Yea, I'm a bit flummoxed (OK, I just wanted to type "flummoxed", but, I still am

) by this latest move, too. So high-priced and so unattractive.

The only thing I can figure is that this is a relatively inexpensive (OK, flat-out cheapo

) test, trying to determine if there is actually enough "demand"

to put in more permanent, themed, units later (for even more money)...?!

I wonder what it would be like sheltering in one of those tents during one of those infamous, vicious, Central Florida summertime pop-up t-storms...?!
Actually, I don't hafta' wonder...
I remember sheltering in Innoventions during one of those on one of our early trips with the kiddos. The automatic sliding doors kept opening with people flocking in to take shelter, and every time they did, in came the wind-blown rain plus the flash and crack of the thunder and lightening right on top of us.
I kid you not, there were kiddos (and even a few adults) crying all around us.
We were OK, 'cause we're kinda' used to it (even so, it was pretty intense), but, I can't even imagine riding out one of those in a tent that I paid $650, in a WDW theme park of all places

, no matter how well they say it's battened down...!!!