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My Christmas Cards (14) have a Squirrel on them. (it is a mother/DD thing) I may even fill them out and mail them this year. Maybe.
Oh, I love those!!! Yes, please send them out -- it's a priority!

My Christmas Cards (14) have a Squirrel on them. (it is a mother/DD thing) I may even fill them out and mail them this year. Maybe.
I had a set of holiday China and a silver tea set that were wedding presents that we never used. Our local Mennonites have auctions a few times a year to raise money for their church missions so I donated it to them. A good cause and it cleared up space in my pantry.I have two sets of formal China. In the basement....I'm giving those to grandson's to sell....I've never used them I can't get the formal china use for family or friends. Seems silly to buy this junk. But, I got this Formal China from family. I think we used a couple of china cups for coffee. Didn't keep it hot...So it went to the basement!
Yep, we think alike. We always used all of our rooms too. But shhhhh....my formal dining room it a family room-always. A better use of the space. My dining room furniture is at one end of the Great Room closest to the kitchen-the formal dining room as designed is off in another room off the opposite side of the kitchen. Figured we need the family room more than we needed a table to have its own room. Then again my formal china my Mom insisted I must have is still in its quilted zipper containers. Never used. My Mom is trying to unload her formal china on my DD. DD keeps finding reasons not to take it 'just yet.'![]()
No rules for how to live our lives. Where did these silly rules come from....I wear white in the winter. I must be going to he... That was a big rule never to break!I just love breaking rules!
At least my China COULD go into the dishwasher. My Mom's which is a very popular style cannot. I use to hate to go to BIG dinners where my Mom, my MIL or my SILs would drag out their China. Needing to pitch in and wash the China, dry the China and dry the silverware, always in fear I'd break something or not dry the silver well enough. I really love Chinette.
I sold a few at the school Christmas market last year, but mostly it's just a hobby. It's something my MIL's family does together...we get together for a day and everyone shares stuff and we make a bunch of cards. The difference is that they actually send theirs out! LOL I always INTEND to, but then don't.You're quite talented! Have you ever thought about selling some of them?
No, the parents never get called in. We generally go directly to the parents when there are recurring problems with one particular kid because the school never does anything about it. DH marched over to the school this morning though and demanded that DS be allowed to play inside if he wants to, to keep him safe, until they have a plan in place to protect him, because it's happening at least once a week now, usually more. And that's just what he tells us about, usually because DD hears him crying and then we ask what happened. Yesterday, I found out about because he was covered in mud and I asked him how he got so dirty. Who knows what's going on that he hasn't told us and there was no one to witness and no visible evidence? I suspect he's getting bullied daily and the school chalks it up to his emotional development and the fact that he cries...the bullies do it BECAUSE they know he'll react. Which is true...I know that's why they do it, but until the school makes the price for that entertainment not worth it, it will continue. They KEEP doing it, because they know they can.I'm sorry to hear that. Is there any way to get him away from the little........I'm hoping the parents of those children at least get a call and the situation gets straightened out
Well, this has been going on for 3 years or more...it's not always the same teacher. It's this dang method they have that is supposed to teach kids how to interact with each other. In theory, it's good, but it doesn't work. Basically, the premise is that there are 4 types of hats..White, yellow, black, and red. White is good...those are the kids who play nicely. Red means that they kind of go along with the crowd...laughing at things...they aren't necessarily the ring leaders, but they don't try to stop bullying either. Yellow is like...being a whiner, crying...feeling entitled I guess. Black is the group that bullies. The idea is that when someone exhibits a certain behavior, the other kids can remind them of how they are SUPPOSED to interact by asking what color hat they are wearing. So like, someone who is being bossy is wearing a black hat. And the "white hats" are the ones who will call them out on that, and try to get the red hats to stand with them against whoever is being a black hat. And the victim of the bullying is supposed to try to handle it themselves first...so they are supposed to set the boundary and say "Stop. I don't like what you are doing to me." They are supposed to be able to talk it out. The kid has to try 3 times to get the behavior to stop before going to a teacher. If it gets to that point, the teacher is supposed to facilitate a conversation between the two. If it continues after the conversation, then there is supposed to be action taken. In our experience, it never gets past the stage of the teacher having them talk it out. It just keeps happening and they consider each thing a new incident, rather than connecting it all. Like...if last week, the kid was kicking a ball at DS, and this week he pushes him in the mud, that's not considered continuing the bad behavior...it's a new incident, so they talk it out again. And then nothing happens for a week and then the kid does something again, and it's a new incident. They don't see it as a pattern of the kid bullying DS, because it's not exactly the same every time.I'm so sorry to hear this. Is it possible to visit the school uninvited and observe the play ground. It's not right that the bullies get to go on bullying. Can you send him to another school? My daughter was bullied in the first grade, the kid who brought the loaded gun to school. I stayed and watched, from a distance for several days....I saw what was happening, and had a parent teacher conference. I told them what was going on....then the kid brought a loaded gun to school. He got expelled, I often wonder what would have happen, if I hadn't notified the teacher. DD is coming up on her 47th birthday. Bullying has been going on for a long time. It's not right that the teacher does nothing. The teacher sounds lazy or frightened to me.
We'll see if you still feel the same when the threat of broken hips are looming at the first snowfall. Age has a way of tempering the most ardent joys. As I say, we'll see! Well, perhaps I won't, but, remember where you heard it first.You shared some good insight there. We all have a desire to be needed and feel productive.
I'm also independent, and I think I'd make a lousey senior citizen . . . I'd be out there in cold temperatures walking around in a blizzard, just as happy as can be . . . until I froze to death?!![]()
Hadn't even thought of that. Those famous sudden, sideways downpours would make short work of those cabanas even if they upgrade them later to more permanent structures. And what if you are on the other side of the park when one of those lovely things sneaks in. All you would have then is a spot to watch blowing away while you stand there in very wet designer clothing. All I really wish is that all those people that can throw away $700.00 a day, would just throw some my way. I'd hold up an umbrella all day for that kind of money.Yea, I'm a bit flummoxed (OK, I just wanted to type "flummoxed", but, I still am) by this latest move, too. So high-priced and so unattractive.
The only thing I can figure is that this is a relatively inexpensive (OK, flat-out cheapo) test, trying to determine if there is actually enough "demand"
to put in more permanent, themed, units later (for even more money)...?!
I wonder what it would be like sheltering in one of those tents during one of those infamous, vicious, Central Florida summertime pop-up t-storms...?!
Actually, I don't hafta' wonder...
I remember sheltering in Innoventions during one of those on one of our early trips with the kiddos. The automatic sliding doors kept opening with people flocking in to take shelter, and every time they did, in came the wind-blown rain plus the flash and crack of the thunder and lightening right on top of us.
I kid you not, there were kiddos (and even a few adults) crying all around us.
We were OK, 'cause we're kinda' used to it (even so, it was pretty intense), but, I can't even imagine riding out one of those in a tent that I paid $650, in a WDW theme park of all places, no matter how well they say it's battened down...!!!
So the school called and I went in for a meeting and we have a plan. The first part of recess seems to go pretty well, but recess just lasts a LITTLE too long and the boys get restless and start picking on him for entertainment, so they are going to let him go inside for the last bit to avoid problems. And they talked to 3 of the boys who he mentioned and those 3 boys said they don't "bully" him, they "tease" him, which is something that is fun. So the teacher said she thinks they are reading him wrong on that, that he obviously DOESN'T think it's fun, so they aren't to "tease" him anymore. Then one of the teachers talked to DS and told him to be more specific about what the behavior is that he doesn't like and instead of just saying "Stop", he's to say "Stop chasing me" or "Stop pushing me" or whatever it is. To which DS replied "But why do I have to say what they are doing? They KNOW what they are doing!" But, she told him sometimes they need to hear that specifically. And then if they continue that, he's supposed to look for his "mates" and go play with them instead, and if THAT doesn't work, he is to go to the teacher. They also talked in general in his class about including everyone and someone mentioned DS's crying and the teacher reminded them that EVERYONE has SOMETHING. One person struggles with math, another one is clumsy, and DS has problems controlling emotions. They need to HELP each other with those things. And one boy stood up for DS and said "Hey, if I pushed YOU down, would YOU like it? You can't be mad that he gets upset when you do stuff to him!" So that was good. And I got all the forms to fill in for the Therapy, so I can turn that in tonight or tomorrow and get the ball rolling on that. Crossing fingers and toes and everything else and if you all have some pixie dust to spare, we'd really appreciate it!! If this doesn't work, we might have to look for a different schoolI'm so sorry to hear this. Is it possible to visit the school uninvited and observe the play ground. It's not right that the bullies get to go on bullying. Can you send him to another school? My daughter was bullied in the first grade, the kid who brought the loaded gun to school. I stayed and watched, from a distance for several days....I saw what was happening, and had a parent teacher conference. I told them what was going on....then the kid brought a loaded gun to school. He got expelled, I often wonder what would have happen, if I hadn't notified the teacher. DD is coming up on her 47th birthday. Bullying has been going on for a long time. It's not right that the teacher does nothing. The teacher sounds lazy or frightened to me.
I think I missed this....what happened?I didn't hear about this until mid-afternoon (Eastern time). One of the people in my office was checking the national news on her computer and told the rest of us. I'm shocked at the number of deranged people in the world. It's another senseless, violent crime against innocent people (this time, at that college in Ohio). And no place is immune to these violent lunatics. Look back to Orlando--who would have thought something that bad could happen there?
So is Lake Gabe filling up, too?Lord said to Noah there's going to be a floody-floody....
It has been pouring all day here and on and off over the weekend. The river is spilling over tonight.
That's what I have too, though I did manage to break a plate in two.In my house it's Corelle. It hardly every chips or breaks and is inexpensive enough when the boys break something I don't cry
No rules for how to live our lives. Where did these silly rules come from....I wear white in the winter. I must be going to he... That was a big rule never to break!I just love breaking rules!
If I wanted to be extravagant (and I had $650 that someone just "gave" to me to spend down there), I'd prefer the Chef's Table at Victoria and Albert's. Can you imagine having all these exotic courses and drinks, not having to worry about the amount it cost?!! (I hear it's also air conditioned in there as well. And there's plenty of chairs.)
I wonder where the Juneau's fleet was stationed. I went to Alaska back in 2014/2015 and didn't see many smaller ships/fishing boats in the area the Disney Wonder docked
So is Lake Gabe filling up, too?
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