Ha! I have a set of "guilt" china, too.

An elderly aunt gave the entire set to me years ago. The pattern is just so "not" me. I never wanted it, and don't use it. It's a pain in the butt to have hauled it around in storage bins, to all the various places I've lived in, since I moved away from home in my early 20s. I'd love to get rid of it, but I have all this guilt about it . . .
Now, I do have a smaller amount of Lenox Christmas china that I love. Bought all the pieces myself, over the years. It's not a complete set (I don't need that), but enough for 6 place settings, and a few nice serving pieces. I use it once a year at Christmas and that's enough for me. (I even use a linen tablecloth & napkins, Gabe! Now that's what I call downright civilized behavior once a year!!
