That is amazing savings on your grocery bill. I try and use coupons too and tend to only buy organic which increases prices and it is rare to find coupons for that stuff.

We buy a lot of produce and you cannot really get coupons on that. When I used to buy processed foods, which we mostly don't do anymore used to save loads on the bill. No longer. The supermarket sometimes offers savings if you buy a certain amount of produce from their brand. Unfortunately they haven't had a lot of their brand lately. Probably because it was winter. The Wegman's is an hour away and the last time we went the savings weren't anymore than our local Giant which has gotten much better with their organic section. The only good thing about our grocery bill going up is we get more gas points and I get more Disney Visa points.
I had been buying organic brown eggs for a few years. DH reminds me to pick up eggs for Easter egg coloring about 2 years ago. I didn't think twice and came home with brown eggs like always. It never even hit me that I needed to get white. Why can't organic eggs come in white? No biggie anyway, I don't really use eggs anymore anyway. Kids hate them. We now give our Easter eggs to our pets.