This brings back a childhood memory from long before I started acquiring a little extra "insulation"
and making TSSFFBRs even in cold weather...!
Anyway, when we lived in No Cal back in the day, we had no central air, because it never really got that hot or humid there, even in summer. A lot of times on summer nights, folks would put on a light sweater or jacket.
But, all the houses (in our neighborhood, anyway) were on pier and beam with crawl spaces, and we did have central heat, and we had registers in the floor.
On cool mornings when we had to get up for school, mom would wake us up pretty early, and we'd drag a blanket or two off our beds out to the family room, lay back on the floor with our feet on the register, and we'd lay the blankets over the whole mess. The heat would blow up the blankets like a balloon and we'd be nice and toasty while watching some early morning TV from that vantage point. Heaven...!
You should have heard our groans when the heat went off and our warm, toasty balloon deflated...!!!
Pretty sure mom did that on purpose to roust our beeeeehinds to start gettin' ready for school...!!!!!