The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
I've yet to figure out which neighbor is feeding the squirrels. Obviously overfeeding by the amount they are hiding. They are popping up my pansies I planted over the weekend and replacing them with peanuts. Neighbor anonymous is also giving them hunks of bread and cake. We have so many wild critters here and I'm only 2 blocks from the forest so feeding the squirrels is like feeding the whole lot of 'em. Annoying. I often find abandoned break hunks in my driveway. :cautious:

Why would someone feed the squirrels, especially in a residential area? Not to mention, whatever "food" they put out can also attract other sort of animals, like rodents. I know people mean well and all, but animals are capable of finding their own food. That's what they do--every day of their lives.


Well-Known Member
I'm out of the loop, what happened to Prince? Our daughter loved his music , back in the day. I liked some of it too!
On the news here, they said it hasn't been announced what the cause of death was, but that he had been in the hospital for a drug overdose...and it said he had gone to the hospital and was released home but was in very bad health. So I'm guessing it was the drugs.


Well-Known Member
I'm the same way, as far as "impressing anyone". I like to do what is easy, as far as hair goes. Daughter had me go to the salon for a cut this time, and I hate it. Far too short and too much maintenance. Hopefully it will be grown out somewhat longer by the time we go to Disney. The hair at the chin, all one length is blow and go.
I can't stand to use a blow dryer when it's warm outside. That's why I am leaving my hair long for Disney...I can tie it back in 5 seconds and it's not in my way and I don't have to blow it dry.


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member
You have to remember I live in the Midwest. And there is nothing pretty about picked corn stalks or pulled soy beans. The trees are pretty every few years if a frost or high winds off the lake doesn't get them.
Yep, that used to be my view out the window too. It's a lot prettier now with it planted with grass hay! Mother Nature hit the grow button last weekend and things are finally starting to green up. :)


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member
On the news here, they said it hasn't been announced what the cause of death was, but that he had been in the hospital for a drug overdose...and it said he had gone to the hospital and was released home but was in very bad health. So I'm guessing it was the drugs.
Here they're saying that he was briefly hospitalized with the flu and was dehydrated and that he was released. They are supposed to be doing the autopsy today. It's a shame, the loss of yet another musical talent this year and we're not even four months into 2016... :(


Premium Member
You have to remember I live in the Midwest. And there is nothing pretty about picked corn stalks or pulled soy beans. The trees are pretty every few years if a frost or high winds off the lake doesn't get them.
Ahh that is true! We are very lucky here to get the colors that last awhile. Until a heavy wind comes by and knocks them down. That's not pretty at all. :)

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