The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
We went to see Alice and the time we wanted was sold out so we saw The Angry Birds Movie. Surprisingly it was hilarious. :)
I heard it was getting mixed reviews. DD got a gift certificate for the movie theater for her birthday and she really wants to see Angry Birds, but someone told us that half the people think it's great and the other half are sorry they wasted the money.


Well-Known Member
I get what you're saying. My daughter will miss possibly seven for the cruise. We can miss ten then you get a court summons at eleven.
Wow...that doesn't seem like many! Or does that not include when they are sick? When my kids are sick, they are usually out for at least 4 days. This is DS's 2nd time being sick this school year, and last time he was out for 4 days and then I sent him back on the Friday because they were doing testing for report cards and I didn't want him to miss even more than he had missed and his fever was gone. I should have kept him home for that 5th day. Now he came down with the crud yesterday, he's still got a high fever today (39.3C or just under 103F) and feeling miserable, and I can't imagine him magically being completely better tomorrow then. And of course, they are doing report card testing again right now (he's really good at getting sick right at testing time!), but last time, I sent him back and he did his math test that day and even though math is his best subject, that was his worst score. (It was still above average, but the kid is kind of a math whiz, so being sick definitely affected his score) So this time, even if his fever is gone, he's staying home Friday. I'll send him back Monday. So that means 4 days this time. So if he only had 10 days, we'd already be pushing it!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'm just a little thick in the head about boiling meat as others have been trying to explain to me you add spices to put in flavor. My brain just keeps saying why not cookdown the meat until it falls apart into shreds and still add in the onion and garlic so you have both the full flavor of the meats and the spices/herbs etc. Can you tell I've never had this and I am not comprehending this entree.:banghead:
Well, if you cook chicken too long, it just gets dry and crumbly and gross. Boiling it kind of keeps the moisture in, as long as you don't boil it too long. And boiling it with the other flavor enhancers like the onion and the bullion is kind of like making spaghetti, or lock in those flavors by cooking it together. My friends are all from different countries and once in a while we get together and one person teaches our group how to make something from their country. So Cecilia, coming from Mexico, taught us to make tostadas and tortilla soup. Niwanthi, from Sri Lanka, taught us to make Hal, which is a rice and lentil dish. Jeeraporn is from Indonesia and taught the girls to make egg rolls before I moved here, but Cecilia taught me to make them later and they are a HUGE crowd pleaser...Jeeraporn is a chef in a restaurant. Mojgan is from Iran and taught us to make Ketchkabodemjun (I actually have NO idea how to spell it, but that's what it sounds like) which is an eggplant dish, and she gave us the recipe for Dolme, but I've never actually seen her do those and I don't think I'd want to take the time to make it myself. Jeannie is from Malaysia, so she's done noodle dishes and meatballs with a chilli dipping sauce, but I've never made those either. She also did a soup once that was really good, but the only thing I remember about it was coconut milk. But the nice thing about having all these international friends is also learning different ways to do things. I'd never have thought to boil the chicken until Cecilia was teaching us the tortilla soup and such. But it made sense once I thought about it. My mom always smothered her turkey or chicken with veggie oil and then put water and bullion blocks in the roasting pan when she baked it in the oven...she never basted at all and it still turned out moist because the water in the bottom evaporated as the bird cooked and it absorbed that moisture. Boiling is the same absorbs the flavors and the moisture as it cooks.


Well-Known Member
Oh Dear. I hope he is on the mend soon. I read your sad post to my DD wondering if she would be thinking the same thoughts as I immediately did when reaching the field trip part. She shared the same thing I was thinking.

Our school district will no longer take the students to the Museums etc that are in Chicago even though they are amazing. It is that
OMG take children in CHICAGO thing. Your school system on the other hand takes their students out of the country to celebrate the year at an amusement park. Woot! :geek:'s the one big trip of the school year. Sometimes they take little trips to a theater performance, or to go ice skating around Christmas, but in June it's the big trip and they go to a different place every year they took DD's class to the zoo....she got lost. The mom with her group wasn't paying attention and didn't notice DD was still looking at the fish and DD, who was only 8, didn't notice the group had gone on. Suddenly she realized her group was gone and she didn't know where they had gone. Fortunately, the school had prepared the kids for just such an event. Each group was color coded and each kid was given a paper with their color and the group leader's phone number on it, so DD just had to wait for the next group to come through and that leader could call HER group leader to let her know DD was with them, and she just walked with that group until they found hers. This year, DD is nervous because her class is going to a big amusement park here in the Netherlands tomorrow, but they don't have groups...the only rule is that they can't walk alone. So now she's nervous that she has to find her way around....I figure it's good practice in case she gets lost in Disney. Last year her class did survival training. DS's class is going to an amusement park in Germany (Kalkar wunderland) and the younger grades went to an indoor play gym yesterday. I'm glad DS's trip is NEXT week. DD just needs to stay healthy through tomorrow and then her trip is over.


Premium Member
@BuddyThomas , not sure why I'm having difficulty replying to your post this morning (some sort of glitch), so here's my reply to your weekend excursion below.

And from a different perspective, I love the scenery!! I've never been to Long Island (I've only been to Manhattan, primarily Midtown, and down to Bowling Green/Wall Street area; I've also been to upstate N.Y., but that may as well be another state completely!). Anyway, I never realized that sections of Long Island had all these nice open green spaces and perfect growing areas for wineries.

Oh, by the way, that pizza looks scrumptious!

So happy that you and Phil had a fun holiday weekend, and got away to relax. :)


Well-Known Member
Awesome. It is never too early to think about college. I am just about finished up with the 10th Grade and headed down the home stretch with my last 2 years of high school.
I would also advise you to make friends with the guidance counselor and his/her secretary if they have one. My guidance counselor hated me (looooooong story) and tried to keep me from getting scholarships by giving me the wrong dates for applications and telling me it had to be given to him instead of to the committee, but his secretary was a good family friend of ours, so she was always calling me in to tell me when a particular application was actually due, or when a new scholarship came out that I qualified for, etc. Having someone in that office on your side is gold...they can direct you to the proper resources and information. Now is the time to start building that relationship so that when you actually get to applying for schools and financial aid, you are familiar to them and they will do more to help you.


Well-Known Member
Congrats! I admit I'm a bit jelly you're going so soon!

Do you want some of this to go with that jelly? ;)



Premium Member
Dammit!! so jealous!! Oh, by the way, have a great trip! ;)

Thanks! I'll be sure to put some pictures on here so you all can get your Disney fix.

Hmpf. @betty rose today was the last day that the Margarita Kiosk will be in operation at Mexico pavilion.

http:// http://

I read somewhere that it is temporary and they are going to make it bigger.

Oh Wow. I didn't know you could do that!

Yeah, we usually just used our names before or initials.


Premium Member
So I hope you're ready for a very, very, very, very, very, very, very brief Memorial Day weekend trip to Long Island wine country, via the magical phone of Buddy Thomas. If not, scroll down really really really fast and you'll miss the whole thing. ;)

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First stop was Martha Clara Vineyards:
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Phil joined the wine club there last time, so we got free tastes, which they served in these crazy towers of wine glasses. Here I am with five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred glasses of wine:
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And here is the Phil monster hiding behind his tower because I might have said the word "Disney":
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Err, okay great onto Lenz Winery:

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I think I might have mentioned to Phil that I want to go back to Disney, so this happened:

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Errrr, fine. So in that case, I'll just go outside and play in the vines:

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Happy summer everyone!

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Looks fun, and if you mention Disney casually in passing every once in awhile you might wear him down. Perhaps for food and wine festival.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fan of internships that pay. The free labor thing is annoying. Before that it was community service, more free labor. Education costs keep rising and yet venues for earning are diminishing. My DS did an internship with a large business group in Chicago and got paid, little but at least met his expenses and a bit more than that but something. My DD bestie is doing a year long required internship-no pay and out of town. I hope this trend goes away.

My DD on the other hand went to a University that carried some weight. She looked at internships vs moving up to a managers level position where she had worked previously and went with that. She ultimately landed a job after graduation at a University, not her first choice of Universities but a great starting salary.
I was rather fortunate that I was able to do my student teaching in a town an hour away from my home town, so I lived at home, but my student teaching was not paid. I worked weekends in a restaurant waiting tables, which is what most of my friends did....either waiting tables or working fast food. So working during the day doing student teaching and working evenings and weekends to pay the rent. You basically have no life. Plus, the requirements of the student teaching were kind of unreasonable. You only got 2 sick days for the entire semester or you failed. They told us we could start earlier than the required date so we could have some extra days built in, just in case, but if you did that, you didn't finish any just had some leeway. So I started 10 days before I was required to. I took 2 days off because my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and I wanted to be there for her surgery and first chemo treatment. So basically, I still had those 10 days extra. But, they still wanted to fail me. Why? Because I had more secondary school days than elementary school days. With music, you are qualified k-12, so you have to do student teaching at both elementary and secondary level. I did the first half at a junior high. My last day there, my mom had a mammogram and they found the lump. So I started at the elementary school halfway through...all of those extra 10 days I had were done at the junior high. I didn't take any time off at the junior high. So I had 12 days more at the junior high level and they wanted me to have equal experience at the elementary school level. My liaison in the district went to bat for me...she had just finished her own breast cancer treatments, so she knew how important it had been for me to be there with my mom, and she knew it was unfair to expect more out of me than other student teachers who DIDN'T start early and who didn't have to do more than one level. So she managed to get them to pass me. They wanted to fail me for going above and beyond the requirements. But I completely agree with's so unfair to expect students to somehow be able to work for free, but still maintain an apartment, car, and have outside hobbies, etc. I think mostly it's because companies don't want to offer internships if they have to pay interns, but students are required to do an internship. In this day and age, you are really lucky if you get one that pays! You just kind of have to accept that you will have no life outside of work for the duration of the internship.


Well-Known Member
I think the teaches at my little guy's school have given up yesterday was the awards party and today is going to be outside play and a movie. Between the nice weather and being done with schoolwork I guess they have to just keep them from bouncing off the walls:hilarious:
We always had a big BBQ on the last day and we didn't actually learn. Some teachers let us play cards, or watch a movie, or it was free time. That's exactly what it is....keeping them from bouncing off the walls!!

Tiger Lily

Well-Known Member
I would also advise you to make friends with the guidance counselor and his/her secretary if they have one. My guidance counselor hated me (looooooong story) and tried to keep me from getting scholarships by giving me the wrong dates for applications and telling me it had to be given to him instead of to the committee, but his secretary was a good family friend of ours, so she was always calling me in to tell me when a particular application was actually due, or when a new scholarship came out that I qualified for, etc. Having someone in that office on your side is gold...they can direct you to the proper resources and information. Now is the time to start building that relationship so that when you actually get to applying for schools and financial aid, you are familiar to them and they will do more to help you.
In my school each class has there own Guidance Counselor so she is with us for the entire 4 years and she is so nice and great. She has already helped me set up some of my volunteer hours that I have to do.


Well-Known Member
I also pack his lunch otherwise he'd eat nothing but junk!:eek:
See, that's because you are a NICE wife. Hubby has been known to make a lunch and forget it. Or just not bother. I figure I've got enough to do with the kids' stuff and cooking dinner and such. He's a big boy...he managed before we met, so he's perfectly capable of setting his own alarm and getting dressed, and making his own lunch. I wash his clothes, I cook dinner almost every night...he has to be responsible for his own work stuff and I do the rest.

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