The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I can't wear a shoe on that foot so it's interesting when I have to go somewhere.
Sympathy like. How's the weather? Is it nice enough that your foot doesn't freeze? Last year in January, I was putting clean laundry away and slipped and my pinkie toe hit my DD's night stand that's right by the closet. It knocked the nail completely loose...just hanging by a thread. I couldn't put a shoe on, so I had to wear an open-toed slipper for a couple of weeks. One of the other moms at school noticed and offered to let my kids walk with her..DD's best friend, so it worked out perfectly and I didn't have to freeze my foot 4 times every day.


Well-Known Member
That's our schools too. There was one girl in my daughter's class that couldn't have gluten so when I would send in baked treats through the year I would send her own fruit.
DD came home today saying they are having a picnic next Thursday in their class and they all need to bring food, no pork products because of the Muslim kids (which means no jello, since apparently gelatin is made from pork :( Here I thought we were being all clever making something American that they don't have here) Anyone have any kid-friendly allergy-free and pork free food ideas?


Well-Known Member
in other news, my grandmah moved to our house. She's getting old and she is now having lapses of memory. Mother agrees she cant be trusted anymore to live alone, even with a helper that is most of the time with her (she has left the stove on at night and other bad things).
She's 96.
I dont think she has much time left considering how fast she seems to be degrading.
She now repeats the same stories over and over.
Sympathy like. be living with only a helper, that's pretty incredible. Did she agree to the move?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
DD came home today saying they are having a picnic next Thursday in their class and they all need to bring food, no pork products because of the Muslim kids (which means no jello, since apparently gelatin is made from pork :( Here I thought we were being all clever making something American that they don't have here) Anyone have any kid-friendly allergy-free and pork free food ideas?
If you feel like baking, here's an allergy-friendly brownie recipe


Well-Known Member
Sympathy like. How's the weather? Is it nice enough that your foot doesn't freeze? Last year in January, I was putting clean laundry away and slipped and my pinkie toe hit my DD's night stand that's right by the closet. It knocked the nail completely loose...just hanging by a thread. I couldn't put a shoe on, so I had to wear an open-toed slipper for a couple of weeks. One of the other moms at school noticed and offered to let my kids walk with her..DD's best friend, so it worked out perfectly and I didn't have to freeze my foot 4 times every day.
It's been around 82 every day. Beautiful. :)


Well-Known Member
I heard it a few times before I had to ask for it for myself. I also have been on a couple of flights where I noticed someone else handed a flight attendant the Peanut Allergy slip. Ot may depend on what time of day you're flying; the airlines usually recommend those with allergies take earlier flights, and that's usually where I seem to encounter others who use that accomodation. I hate asking for the accomodation, but for me personally, all of my food allergies have gotten worse (overall, my asthma and allergies are much better than they used to be, but my food allergies have gotten worse. Go figure) so I now have to. Also, once you use an epi pen, you have to go to the emergency room, which means I'd ground the entire flight and inconvenience everyone more than if I just ask them not to serve peanuts on the plane. Not to mention "dealing with it" is not an option for many of us since a severe allergic reaction could kill us.

If you do ever hear the announcement, just please respect it. The person asking for it probably doesn't want to have to ask, but likely, they're just trying to keep themselves safe. :)
I can't imagine anyone actually saying you should just deal with it! That's horrible! Sure it's an inconvenience, but not a HUGE one and as you are in tin box in the air, it's not like you can just go to the doctor if you have a reaction. A school is one's probably big enough to have a safe zone where kids with allergies can avoid contact. But kind of hard in an enclosed space 30,000 feet in the air.


Well-Known Member
With me, I only react to some foods when I eat them, and with others, just being around them makes me itch. My mom keeps strawberries in the house with little trouble. Tree nuts (almonds and such) also tend to not be as bad. I'm actually not allergic to hazelnuts. :cautious: Let's just say there was some irresponsibility on my part one day that thankfully had no repercussions.

I discovered one day that I cannot be around peanuts anymore after an open jar of peanut butter caused my tongue to swell up and eyes to itch. My brother likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for school lunches, so my mom buys the Uncrustables so that they're closed until he gets them to school. My dad likes Reeses Peanut butter cups, so he keeps them in his desk in his office, where I very rarely go.

Pineapple is my worst allergy. Trace amounts will cause me to react. I can only buy certain kinds of salsa because there can be cross contamination in the factories with some of them that contain pineapple. When I was a sophomore in high school, I ate salsa. I thought it would be fine. It wasn't. My throat started to close up. Thankfully, Benadryl took care of it that time. I went to see my allergist right after that and he asked me, "Do you carry an epi pen?" At the time, I did not, and he said, "You do now." If you cut a pineapple while I'm in the room, I can tell. My mom likes pineapple, so she buys it every now and then. She cuts it, puts it in an airtight container, and eats it when I'm not home. She also has to thoroughly was the cutting board and wipe down the counter tops around it. She does not buy pineapple very often because it is a gigantic pain for her.

My actual reaction is interesting. I accidentally ate peanuts one day in high school when my mom tried to poison me accidentally put peanut butter on my sandwich instead of soy nut butter. I broke out into hives all the way up both arms, my tongue swelled up pretty badly, and I had asthma symptoms. This was freshman year of high school when the allergy wasn't as bad; I'd hate to think what it would be like now. My throat will also start to close up, which is when I would need the epi pen. I also tend to get a metallic taste in my mouth, which is a warning sign for me. One time, I accidentally put something in my mouth that contained almonds. I knew before I even swallowed, and I spit it out, washed out my mouth, and took a Benadryl. Thank goodness for the warning sign.
Huh....I'd never thought about cross contamination with pineapple. I know they always warn with chocolate that there might be trace amounts of peanuts, but I wouldn't have thought of pineapple. Of course, I don't like pineapple and the only thing I use it for is my carrot cake recipe. Good to know though!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm a person that really doesn't take a lot of photo's. I took way more on my recent trip to Europe then I ever have in the past and that was probably because almost all of them were taken with my cell phone. I had a camera with me, but, my cell took much better quality pictures. Friends have asked me why I don't take more pictures. Well, for one thing, I am to busy looking at stuff to remember to take a picture of it. Second, I have it all in file in my brain. I was asked, what if you get alzheimer's or something like that, to which I reply, then I won't know what they are pictures of anyway. I did a slide show complete with music to thank my sister for all her work planning it, but, I have no idea how to share it here.

I guess I'm more in your camp. While I do take photos and more now that my iPhone takes photos good enough for me (not a photo contest obviously)

My kids were born on the cusp of the VHS video recorders. My FIL had one we would borrow at first and was as big as a portable TV news camera. Heavy too. When my DD was born we bought our own, smaller than a shoebox, still heavy but took very nice videos. We took it to Disney only once. At home and at Disney we found we were not experiencing what we were taping and we were lacking memories of what we actually videoed. Disney that big heavy bag was a pain to tote around and someone always had to be keeping an eye on it and bringing it on some attractions became an issue. The one thing we did come away with was the Original Osborne Lights on Christmas.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry it seems it is a glitch! It will be 2 credits for the Thanksgiving weekend
Yep, I looked it up to be sure, and it did say 2 on the info for the restaurants, but the dining plan PDF still lists them as 1, and I called and he looked up my specific reservations with my confirmation numbers and said they are listed as one. So we're ok. Whew!! I was going to be VERY disappointed if we had to change our ADRs!!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Maybe not tech FL left side of the castle I always seem to get hit with smoke on that side:hungover: not even sure it's an official place

You'll be happy to know that one is a goner, has been for several years. It was a stupid place for one. And you are right, most are really tucked away now where most have to go into a specific area to join the smokers. It is my understanding that is one of the reasons why the dole whip area was moved from its tiny venue to a bigger one.


Premium Member
You'll be happy to know that one is a goner, has been for several years. It was a stupid place for one. And you are right, most are really tucked away now where most have to go into a specific area to join the smokers. It is my understanding that is one of the reasons why the dole whip area was moved from its tiny venue to a bigger one.
Amen! I know somebody who got hit with smoke there a few months ago, :hungover::hungover::hungover: Guess they didn't get the message:mad:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yep, I looked it up to be sure, and it did say 2 on the info for the restaurants, but the dining plan PDF still lists them as 1, and I called and he looked up my specific reservations with my confirmation numbers and said they are listed as one. So we're ok. Whew!! I was going to be VERY disappointed if we had to change our ADRs!!

My thought is Disney is possibly working on changing some more venues to Signature Prices for the 2017 dining plan, similar to what they did for LeCellier a few years back, this would be when they would be mocking up some future possibilities as ADRs are what 180 days out??? So thinking they'd have to announce changes soon and maybe the glitch is it was accidently posted???

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