I hate this time change. People with migraine's don't adjust well. I've also had two asthma attacks over the last two day's. I can't breathe and it's so dry with all the leaves blowing around. I went to the grocery and went into the cold section, and almost passed out and almost threw up. I couldn't breath, until I used my emergency inhaler. The manager was so nice. He wanted to help. I told him I would be fine after using the inhaler. Times are tough for everyone. But, I did finish most of my shopping. Thanks to hubby, he took me to the car, turned on the heat to help me breathe. Then I went to air. Asthma is a funny thing, too cold...not good...too hot....not good. I need to live in a bubble. Until we get some rain, to clear out all the molds, from drying leaves. Hubby cleaned up our leaves, but the neighbor's just let them blow, so they don't have to do the work. My next home is a high rise. I'm done with living with all these allergies. Rant over!