The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
Unimpressed with the latest World of Color. Felt too much like a 60th anniversary TV special. The original was better

I agree that the original was better but I thought this one was better Thant the Disneyland forever fireworks.

Oh that's so cool that you had someone in the design area!! How many people are with one imagineer? Is it just you or are there others in your lunch party who also bought the experience?

It was nine of us but the group was really quiet so it was really just me and one other lady asking questions and talking to the imagineer. It was funny because I get shy in new social situations ( I was excited about this and had my stomach in knots with anxiety for a couple days leading up to this) and when I booked this hubby said I had to ask at least one question because he knows I get shy. So when I told him I was the talkative one he laughed. I am planning on doing a trip report so I will give more details then. By the way while I did this hubby was golfing.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yes, my parents still have the fear of the computer, as does my grandma. My dad used to blame everything that went wrong with the computer on me. Until one day I found my brother on it...without permission. He's still convinced that I "broke" Internet Explorer. I told him, no Dad, Internet Explorer broke Internet Explorer.

We had a Windows 95 and then a Windows ME. I haven't used a Mac since elementary school and have no desire to use one. I like my PCs. I learned very quickly, and I think I understand computers even better than others my age. But I've seen two year olds operate Smartphones. I was not using a computer until about age four.

My first Laptop ran Vista. Oy. Made me wish I stuck with Apple, Vista was awful. My current laptop upgraded itself to 10, I have not had any issues.

And yes, we parents say the darndest things. Over the last decade or so my Mom holds some odd beliefs. We all have lots of allergies one is suntan lotion, none of us have issues with Coppertone so we stick with it. My Mom used another brand on her face a while back, bad results. Now she won't use sunscreen-She now and very frequently tells people she is allergic to SPF :jawdrop: :confused: :joyfull: No matter how we try to help her along nope she is allergic to SPF. :banghead:


Well-Known Member
Got the bandage off....much less scary looking.
My first Laptop ran Vista. Oy. Made me wish I stuck with Apple, Vista was awful. My current laptop upgraded itself to 10, I have not had any issues.

And yes, we parents say the darndest things. Over the last decade or so my Mom holds some odd beliefs. We all have lots of allergies one is suntan lotion, none of us have issues with Coppertone so we stick with it. My Mom used another brand on her face a while back, bad results. Now she won't use sunscreen-She now and very frequently tells people she is allergic to SPF :jawdrop: :confused: :joyfull: No matter how we try to help her along nope she is allergic to SPF. :banghead: dad still thinks that the Affordable Care Act is an insurance package and that most doctors don't accept it, so if you have "Obamacare" you won't be able to go to the doctor. Nothing will convince him it's not an insurance company, but a piece of legislation ABOUT insurance.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We had one of those when my wife commuted weekly from Vermont to Boston. We were cool people back then. I remember calling someone in Vermont while we were driving through Daytona, Florida. They were totally impressed with our coolness. I warmed up considerably since then. No longer cool. The other day I tried to text a picture with my "smart" phone and couldn't figure it out. I had to take a picture and then post it on Facebook. Very uncool.

You have a smart phone-you're cool enough just there. My Mom saw in her AARP magazine a recommendation for a Senior Phone. Mind you my Mom with her old phone would call me while she was out and if I needed to return the call she had already shut it off. Drives me nuts. Gotta save that battery ya know. :facepalm:

So she decides she wants a monthly phone called Jigger Bug designed for seniors. Sis and I wanted her to get an iPhone but I wasn't willing to push that with all she was dealing with Dad. The JB makes calls, texts and receives photos and out. It has a real simple contact list and display on outside for who is calling her. Huge buttons and massive display of what you are dialing in a dark font. Flip phone answers call when ringing when you open it. Simple. Outside display says TEXT when someone sends you one or a photo.

On the day my Dad ultimately passed I sent a quick text that said only: We are on the way to Hospital now. She didn't look at it. I was surprised when my Dad passed and we had to hunt her down, at home. Her: I saw it says TEXT but I don't text message indignantly.
Me: But you do read! I picked up phone, opened the flip phone and there is the text message before her eyes with zero effort other than opening the phone. Her firmly: Yeah I'm not going to do that.:banghead:

So Sir, I still put you in the Cool category.


Well-Known Member
You have a smart phone-you're cool enough just there. My Mom saw in her AARP magazine a recommendation for a Senior Phone. Mind you my Mom with her old phone would call me while she was out and if I needed to return the call she had already shut it off. Drives me nuts. Gotta save that battery ya know. :facepalm:

So she decides she wants a monthly phone called Jigger Bug designed for seniors. Sis and I wanted her to get an iPhone but I wasn't willing to push that with all she was dealing with Dad. The JB makes calls, texts and receives photos and out. It has a real simple contact list and display on outside for who is calling her. Huge buttons and massive display of what you are dialing in a dark font. Flip phone answers call when ringing when you open it. Simple. Outside display says TEXT when someone sends you one or a photo.

On the day my Dad ultimately passed I sent a quick text that said only: We are on the way to Hospital now. She didn't look at it. I was surprised when my Dad passed and we had to hunt her down, at home. Her: I saw it says TEXT but I don't text message indignantly.
Me: But you do read! I picked up phone, opened the flip phone and there is the text message before her eyes with zero effort other than opening the phone. Her firmly: Yeah I'm not going to do that.:banghead:

So Sir, I still put you in the Cool category.
My mom still calls to let me know she sent a text:confused: She still can't program her VCR either:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
.Spray on sunblock gone wrong
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Well-Known Member
I know....that's what I mean. I was a fan of the original ride, before they made the movies. Once they made the movies, they added Jack Sparrow to the ride, and since she said WDW got the cliffnotes version, it sounds like they are maybe both based on the movie now. So I'm wondering which is closer to the original, pre-movie ride I loved.
They both are "Jack Sparrowed", but the movies tend to make stories out of the DL attraction. More scenes to choose from.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Sympathy like. Hope it gets better soon! :)
I've been stung by bees and wasps many times.
One of the more memorable times was when we were at a wedding reception many years ago at a local country club. We were enjoying dinner on an outdoor terrace, and a yellow jacket kept buzzing us. Finally, I saw my opportunity and swatted at it. Only, as a reflex action I guess, I actually closed my hand in the process. In the split second it took me to realize my mistake, it was too late...!!! :eek: :hilarious:
Got me on the palm right between my ring and middle finger on my right hand.
The wasp didn't make it...I threw hard on the terrace and squished it... :oops:
I've told this story before, I was eating an apple and I didn't notice the yellow jacket on the apple, I bit down, and the bee stung me on the tongue.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Hey there. So, of course we had to go to honor Orlando. The whole thing was about Orlando. It was sad, happy, empowering, joyous, and very emotional. And cocktails. Please to enjoy, a little photo pictorial of NYC Pride 2016, and of course, do not expect anything close to the amazing pics of @MOXOMUMD :)

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Looking very crowded on Christopher Street. But we had to get to our brunch reservation, which included all you can drink cocktails for $13.95!! And look, we made it!

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That would be a Blueberry Caipirinha, which sounds maybe disgusting, but was kind of amazing. And potent. And 90 minutes of drinks to go.

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So, this is someone we don't know. I call her Rainbow Brite. She came over and started talking to Phil for like a half an hour. And why is she holding a lime?

I have more sense than to run my mouth yapping. I was busy pounding drinks during my 90 minutes of free cocktails. :)

Then, it was time for some more parade.

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There are more, but you get the idea.

And finally, we went to the Pride Fest, which is sort of a street fair that sells a lot of stuff you don't need. But instead of buying, we just did a lot of posing. I blame the blueberry caipirinhas. ;) Anyway, happy Pride everyone. Not just for what we were celebrating, but what everyone everywhere can be proud of, which I think is what it is all about to begin with.

PS - The final picture looks like I have blueberries coming out of my head, and i just might, considering how many blueberry cocktails I drank beforehand. :)

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Great pictures. Thanks for sharing your amazing day. I loved the multi colored balloons.:happy:

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