps some of these kids and families with different opportunities. Time will tell.

Yes, I've known you long enough over about a decade from 2 different websites, and what you and your kiddos have done for their futures is completely have done your job as a parent well, and they are both very successful, and that is beyond admirable...!!! :happy:
And, I also understand the college degree benchmark that exists these days.
My point was just that there are plenty of people with college degrees that I actually have no clue how they even got them.
In my field, I have worked with sooo many Frank Lloyd Wright junior wannabes straight out of college that had no clue, that it would blow your mind. Necessary sketching abilities to convey a concept next to zero, actual design ability almost non-existent, as well. I had a partner call me into his office a while back to show me some design sketches one of my fellow employees that had a 5 year architectural degree from Texas Tech had done. Unfortunately, they were pretty much laughable. And, this is the same school that said partner got his architectural degree from, and he is pretty amazing.
Also, again, it is awesome what you helped your kiddos achieve, but, if everyone chooses to go their route, who is going to be left to repair their car, plumbing, etc., etc., etc.

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