Well, mine didn't break anything on me, thank goodness, but my DD was definitely the biggest baby in the nursery. She was also the only girl. She had to stay overnight because she was born in the early evening when all the doctors had already gone home for the day and they needed to give her a diabetes test because she was so big, so she had to stay over night, and I wasn't going anywhere without her, plus I was EXHAUSTED and couldn't have gotten very far from bed, and I needed to be there to feed her anyway. So we stayed the night in the hospital. The woman next to me in the room had a premature baby boy, so he was TINY. DD could have eaten him for breakfast. She was more than twice his size. And she had such a big head we had to buy clothes a size bigger than normal just to get them over her head. I am soooo thankful that mine were both healthy and didn't have to stay long, though. With DS, once he wasn't blue anymore, they let us go....we were out of there about an hour and a half to 2 hours after he was born and I was in WAY better condition than I had been with DD. DS was only 8.5 pounds though, and it was less than a 3rd of labor time. It makes a HUGE difference.