I think I've posted about this before, but, some of the junk we used to get at the Disney Store was just baffling
, to the point of sometimes even being recalled.
I can remember 2 recall items off the top of my head...
The first were these new character cups we got in shipment one time. They were shaped-ish like the princesses, and painted their particular colors on the outside. Even as we were unpacking them backstage to be shelved and then put onstage during our next stage set, the paint was already chipping off of them
(We did stage sets about every 3 weeks or so after early store close on Sunday nights - as per mall hours, we were open from 12p-6p on Sunday's, 10a-9p the rest of the week - which pretty much involved moving things around depending on how they were selling, putting new merch on stage, etc. Many times we were there 'til after midnight)
We put as many as we could onstage that didn't look like total carp.
The other item was these kiddo metal-framed, canvas-covered, beach chairs with a matching attachable side-mounted umbrella. Apparently, they were bending and/or collapsing and pinching some kiddos (I Rolled my eyes at how flimsy they looked when l first unpacked one
Eventually, we got emails from Home Office to remove those items from onstage, and store the backstage until further notice.
Eventually, we were directed to destroy all of both items in the crusher dumpster out back.
A manager and at least one other CM had to be present to witness the crushing, so as to supposedly deter any pilferage.
One item I will never forget, was these, but they were never recalled (probably because they made thousands upon thousands of them) were these...
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The problem? The cars wheels didn't roll...!!!
The brainiac(s) in product developement that came up with that were hopefully fired.
What little boy/girl wants a car with wheels that don't roll...?!?!?!
I used to make sure I informed every guest of this before they purchased them because we were getting so many returns when they discovered this after purchase, it just didn't make sense to not let them know in the first place.
Yep, I should write a book...!!!