And I saw this on the early news this morning (WCVB TV Channel 5 Boston - ABC News) - text below:
U.S. Olympic swimmer Jimmy Feigen agreed to make an $11,000 donation to a Brazilian charity in an effort to resolve a dispute over claims of being robbed in Rio de Janeiro that authorities say were made up.
ABC News reported that Feigen's lawyer in Rio, Breno Melaragno Costa, announced the agreement early Friday morning, hours after he sat down with a judge and officials from the prosecuting ministry at a police station in Rio for four hours on Thursday.
Feigen agreed to donate 35,000 Reals, or roughly $11,000, to a Brazilian charity called Reaction Institute.
Feigen is the last of the four U.S. swimmers caught up in the controversy over an alleged robbery remaining in Brazil. Costa said that Feigen's passport would be returned and he will be free to leave the country after the payment is made.