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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Deja vu . . . not the phonograph (no one in our family ever had one of those), but what caught my eye was the white lacey thing on top of it. My grandmother has those things all over her house!! :) I've yet to figure out what the heck they were for! ;)

My Gran had these lace things everywhere as does my MIL. The even put them on the armrests of upholstered chairs and sofas. Protecting everything. Then if the lace protectors got something on them MIL would have a
cow. :banghead: So then she started cutting out circles of clear plastic table cloth vinyl and covering up the lace protectors. :confused:

But in fairness I lived my entire childhood with custom made, clear plastic zipped around the sofa and chairs in our living room. If you sat on the furniture in a skirt or shorts you stuck to the plastic when you tried to stand up. Didn't have to endure that much...the living room was for 'company' but when company came they were in kitchen or family room, bet they didn't want to sit on the plastic couch either. :joyfull: It looked like these


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Is that a piece of ham, up on the right-hand side, too? That plate looks delicious!! Hubs, sis and I went out to a restaurant and I had baked, stuffed shrimp, Delmonico potatoes, veggies, and chocolate cake. Hubs had oysters on the half shell, clam chowder, steak, veggies and cheesecake (rare for him--he hardly ever eats sweets). Sis had the traditional turkey dinner with all the fixins. Isn't food wonderful??!!! :hungry: :joyfull:

Yes it was. Harry Caray's Steak House with all the traditional sides. The steak is a 14oz bone in ribeye dry aged.
In the middle of my plate is garlic roasted brussel sprouts. I love love love brussel sprouts and know nobody else that does, the only thing I went for seconds on.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That is true. Also the assumption that just because I have never been in a relationship means that I cannot possibly be happy. I told my cousin a while back that I'd never been in a relationship, and she was like, "Well, I know this nice guy..." :facepalm: It's really that I haven't met anyone that I've been interested in, and I haven't had the time to date in college. I barely see my friends during the semester; that wouldn't be fair to be in a relationship and then have very little time for the other person. That, and I'm just perfectly content being single for the moment. Not that anyone believes me...

Well I believe you. I have a DD that is your clone. She worked her tush off in college, launching a career, getting what she wanted towards a career. A self sufficient young woman. None of her friends have married yet, actually my son 5 years older just had a few friends that married this year. Neither are in any rush, actually the opposite. I kinda find they both worked so hard to get the careers they wanted and they want some time at that. Not everyone defines themselves by marriage and children. Woot! for those who do and love it. Woot! for those who take another path. Kids are a whole 'nother ball of wax. I have plenty of friends that never had kids and they are happy couples. God Bless them from not bringing kids into the world only by peer pressure. Me, no regrets, I loved being a Mom. But me, my kids choice, I'll respect what they decide.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry about your back. I've ruptured 3 discs and know what an epidural is ....those aren't pleasant, but you can move in a small amount of time. Please be careful back injuries will be with you for the rest of your life. I hope you haven't had the three epidural's. That's was allowed for my time. I've had two....So I'm taking things very easy..... Just a quick question....Do they allow more these days? My last one was over 20 years ago.... Have fun at WDW .....I hope you can enjoy what you want to do....

I had one in 2005 that did the trick - allowed me to exercise and heal (I had been flat on the floor for 2 months, could not get upright at all.)

It was 2 discs. The one that was worse back then has since disintegrated to some degree, so basically naturally healed itself (and did what surgery would have done.)

Reinjured the area recently, and the other disc is being a pain (ha!) First epidural was October 19th. It helped a little, but I still can't move the toes on my left foot if I'm standing up. And it's started hurting more again.

I believe you can do three in a certain amount of time, then it starts over and you can do another three.

I realize now how lucky I was in 2005 that one worked so well. And the doctor told me then if I didn't get surgery right away, I'd end up back on the floor in a few months. That didn't happen. (Doctors are about as reliable as auto mechanics, in my experience.)

Just got home after a long 4 hour odyssey. Exhausted.

Hoping to go price a record collection Sunday!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
On that note, my DD and I were coming down an escalator at Nordstroms. As a man was having a loud discussion with a boy maybe 6-8 in the boys face. Then he full adult male, took an adult full swing and slapped the kid across the face knocking the kid off balance as we were ending our ride down. I let out an horrible gasp. I was stunned and rattled-the kid bolted after the slap. The man looked me straight in the face and said WHAT? You never hit your kid? I quickly said NO. And look at how good she turned out. No response. I was rattled for an hour, he hit him so hard and this was in public with security cameras everywhere. Imagine what this dude could do at home? His Mom might have regrets pushing him to have kids.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm so sorry about your back. I've ruptured 3 discs and know what an epidural is ....those aren't pleasant, but you can move in a small amount of time. Please be careful back injuries will be with you for the rest of your life. I hope you haven't had the three epidural's. That's was allowed for my time. I've had two....So I'm taking things very easy..... Just a quick question....Do they allow more these days? My last one was over 20 years ago.... Have fun at WDW .....I hope you can enjoy what you want to do....

Mayo Clinic guidelines are a few per year because of the steroids. I believe the guidelines have changed because of the formula and the steroids are better than they were years ago, plus they now have a baseline for how many can be tolerate without the steroids causing damage where they didn't have that before. So thinking you are safe if you need more in the future. Seems like 3 per year is the tops they give for not only epidurals but for other pain related steroid injections to knees, hands for carpal tunnel etc. So it seems you have no worries for your current or future needs.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I don't really think that is necessary. Attractions that are well done, do not need a historical backup. I had never seen 20K Leagues under the Sea, yet I loved the attraction and the show. I knew nothing about any Pirates of the Caribbean but loved the ride and the show. I had never seen Peter Pan yet, so on and so on. If well done they don't need to be forced to study up on it. Just take them to it and they will not necessarily become full fledged SW fans, but, that doesn't mean that they won't love the attractions. I have never seen Avatar, but, I am looking forward to the land. Why? Because it is different and I am relying on it having been done really well. If it was, I'll like it, if it wasn't... then it will be thumbs down.

I don't really agree. While anyone can enjoy some of these film based attractions you tend to get more and relate more and understand the subtitles that are lost on those who never saw the various films. Until recently my kids had never seen Song of the South. Now they get a bit more of Splash Mountain then they ever had though always loved the attraction. Back when Snow was still around you could ride the attraction but you understood the progression of the scenes and what they depicted if you saw Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.

I found the same with all the Harry Potter nuances at Uni. Sure it would be fun but most would lack the story line you progress through which to me was beyond amazing.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The air planes need a better venting system. I'm sick of getting sick on airplanes. Maybe we should send the medical bills back to them. I wish the air on planes were regulated, as to how many pathogens to passengers. Maybe that would be a way to fix this horrible system!

Yep. Not going to happen though. Same thing happens with sick kids in school, trains, buses, a line in a grocery store. I caught a nasty virus 3 weeks ago and it knocked me for a wallop. It was beyond a cold. I do get a phenominia shot each year which is likely what helped me not to develop additional side effects. I don't get sick like this often, usually 4-5 years apart fortunately. Still I have no idea where I picked it up let alone who. I am a germaphobic. I see someone cough or sneeze and I change directions. My hands are forever being washed. Still every once in a while-it still gets me.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I am so right there with you. Nothing seems to make hubby cry. I was that way, in the past....we are changing places. Aging is so baffling. Maybe we will understand in a distant future.

I think it all depends on the type of person you are. I've never been a cryer. When I have it is a rarity. Always been that way and I'm in my AARP years now. I'm just emotionally a stoic type person. Sure I get upset or find things sad or depressing but I seem to always have a grip on emotions. Still I avoid sad and depressing things, life is too short in my opinion. If I am going to watch a movie or a TV show it will bring me either laughter or fun. I have little interest in spending my time watching something sad or depressing.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
My Gran had these lace things everywhere as does my MIL. The even put them on the armrests of upholstered chairs and sofas. Protecting everything. Then if the lace protectors got something on them MIL would have a
cow. :banghead: So then she started cutting out circles of clear plastic table cloth vinyl and covering up the lace protectors. :confused:

But in fairness I lived my entire childhood with custom made, clear plastic zipped around the sofa and chairs in our living room. If you sat on the furniture in a skirt or shorts you stuck to the plastic when you tried to stand up. Didn't have to endure that much...the living room was for 'company' but when company came they were in kitchen or family room, bet they didn't want to sit on the plastic couch either. :joyfull: It looked like these
I had an uncle who was like that.. but then.. my uncle was the cheapest guy you could ever meet.
He even let his house rot away because he didnt want to pay the process to divorce from his wife.. XD


Premium Member
I'm so out of it, I don't even remember if I've posted here already LOL. So apologies if this is a repeat.

Black Friday part one went well at the store. Part two (selling the leftovers online) starts today. BUT - someone in our family had to schedule a wedding for today (3 hours away and not in Orlando) where everyone will be 3 pounds heavier in the pictures because of Thanksgiving! LOL.

The ceremony was very nice. Brian drove up yesterday, I couldn't until this morning. Then he had to leave right after the ceremony to work tonight, I'm staying for the ceremony - but there's a freaking 3 hour break between the ceremony and the reception!!

So I'm at an Irish pub/restaurant called Meg O'Malley's (which I love) on my laptop doing work and getting ready to go back for the reception at 5:30 and then drive home tonight (ugh.)

Work all day Sunday, epidural (for my back) on Monday, fly to NJ/NY on Wednesday til Sunday...

WDW the 13th to 15th. (Can we just skip to that, please?) TY!!
I'm so sorry about you're back, eek I'm such a wimp about needles so just the thought of getting one:mad::rolleyes::cautious::brb::brb::brb: Prayers and pixie dust. I'll give you a note to skip right through to Wednesday:joyfull:

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